
How Emptiness Applies to Tai Chi Chuan

When it comes to learning the ancient art of taijiquan, many people are doing things the wrong way. It is easy to get things the wrong way, for this world wants to push at us until we push back. This sets a standard which this article will attempt to rectify.

The first lesson to be learned, when one begins instruction in an internal art like Tai Chi Chuan, is to be empty. This doesn't mean to let your body go limp, but rather to be relaxed. If one is relaxed, then one is forsaking the muscular system, and this will leave space for an appreciation of their energy system.

Don't manifest energy, as in using your muscles, rather, learn to forsake muscular contraction and accept the sensations of the world. If one is manifesting, if one is putting energy forth, then sensation coming in is unable to get through the energy going out. If one is walking around all day and manifesting energy, also called chi power, then at the very least perceptions will be slanted and out of true.

As the body ceases to push forth energy, the student will begin to grow an appreciation for the space of his body. This is an actual 'universe' wherein the student ceases to use his physical perceptions and instead uses awareness to see all the nooks and crannies, the never ending space, inside his body. Successful in this, the student will become aware that there is energy in the space...all he has to do is relax and let his chi grow.

It can be frustrating when one first starts doing this, the energy evolving in the body will evade the student's attempts to grow it. The student will have to come to the realization that the harder he tries, the harder it is to make chi. And, he will come to an understanding that the less physical energy he uses, the more chi power he will have.

When it first manifests, the energy will be like a huge wave, like water sloshing back and forth in a hot tub. The real reason for the form, and for the body, will become easy to see. The body makes energy, it is like a big old battery, and the form is a method for making that battery work.

With attention to detail, raw energy will become refined chi energy, able to be put into technique as necessary, and the student will become a superior martial artist. The student will see that such things as kung fu forms are a way to discipline oneself mentally to flow the chi power as he desires. At this stage in the martial artists development, the flood gates are wide open, and the student will move on to ever greater experiences.

To conclude, there are several steps from beginner to advanced Tai Chi Chuan. If one can relax and let the body evolve into emptiness, tai chi chuan instruction becomes a catalyst to transform a human being into a highly evolved spiritual being.

Instruction in Taijiquan doesn't have to be mysterious. It can be logical. Go to Monster Martial Arts and look at the page on Five Army Tai Chi Chuan .

When it comes to learning the ancient art of taijiquan, many people are doing things the wrong way. It is easy to get things the wrong way, for this world wants to push at us until we push back. This sets a standard which this article will attempt to rectify.

The first lesson to be learned, when one begins instruction in an internal art like Tai Chi Chuan, is to be empty. This doesn't mean to let your body go limp, but rather to be relaxed. If one is relaxed, then one is forsaking the muscular system, and this will leave space for an appreciation of their energy system.

Don't manifest energy, as in using your muscles, rather, learn to forsake muscular contraction and accept the sensations of the world. If one is manifesting, if one is putting energy forth, then sensation coming in is unable to get through the energy going out. If one is walking around all day and manifesting energy, also called chi power, then at the very least perceptions will be slanted and out of true.

As the body ceases to push forth energy, the student will begin to grow an appreciation for the space of his body. This is an actual 'universe' wherein the student ceases to use his physical perceptions and instead uses awareness to see all the nooks and crannies, the never ending space, inside his body. Successful in this, the student will become aware that there is energy in the space...all he has to do is relax and let his chi grow.

It can be frustrating when one first starts doing this, the energy evolving in the body will evade the student's attempts to grow it. The student will have to come to the realization that the harder he tries, the harder it is to make chi. And, he will come to an understanding that the less physical energy he uses, the more chi power he will have.

When it first manifests, the energy will be like a huge wave, like water sloshing back and forth in a hot tub. The real reason for the form, and for the body, will become easy to see. The body makes energy, it is like a big old battery, and the form is a method for making that battery work.

With attention to detail, raw energy will become refined chi energy, able to be put into technique as necessary, and the student will become a superior martial artist. The student will see that such things as kung fu forms are a way to discipline oneself mentally to flow the chi power as he desires. At this stage in the martial artists development, the flood gates are wide open, and the student will move on to ever greater experiences.

To conclude, there are several steps from beginner to advanced Tai Chi Chuan. If one can relax and let the body evolve into emptiness, tai chi chuan instruction becomes a catalyst to transform a human being into a highly evolved spiritual being.

Instruction in Taijiquan doesn't have to be mysterious. It can be logical. Go to Monster Martial Arts and look at the page on Five Army Tai Chi Chuan .
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Create and Win Your Own Shaolin Contest!

You can have a Shaolin contest, or Karate or wing chun or whatever, and you can be the big time winner of the whle thing. A guy on the internet gave me the idea for this; he said he wanted to do a specific martial arts form 1000 times in 365 days.

Now doing a shaolin pattern 1000 times in 365 days is a lot, can be accomplished. You could do it three times a day for a year, or ten times a day for 100 days, and it certainly seemed doable. So I wrote the fellow and asked him about it, and he said that it included a lot of other things.

His 'contest' included something like run a thousand miles, do the kata a thousand times, do 50,000 sit ups, and do 50,000 push ups. He even included read 12 books, and then he added something I don't think it is possible to do: 10,000 acts of random kindness. Man, now the thing was looking a little steep!

So I started thinking about what he had told me. Back in the 1960s John F. Kennedy got everybody in America jazzed about walking 50 miles in one day. And, the iron man Marathon started because three guys got to talking about how much swim, bike and run they could do. So, even with 10,000 acts of random kindness, the thing was possible.

Now, if you're attending some kind of school and don't have the time for a 'Shaolin' contest, you could establish lower numbers, and then do the real thing when summer rolls around. Or, if you a working stiff, maybe there's ways to do small segments during the wee, and then do a master blaster on your two days off. Or, maybe you're lucky and you just have the available time and...why not just go for it?

I mean, all you've got to lose is your bulging flesh and sloth and less than desireable habits! Correcto mundo? So why not go for it and see if you can best the contest?

So I figured you should include the following things when you hold your contest. Running, kung fu forms, and a full set of body exercises. Maybe run a couple of miles, do your kung fu form(s) 2, 3 5, or 10 times (depending on how many patterns you know), and do ten different body exercises twenty times each.

On the intense side, maybe you've got those summer blues and want to lose them, run ten miles, do your kata 20, 30, 50 times each (depending on how many kata you know), do 50 reps of 10 types of body calisthenics. Man, that would knock the flab off you, make those muscles lean and mean, and give your attitude a sharp but pleasant edge of accomplishment. If you really want to slam...get a half dozen friends and really go for it!

So that's the contest I had in mind. I think it's a great idea, and it will result in a new you. Whether you have a shaolin contest, or kung fu or taekwondo or whatever, you're going to have one heck of a blast!

Monster Martial Arts has helped thousands of people to learn to learn karate, kung fu, shaolin, and other martial arts. If you like the idea of winning your own martial arts contest , then zip on over to the Monster and get the most efficient and fastest martial arts on the whole world wide web!

You can have a Shaolin contest, or Karate or wing chun or whatever, and you can be the big time winner of the whle thing. A guy on the internet gave me the idea for this; he said he wanted to do a specific martial arts form 1000 times in 365 days.

Now doing a shaolin pattern 1000 times in 365 days is a lot, can be accomplished. You could do it three times a day for a year, or ten times a day for 100 days, and it certainly seemed doable. So I wrote the fellow and asked him about it, and he said that it included a lot of other things.

His 'contest' included something like run a thousand miles, do the kata a thousand times, do 50,000 sit ups, and do 50,000 push ups. He even included read 12 books, and then he added something I don't think it is possible to do: 10,000 acts of random kindness. Man, now the thing was looking a little steep!

So I started thinking about what he had told me. Back in the 1960s John F. Kennedy got everybody in America jazzed about walking 50 miles in one day. And, the iron man Marathon started because three guys got to talking about how much swim, bike and run they could do. So, even with 10,000 acts of random kindness, the thing was possible.

Now, if you're attending some kind of school and don't have the time for a 'Shaolin' contest, you could establish lower numbers, and then do the real thing when summer rolls around. Or, if you a working stiff, maybe there's ways to do small segments during the wee, and then do a master blaster on your two days off. Or, maybe you're lucky and you just have the available time and...why not just go for it?

I mean, all you've got to lose is your bulging flesh and sloth and less than desireable habits! Correcto mundo? So why not go for it and see if you can best the contest?

So I figured you should include the following things when you hold your contest. Running, kung fu forms, and a full set of body exercises. Maybe run a couple of miles, do your kung fu form(s) 2, 3 5, or 10 times (depending on how many patterns you know), and do ten different body exercises twenty times each.

On the intense side, maybe you've got those summer blues and want to lose them, run ten miles, do your kata 20, 30, 50 times each (depending on how many kata you know), do 50 reps of 10 types of body calisthenics. Man, that would knock the flab off you, make those muscles lean and mean, and give your attitude a sharp but pleasant edge of accomplishment. If you really want to slam...get a half dozen friends and really go for it!

So that's the contest I had in mind. I think it's a great idea, and it will result in a new you. Whether you have a shaolin contest, or kung fu or taekwondo or whatever, you're going to have one heck of a blast!

Monster Martial Arts has helped thousands of people to learn to learn karate, kung fu, shaolin, and other martial arts. If you like the idea of winning your own martial arts contest , then zip on over to the Monster and get the most efficient and fastest martial arts on the whole world wide web!
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Jenna Lied under oath




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What Makes Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Different From Other Sports

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The Hardest Karate Kicks You Ever Launch!

Out of all the great Martial Art kickers I have known, and this includes all my practice in Karate, Taekwondo and Kenpo, Bob was the best. This was back a ways, almost fifty years ago now, and training methods were just being introduced to this country. And the things we did, when we practiced martial arts, were often extreme, to say the least.

We didn't always have hanging bags, so we would kick treetrunks and telephone poles and whatever else we happened to see. The critical aspect to this, however, was to have good form, and the sheer number of times you launched a foot in training. I speak honestly when I say that how much you practiced was the real key.

Bob was known for throwing lots of kicks. Most of the budding kenpoka would throw a dozen kicks each side, not all the kicks, and consider that they were breaking a sweat, so they must have really worked out. Do you understand?

Bob would saunter into the dojo a couple of hours before class and begin work. He would start with yoga, do a full regimen of stretching, and then he would start his work out. Two hundred kicks for each side for each particular kick.

I know, you're maybe thinking that they were only airkicks, right? Not a chance. He would start with pounding the the air, then he would go to the bag, and by the end of his workout (almost ready for regular class) he was really bouncing those bozos to the ceiling.

Most important was his attention to detail. He was obsessed with his hips being just right, the arc of his foot being perfect, and the shape of his foot upon impact. He was a perfectionist, to say the least.

One evening he was on his way home, pulled up behind somebody sleeping at an intersection, and he tapped his horn. This huge bully opened his car door, got out, and walked back towards Bob. Bob quickly got out of his car, uplifted his palms for peace (also a martial arts ready position), and protested that he didn't want to fight.

The monster brute drew back a massive fist. Bob popped him in the chest with a wheel kick. The fellow sat down and looked about in surprise.

"I don't want to fight, man!" But the thug stood up and rushed towards Bob. Bob executed a full hipped, ball of foot wheel kick to the chest.

The fellow collapsed to the ground, and Bob got into his Ford and drove off. And the message here is pretty easy to get. No matter which art you do, Karate, Kenpo or Taekwondo or whatever, pay attention to detail, and practice like you mean it.

Whether you study Shotokan, Kenpo or Taekwondo, you know the key to success is often in the martial arts training method. Here's a great page if you want to learn how to punch or kick harder than the other guy!

Out of all the great Martial Art kickers I have known, and this includes all my practice in Karate, Taekwondo and Kenpo, Bob was the best. This was back a ways, almost fifty years ago now, and training methods were just being introduced to this country. And the things we did, when we practiced martial arts, were often extreme, to say the least.

We didn't always have hanging bags, so we would kick treetrunks and telephone poles and whatever else we happened to see. The critical aspect to this, however, was to have good form, and the sheer number of times you launched a foot in training. I speak honestly when I say that how much you practiced was the real key.

Bob was known for throwing lots of kicks. Most of the budding kenpoka would throw a dozen kicks each side, not all the kicks, and consider that they were breaking a sweat, so they must have really worked out. Do you understand?

Bob would saunter into the dojo a couple of hours before class and begin work. He would start with yoga, do a full regimen of stretching, and then he would start his work out. Two hundred kicks for each side for each particular kick.

I know, you're maybe thinking that they were only airkicks, right? Not a chance. He would start with pounding the the air, then he would go to the bag, and by the end of his workout (almost ready for regular class) he was really bouncing those bozos to the ceiling.

Most important was his attention to detail. He was obsessed with his hips being just right, the arc of his foot being perfect, and the shape of his foot upon impact. He was a perfectionist, to say the least.

One evening he was on his way home, pulled up behind somebody sleeping at an intersection, and he tapped his horn. This huge bully opened his car door, got out, and walked back towards Bob. Bob quickly got out of his car, uplifted his palms for peace (also a martial arts ready position), and protested that he didn't want to fight.

The monster brute drew back a massive fist. Bob popped him in the chest with a wheel kick. The fellow sat down and looked about in surprise.

"I don't want to fight, man!" But the thug stood up and rushed towards Bob. Bob executed a full hipped, ball of foot wheel kick to the chest.

The fellow collapsed to the ground, and Bob got into his Ford and drove off. And the message here is pretty easy to get. No matter which art you do, Karate, Kenpo or Taekwondo or whatever, pay attention to detail, and practice like you mean it.

Whether you study Shotokan, Kenpo or Taekwondo, you know the key to success is often in the martial arts training method. Here's a great page if you want to learn how to punch or kick harder than the other guy!
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DAY 5 -- 6/28/13

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DAY FOUR 6/27/13

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Day FOUR 6/26/13

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This screen capture from the trial photo which was too dark to see clearly. I've enhanced the image by adding more light and contrast so it can be seen.

This screen capture from the trial photo which was too dark to see clearly. I've enhanced the image by adding more light and contrast so it can be seen.

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Mixed Martial Arts- Its Origin and Its Evolution

Olympics of Ancient Greece has been the cradle of many boxing kind of sports and body exercises that are enjoyed till date. Mixed martial arts, a type of full hand-to-hand combat sports has been born and nurtured in this ancient city of the world. The original version of it was dubbed as pankration (where the words pan and crates translate to 'all powers' in Greece). This game was highly popular and it followed a fair play, where any kind of biting and eye gouging was strictly prohibited. The popularity catapulted the winners to the status of heroes and legends.

Prankration was not confined to the boundary of Greece. It went far and subsequently evolved into different martial art forms, which people are aware about (rather more conversant). It was Alexander the Great who sowed the seeds of interest of this game further across the world, especially in India. He based it as the method of selection while recruiting soldiers for his army. This sport served a good yardstick of physical strength and prowess for him.

This martial art travelled from one corner of the world to the other. Besides Alexander, it was also the initiative of Buddhist monks who spread the knowledge to China, eventually giving birth to several formats of martial arts like judo, karate and kung fu. Further on, a judo expert carried the knowledge to Brazil and thus was born the Brazilian art of Jiu-Jitsu.

Mixed martial art is a kind of sports which gives not only the pleasure of a fight, but also helps fighters stay active in body and mind. Such kind of body exercise allows the use of variety of techniques called striking and grappling. At Legends Mixed Martial Arts studio, you can learn this and all the other technicalities of the game. The expert trainers at the studio believe that it is not about becoming a pro fighter, but there can be myriad other reasons to learn the same, such as learning self-defense, losing weight and staying fit and fine.

Adults and kids can enroll at Legends MMA and join the classes, which are scheduled as per flexible timing. By making strong focus on stamina and expert moves, every effort is made to bring out the best talent of the trainee. The kickboxing programs are designed to bring out energy and agility. Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu training are also offered. The ultimate aim is to work out on a full body workout.

Legends Mixed Martial Arts provides martial arts , boxing and kickboxing training for men, women and children with their specialist trainers in Brampton.

Olympics of Ancient Greece has been the cradle of many boxing kind of sports and body exercises that are enjoyed till date. Mixed martial arts, a type of full hand-to-hand combat sports has been born and nurtured in this ancient city of the world. The original version of it was dubbed as pankration (where the words pan and crates translate to 'all powers' in Greece). This game was highly popular and it followed a fair play, where any kind of biting and eye gouging was strictly prohibited. The popularity catapulted the winners to the status of heroes and legends.

Prankration was not confined to the boundary of Greece. It went far and subsequently evolved into different martial art forms, which people are aware about (rather more conversant). It was Alexander the Great who sowed the seeds of interest of this game further across the world, especially in India. He based it as the method of selection while recruiting soldiers for his army. This sport served a good yardstick of physical strength and prowess for him.

This martial art travelled from one corner of the world to the other. Besides Alexander, it was also the initiative of Buddhist monks who spread the knowledge to China, eventually giving birth to several formats of martial arts like judo, karate and kung fu. Further on, a judo expert carried the knowledge to Brazil and thus was born the Brazilian art of Jiu-Jitsu.

Mixed martial art is a kind of sports which gives not only the pleasure of a fight, but also helps fighters stay active in body and mind. Such kind of body exercise allows the use of variety of techniques called striking and grappling. At Legends Mixed Martial Arts studio, you can learn this and all the other technicalities of the game. The expert trainers at the studio believe that it is not about becoming a pro fighter, but there can be myriad other reasons to learn the same, such as learning self-defense, losing weight and staying fit and fine.

Adults and kids can enroll at Legends MMA and join the classes, which are scheduled as per flexible timing. By making strong focus on stamina and expert moves, every effort is made to bring out the best talent of the trainee. The kickboxing programs are designed to bring out energy and agility. Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu training are also offered. The ultimate aim is to work out on a full body workout.

Legends Mixed Martial Arts provides martial arts , boxing and kickboxing training for men, women and children with their specialist trainers in Brampton.
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Makiwara Misconceptions

"There are no karate men who do not use the Makiwara." - Nagamine Shoshin shinshii

This is the second article in my series on training with the Makiwara (Machiwara in Uchinaaguchi). The previous article provided a look at my indoor makiwara design to give folks some ideas about building their own. In this article I want to address what I see as the four most widespread misconceptions which

"There are no karate men who do not use the Makiwara." - Nagamine Shoshin shinshii

This is the second article in my series on training with the Makiwara (Machiwara in Uchinaaguchi). The previous article provided a look at my indoor makiwara design to give folks some ideas about building their own. In this article I want to address what I see as the four most widespread misconceptions which
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Get The Best Kung Fu Skills at The Right Place

There are times when you feel that you should master the skill of kung fu. You need to practice a lot in order to get the best self defence for yourself. You might also find that there are number of institutes that provide training on kung fu and martial arts. But the most important thing to look for is the training team whether they have good experienced or not so that you can receive the right training from them. There are some training institutes that divide the martial arts class into children's kung fu, teen's kung fu and adult's kung fu. You should make it a point to get the best training from martial arts Sydney and increase your self improvement to a lot level. You would find that the martial classes that you have been taken has made you improve your health and quality of your life at the same time. Getting the best training from Kung Fu Sydney would prove very useful for you because this would also help you in terms of self improvement. The self defence that you get from the kung fu class also goes a long way in protecting yourself against any illness and disease.

If you have been looking forward to get rid off your stress and negative emotions then you should always consider yourself getting the best training on martial arts. It would really help you and also protect against any emotional, physical or attack. Kung Fu classes can be taken by any person who has reached the age of 3. You get your own class schedule and you need to attend the classes where you would be taught by the experts which would also not take a lot of time to get the right skill. You can never get any fitness idea more than this skill which would also help you to feel glad that you have taken your own right step by opting for kung fu classes. It is important that you attend seminars on this art so that you can have a brief idea and before you try to join any kung fu school you should always try to research so that you do not end up getting the wrong one for you. So get the best school and instructor for you who can train you to master the art of kung fu.

Jow Gar Martial Arts Sydney provides the ultimate exercise for all ages. Kung Fu Sydney academies are teamed up with experienced Kung Fu experts who are available to train the individuals effectively. Rate this Article

Get The Best Kung Fu Skills at The Right PlaceRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Glenn Jacob has published 73 articles. Article submitted on December 18, 2012. Word count: 393

There are times when you feel that you should master the skill of kung fu. You need to practice a lot in order to get the best self defence for yourself. You might also find that there are number of institutes that provide training on kung fu and martial arts. But the most important thing to look for is the training team whether they have good experienced or not so that you can receive the right training from them. There are some training institutes that divide the martial arts class into children's kung fu, teen's kung fu and adult's kung fu. You should make it a point to get the best training from martial arts Sydney and increase your self improvement to a lot level. You would find that the martial classes that you have been taken has made you improve your health and quality of your life at the same time. Getting the best training from Kung Fu Sydney would prove very useful for you because this would also help you in terms of self improvement. The self defence that you get from the kung fu class also goes a long way in protecting yourself against any illness and disease.

If you have been looking forward to get rid off your stress and negative emotions then you should always consider yourself getting the best training on martial arts. It would really help you and also protect against any emotional, physical or attack. Kung Fu classes can be taken by any person who has reached the age of 3. You get your own class schedule and you need to attend the classes where you would be taught by the experts which would also not take a lot of time to get the right skill. You can never get any fitness idea more than this skill which would also help you to feel glad that you have taken your own right step by opting for kung fu classes. It is important that you attend seminars on this art so that you can have a brief idea and before you try to join any kung fu school you should always try to research so that you do not end up getting the wrong one for you. So get the best school and instructor for you who can train you to master the art of kung fu.

Jow Gar Martial Arts Sydney provides the ultimate exercise for all ages. Kung Fu Sydney academies are teamed up with experienced Kung Fu experts who are available to train the individuals effectively. Rate this Article

Get The Best Kung Fu Skills at The Right PlaceRating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Glenn Jacob has published 73 articles. Article submitted on December 18, 2012. Word count: 393

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What Makes Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Different From Other Sports

5 Important Advantages of Attending Taekwondo Classes
5 Important Advantages of Attending Taekwondo Classes
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TRIAL DAY TWO 6/25/13 by thecount

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Protect Yourself With Defense Strategies!

Today, there are a number of people who generally fear of thinking any bad happening to them. Especially, people look really worried about their beloved ones whether it is their life partner or children. If you are also one of those people and really worried about the protection of your family and yourself then you must consider the importance of two important words and that is avoidance and anticipation. You really need to become familiar with these two words when it comes to personal protection as well as self-defense. At present, there are a number of people showing great interest in terms of learning defense strategies. With the support of these protection stratagems, on can easily avoid such situations that might harm them badly. First of all, you need to avoid any harmful and dangerous situations and areas. Secondly, you should not ever put your security at risk. You should plan for your traveling schedule ahead of time and avoid going through any high crime prone areas.

You should also anticipate the thinking pattern of the criminals while going on jogging, walking or shopping. It would be really better for you to get aware of your nearby areas so that you can easily visualize the hiding places of the criminals and their ways of attack. In this case, you can take help from learning protection strategies taught by the professionals. Besides this, it would be also helpful for you to purchase the self-defense weapons from the market. These weapons are easily available in the market, these days. You can by these weapons one by one and learn from your trainers about the use of them in an effective manner. You should learn different types of self-dense strategies from experts. Even though, there are a number of devices used in terms of protection but an electronic security alarm is considered as the best among all.

An electronic security alarm is the device which is widely used by the people, nowadays. It is really an amazing device when it comes to deliver a fast sharp sound. With the use of this device, you can confuse an attacker for a short time with great ease. Moreover, it provides you enough time to run away from that place. Here, it is advisable to keep this device handy for you in terms of easy access. Means, keep it in the upper part of your handbag instead of keeping it in the bottom of your handbag. So, what are you waiting for? Learn defense strategies and keep yourself safe from bad happenings!

Cory Hofland is a maestro of 3rd degree Black belt and has been teaching Martial Arts for eighteen years. The author is spreading the series of free self-defense classes for women in which will teach about sexual assault defense strategies and how to escape an abduction.For More Information Please Visit Defense strategies.

Today, there are a number of people who generally fear of thinking any bad happening to them. Especially, people look really worried about their beloved ones whether it is their life partner or children. If you are also one of those people and really worried about the protection of your family and yourself then you must consider the importance of two important words and that is avoidance and anticipation. You really need to become familiar with these two words when it comes to personal protection as well as self-defense. At present, there are a number of people showing great interest in terms of learning defense strategies. With the support of these protection stratagems, on can easily avoid such situations that might harm them badly. First of all, you need to avoid any harmful and dangerous situations and areas. Secondly, you should not ever put your security at risk. You should plan for your traveling schedule ahead of time and avoid going through any high crime prone areas.

You should also anticipate the thinking pattern of the criminals while going on jogging, walking or shopping. It would be really better for you to get aware of your nearby areas so that you can easily visualize the hiding places of the criminals and their ways of attack. In this case, you can take help from learning protection strategies taught by the professionals. Besides this, it would be also helpful for you to purchase the self-defense weapons from the market. These weapons are easily available in the market, these days. You can by these weapons one by one and learn from your trainers about the use of them in an effective manner. You should learn different types of self-dense strategies from experts. Even though, there are a number of devices used in terms of protection but an electronic security alarm is considered as the best among all.

An electronic security alarm is the device which is widely used by the people, nowadays. It is really an amazing device when it comes to deliver a fast sharp sound. With the use of this device, you can confuse an attacker for a short time with great ease. Moreover, it provides you enough time to run away from that place. Here, it is advisable to keep this device handy for you in terms of easy access. Means, keep it in the upper part of your handbag instead of keeping it in the bottom of your handbag. So, what are you waiting for? Learn defense strategies and keep yourself safe from bad happenings!

Cory Hofland is a maestro of 3rd degree Black belt and has been teaching Martial Arts for eighteen years. The author is spreading the series of free self-defense classes for women in which will teach about sexual assault defense strategies and how to escape an abduction.For More Information Please Visit Defense strategies.
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What Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

If you are interested in mixed martial arts, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is one of the most popular disciplines in the sport. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a martial art that is simply known as Jiu-jitsu in Brazil. You may have seen it in UFC matches. Here is a little more information on what it is - and what it is not.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu isn't just a martial art and a sport; it can be a very effective self-defense technique. The idea behind is that by leverage techniques, a smaller opponent can defeat a larger one. With these techniques, either the smaller opponent can get away, or he or she can control the bigger opponent via choke holds or joint locks. In a way, the smaller Brazilian Jiu-jitsu artist can beat the bigger one by using the larger person's own strength against them. Leverage is more important than weight.


Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has a variety of benefits, including increased athleticism, higher self-esteem, weight control, stress reduction, better stamina, not to mention the self-defense advantage.

There are three parts of any combat in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu: striking, clinching, and ground. It is thought that the ground fighting part is the strongest part of the sport. That involves takedowns, and those choke holds and joint locks, whereby the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu artist can control his or her opponent's ability to breath or ability to move.

Nearly 100 years old

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu was invented in 1914. It evolved from Japanese Jiu-jitsu, and has more ground fighting in the discipline, with more of ability for smaller opponents to defeat the bigger ones, via ground grappling. Royce Gracie, part of the legendary Gracie family, who helped invent and popularize the sport, was the person who did the most to popularize the sport in recent years, with his Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) titles.

Belts to signify knowledge and achievement

There are belts Brazilian Jiu-jitsu fighters can achieve in order to show how far they have progressed. For adults, the belts start with white, which any new person in the sport has achieved. After they move from a beginners' level, the belts go to blue, purple, brown, and then the black belt that is famous even to those who know nothing about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. After that, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu fighters can achieve a black and red belt, and then a red belt, which is for those at the very top of the discipline.

How to learn

If you live in New York City, you can go to one of the many Brazilian Jiu jitsu nyc gyms or classes out there. Otherwise, you can look for a class elsewhere at your local martial arts business.

Lisa Swan Photo Lisa Swan writes for a variety of websites regarding life, career and executive coaching issues. She also writes for companies in the sports industry, including Ronin Athletics.

If you are interested in mixed martial arts, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is one of the most popular disciplines in the sport. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a martial art that is simply known as Jiu-jitsu in Brazil. You may have seen it in UFC matches. Here is a little more information on what it is - and what it is not.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu isn't just a martial art and a sport; it can be a very effective self-defense technique. The idea behind is that by leverage techniques, a smaller opponent can defeat a larger one. With these techniques, either the smaller opponent can get away, or he or she can control the bigger opponent via choke holds or joint locks. In a way, the smaller Brazilian Jiu-jitsu artist can beat the bigger one by using the larger person's own strength against them. Leverage is more important than weight.


Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has a variety of benefits, including increased athleticism, higher self-esteem, weight control, stress reduction, better stamina, not to mention the self-defense advantage.

There are three parts of any combat in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu: striking, clinching, and ground. It is thought that the ground fighting part is the strongest part of the sport. That involves takedowns, and those choke holds and joint locks, whereby the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu artist can control his or her opponent's ability to breath or ability to move.

Nearly 100 years old

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu was invented in 1914. It evolved from Japanese Jiu-jitsu, and has more ground fighting in the discipline, with more of ability for smaller opponents to defeat the bigger ones, via ground grappling. Royce Gracie, part of the legendary Gracie family, who helped invent and popularize the sport, was the person who did the most to popularize the sport in recent years, with his Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) titles.

Belts to signify knowledge and achievement

There are belts Brazilian Jiu-jitsu fighters can achieve in order to show how far they have progressed. For adults, the belts start with white, which any new person in the sport has achieved. After they move from a beginners' level, the belts go to blue, purple, brown, and then the black belt that is famous even to those who know nothing about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. After that, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu fighters can achieve a black and red belt, and then a red belt, which is for those at the very top of the discipline.

How to learn

If you live in New York City, you can go to one of the many Brazilian Jiu jitsu nyc gyms or classes out there. Otherwise, you can look for a class elsewhere at your local martial arts business.

Lisa Swan Photo Lisa Swan writes for a variety of websites regarding life, career and executive coaching issues. She also writes for companies in the sports industry, including Ronin Athletics.
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Uh Oh, this from Sanford Watch - Listen

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Désolé, que je ne pouvais pas lire le contenu fromt cette page.Désolé, que je ne pouvais pas lire le contenu fromt cette page.

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.
Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.
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Day One 6/24/13 by thecount

Day One 6/24/13 by the count

Day One 6/24/13 by the count

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How to Build And Train With The Ancient Chinese Spear Called a Qiang? Part One

The Chinese spear from olden times, called the 'Qiang,' is sometimes spoken of as the King of Weapons. This is because in the hands of a Gung Fu Master, the long length would give one a decisive advantage in combat. In this bit of writing we will go over the construction of the Qiang, in a second article we will describe a couple of Martial Arts training methods for this marvelous weapon.

The Qiang has been around as long as straight branches. It is an ancient martial arts tool, and it is taught in many schools of Gung Fu, particularly Shaolin and Tai Chi Chuan. Several Gung Fu methods, such as Hsing i and Bagua Zhang, hold that the weapon was elemental to the creation of their particular schools.

The shaft of the Qiang is made from wax wood, which is flexible but strong, and it normally ranges in size from 7 to 13 feet. One can create a small circle with the hands, and because the wood bends so easily, the tip will describe a larger but incredibly rapid circle. This gives a tremendous amount of 'snap' to the weapon, should the practitioner decide to 'shake his wrists.'

The steel blade is shaped in the pattern of a leaf. This makes it excellent for either small knife-like cuts when you circle or slash the tip back and forth, And, of course, the straight forward thrusting power of the tool is, well, awesome.

The blade is built atop a tube, which is nailed or screwed to the end of the shaft. The tube is hollow, and it has a hole in the side and a small steel ball inside. This specific arrangement is amazingly intelligent, and shows the Chinese genius in designing the blade.

The hole, when the spear is moving at speed, will make a whistling sound. This can easily distract the enemy. The ball bearing inside the hollow pushes any blood that has seeped into the tube right back out.

Lastly, we have the tassel, a hunk of horsehair affixed to the base of the blade. This is incredibly useful, as it blurs the sight of the attacker being 'jabbed' (smile), so that they cannot make a defense, or even grab the spear, A second reason for the tassel is to stop any flow of blood from coming down the shaft of the Qiang and making it difficult to use.

In closing, a Qiang is a potent and far reaching weapon. A favorite of armies in times past, it could be used to keep a foe at bay, and even kill a horse. Please check out part two, in which we will consider training methods used to train warriors in the ancient Chinese spear.

If you wish for more data on the use of martial arts weapons, I recommend '6th Sense Swordfighting .' Also, because it is sometimes suspicious to walk around with a spear for protection (smile), I recommend the Blinding Steel Course at Monster Martial Arts .

The Chinese spear from olden times, called the 'Qiang,' is sometimes spoken of as the King of Weapons. This is because in the hands of a Gung Fu Master, the long length would give one a decisive advantage in combat. In this bit of writing we will go over the construction of the Qiang, in a second article we will describe a couple of Martial Arts training methods for this marvelous weapon.

The Qiang has been around as long as straight branches. It is an ancient martial arts tool, and it is taught in many schools of Gung Fu, particularly Shaolin and Tai Chi Chuan. Several Gung Fu methods, such as Hsing i and Bagua Zhang, hold that the weapon was elemental to the creation of their particular schools.

The shaft of the Qiang is made from wax wood, which is flexible but strong, and it normally ranges in size from 7 to 13 feet. One can create a small circle with the hands, and because the wood bends so easily, the tip will describe a larger but incredibly rapid circle. This gives a tremendous amount of 'snap' to the weapon, should the practitioner decide to 'shake his wrists.'

The steel blade is shaped in the pattern of a leaf. This makes it excellent for either small knife-like cuts when you circle or slash the tip back and forth, And, of course, the straight forward thrusting power of the tool is, well, awesome.

The blade is built atop a tube, which is nailed or screwed to the end of the shaft. The tube is hollow, and it has a hole in the side and a small steel ball inside. This specific arrangement is amazingly intelligent, and shows the Chinese genius in designing the blade.

The hole, when the spear is moving at speed, will make a whistling sound. This can easily distract the enemy. The ball bearing inside the hollow pushes any blood that has seeped into the tube right back out.

Lastly, we have the tassel, a hunk of horsehair affixed to the base of the blade. This is incredibly useful, as it blurs the sight of the attacker being 'jabbed' (smile), so that they cannot make a defense, or even grab the spear, A second reason for the tassel is to stop any flow of blood from coming down the shaft of the Qiang and making it difficult to use.

In closing, a Qiang is a potent and far reaching weapon. A favorite of armies in times past, it could be used to keep a foe at bay, and even kill a horse. Please check out part two, in which we will consider training methods used to train warriors in the ancient Chinese spear.

If you wish for more data on the use of martial arts weapons, I recommend '6th Sense Swordfighting .' Also, because it is sometimes suspicious to walk around with a spear for protection (smile), I recommend the Blinding Steel Course at Monster Martial Arts .
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The Secret of Martial Arts According to Neutronics

I know, I'm always pulling legs, telling people the secrets of the martial arts and the universe, but this really is the straight goods. This is one of those mystical experiences that I don't talk much about, but should, because it strikes to the heart of life.

I'm big on doing martial arts forms. I like Karate kata, but I do kung fu forms, taekwondo poomse, Pa Kua Chang walkng the circle, or whatever comes to mind. I know some people don't like forms practice, but they should reconsider.

I was practicing my karate kata, it was the old Pinans out of the original Karate system, before Funakoshi, and suddenly I realized something. My viewpoint of reality had totally shifted.

Motion had become an illusion and I was not moving; rather, reality was rotating around me.

Yes, I was doing the kata, doing the punches and blocks and such, but imagine staring at the world through a camera lens, a very wide lens, and watching reality move and shift in front of me.

My legs still executed the kicks, my blocks ridged out, and I was a motionless point in space, just observing this new and changing reality.

I came to a place in the kata where I moved around, and my viewpoint didn't change, the world just turned around me.

So here is the big neutronics secret: you don't move, the spiritual being that moves the body doesn't move. Rather, the spiritual being moves reality, which makes body and reality an illusion.

This thing we call a universe doesn't exist; only you, the being looking outward, exist, and you move reality around you like a big, old sideshow.

Now, I know some people will think I am loony. But it is a reality I experience through the doing of martial arts forms, and it changes my life.

Let's say some dolt comes up and starts screaming at me. I don't respond to the dolt, I just observe him, and suddenly, he shifts on; he is a reality I have watched and am done with.

Life travels on, and people move on, and you can pick and choose your experiences in life.

If you respond to the screaming dolt, then the world stops traveling, and you get stuck in the moment, stuck in a carnival you might not want to be part of.

But if you just watch the screaming dolt, concentrate on what he says, looking at what he does, with no reaction, then the traveling show moves on, and you are left with more pleasant life to experience.

When he sees that you are aren't engaged, but rather just watch, he will stop his screaming and look for somebody else to make watch him.

Mind you, there do come instances when you need to get involved, but they are rare, and if you are advanced enough to understand what I am saying in this article, then you will know which of those experiences you need to act upon.

I know, I'm always pulling legs, telling people the secrets of the martial arts and the universe, but this really is the straight goods. This is one of those mystical experiences that I don't talk much about, but should, because it strikes to the heart of life.

I'm big on doing martial arts forms. I like Karate kata, but I do kung fu forms, taekwondo poomse, Pa Kua Chang walkng the circle, or whatever comes to mind. I know some people don't like forms practice, but they should reconsider.

I was practicing my karate kata, it was the old Pinans out of the original Karate system, before Funakoshi, and suddenly I realized something. My viewpoint of reality had totally shifted.

Motion had become an illusion and I was not moving; rather, reality was rotating around me.

Yes, I was doing the kata, doing the punches and blocks and such, but imagine staring at the world through a camera lens, a very wide lens, and watching reality move and shift in front of me.

My legs still executed the kicks, my blocks ridged out, and I was a motionless point in space, just observing this new and changing reality.

I came to a place in the kata where I moved around, and my viewpoint didn't change, the world just turned around me.

So here is the big neutronics secret: you don't move, the spiritual being that moves the body doesn't move. Rather, the spiritual being moves reality, which makes body and reality an illusion.

This thing we call a universe doesn't exist; only you, the being looking outward, exist, and you move reality around you like a big, old sideshow.

Now, I know some people will think I am loony. But it is a reality I experience through the doing of martial arts forms, and it changes my life.

Let's say some dolt comes up and starts screaming at me. I don't respond to the dolt, I just observe him, and suddenly, he shifts on; he is a reality I have watched and am done with.

Life travels on, and people move on, and you can pick and choose your experiences in life.

If you respond to the screaming dolt, then the world stops traveling, and you get stuck in the moment, stuck in a carnival you might not want to be part of.

But if you just watch the screaming dolt, concentrate on what he says, looking at what he does, with no reaction, then the traveling show moves on, and you are left with more pleasant life to experience.

When he sees that you are aren't engaged, but rather just watch, he will stop his screaming and look for somebody else to make watch him.

Mind you, there do come instances when you need to get involved, but they are rare, and if you are advanced enough to understand what I am saying in this article, then you will know which of those experiences you need to act upon.

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by Croakerqueen

by Croakerqueen

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How to Do Without Reaction Time In Kenpo

Reaction time, in kung fu, karate, Kenpo, or any martial art, is a tricky, little animal. I say animal because it is one of the most important things you have...that you want to get rid of. It is one thing that can get you killed faster than a bullet to the brainpan.

Reaction time is reaction, which means that it is something occurring after something else has happened. Do you understand what this means? If you possess reaction time, you are moving second and behind whoever is launching a punch at your face.

Now you are forced to move, and this because of the attacker's move, rather than in keeping with what you want to do. That means you are the target, and you must get out of the way, build a good block, or whatever. It means you are not doing what you want to do.

The best way to understand this thing is if there is attacker A on the A position. And a defender B on the B position. And a third position, maybe off to the right, which we will refer to as spot C.

The amount of time it takes A to go to B, B can move to C. But B HAS TO move at the exact same moment. If B moves after A, then he is going to get his block knocked off.

And, if B moves because of something he learned, or because of his training, or because of something else, then he is moving yesterday. B must observe A 'in the now,' and he must move in accordance and not because. This is the only way for B to survive.

There is, interestingly enough, the point of view of A, and of actually being able to hit somebody. If you have seen how many misses there are in the MMA, then you will understand this. Simply, A is moving to where B is, but B is no longer there.

In other words, for A to actually strike his opponent, he must strike not to where B is, because B is going to move, and spot B is where he used to be. And he must not attempt to change mid strike, for that will destroy his base and take power out of the strike. The trick is merely to understand and analyze the one sentence: in the time A attempts to move to B, B can move to C.

To finish, let me say that many martial arts instructors talk about timing and slipping punches and that sort of thing, but they usually don't understand the equation I have presented you here. To understand this equation-in the time A goes to B, B goes to C-you should write it out, on a piece of paper, with every scenario of a combat situation you can think of. No matter what martial art you study, Kenpo, Kung Fu, Aikido, or whatever, this piece of information will enable you to lessen and even rid yourself of reaction time, and raise your martial art to a much higher level.

If you want more hard core information about the martial arts and how to fight, click to Monster Martial Arts . I recommend The Punch as a great method for making a hard punch.

Reaction time, in kung fu, karate, Kenpo, or any martial art, is a tricky, little animal. I say animal because it is one of the most important things you have...that you want to get rid of. It is one thing that can get you killed faster than a bullet to the brainpan.

Reaction time is reaction, which means that it is something occurring after something else has happened. Do you understand what this means? If you possess reaction time, you are moving second and behind whoever is launching a punch at your face.

Now you are forced to move, and this because of the attacker's move, rather than in keeping with what you want to do. That means you are the target, and you must get out of the way, build a good block, or whatever. It means you are not doing what you want to do.

The best way to understand this thing is if there is attacker A on the A position. And a defender B on the B position. And a third position, maybe off to the right, which we will refer to as spot C.

The amount of time it takes A to go to B, B can move to C. But B HAS TO move at the exact same moment. If B moves after A, then he is going to get his block knocked off.

And, if B moves because of something he learned, or because of his training, or because of something else, then he is moving yesterday. B must observe A 'in the now,' and he must move in accordance and not because. This is the only way for B to survive.

There is, interestingly enough, the point of view of A, and of actually being able to hit somebody. If you have seen how many misses there are in the MMA, then you will understand this. Simply, A is moving to where B is, but B is no longer there.

In other words, for A to actually strike his opponent, he must strike not to where B is, because B is going to move, and spot B is where he used to be. And he must not attempt to change mid strike, for that will destroy his base and take power out of the strike. The trick is merely to understand and analyze the one sentence: in the time A attempts to move to B, B can move to C.

To finish, let me say that many martial arts instructors talk about timing and slipping punches and that sort of thing, but they usually don't understand the equation I have presented you here. To understand this equation-in the time A goes to B, B goes to C-you should write it out, on a piece of paper, with every scenario of a combat situation you can think of. No matter what martial art you study, Kenpo, Kung Fu, Aikido, or whatever, this piece of information will enable you to lessen and even rid yourself of reaction time, and raise your martial art to a much higher level.

If you want more hard core information about the martial arts and how to fight, click to Monster Martial Arts . I recommend The Punch as a great method for making a hard punch.
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Resistance in the form of Martial Arts training makes for more speed and power

Resistance Training in Martial Arts Forms makes for More Speed and Power

Resistance training is a fascinating concept that has been around for a long time, and especially in the martial arts. In this bit of writing I'm going to take this concept apart for better understanding.

The earliest example of strength training I have seen was in the comic books. Charles Atlas, or one of those old, big dudes, claimed that in 15 minutes a day you could build bulging muscles. The bulging muscles, of course, were necessary when you went to take down that creep who kicked sand in your face and stole your best gal.

I remember a couple of the dynamic tension exercises from those long ago comics. One was to place your hands palm to palm and across the body, and then reverse the resistance and press the opposite way. Do it right and you could end up with a sweat, and even build up those big guns.

The only problem with this approach was more in the advertising than in the strength drill. Muscles aren't necessary to good technical self-defense. In fact, in certain circumstances an improperly constructed muscle can actual stand in the way of progress and function.

The second and more martial example of resistance training came from a form I learned at my karate school. In the kata the wrists were pressed against one another and tension was built. When the tension peaked, you released the pressure and the fist out shot.

This exercise was incredible, and increased speed and power quite a bit. I used to do this exercise a lot, and even developed a few other movements in which I could use this type of resistance training. In the end, I rubbed my wrists until they had no hair on them, and my punches got so they could penetrate just about anybody's defense.

Let me say one last thing about building big muscles for karate or kung fu or whatever martial art you happen to study. Big muscles are okay, but dense muscles are better. I prefer limbs that are dense, unassuming, and can work ALL day long.

I want my punching muscles to be more like a marathoners legacy than comic book biceps...I want muscles that don't fatigue, yet shoot the juice like Clint Eastwood's big smokin' 45.

The martial arts are not about how good you look, they are about how quick you are. They are about how efficiently you move through time and space. So, whether you do strength training in your karate patterns is up to you, just make sure that you are building the speed and power of your fists, and not just trying to look impressive.


If you want more data on how to make your muscles quick and dense you should visit Punch Harder Now. Make sure you read the piece on the Secret of Hard Punching.

Resistance Training in Martial Arts Forms makes for More Speed and Power

Resistance training is a fascinating concept that has been around for a long time, and especially in the martial arts. In this bit of writing I'm going to take this concept apart for better understanding.

The earliest example of strength training I have seen was in the comic books. Charles Atlas, or one of those old, big dudes, claimed that in 15 minutes a day you could build bulging muscles. The bulging muscles, of course, were necessary when you went to take down that creep who kicked sand in your face and stole your best gal.

I remember a couple of the dynamic tension exercises from those long ago comics. One was to place your hands palm to palm and across the body, and then reverse the resistance and press the opposite way. Do it right and you could end up with a sweat, and even build up those big guns.

The only problem with this approach was more in the advertising than in the strength drill. Muscles aren't necessary to good technical self-defense. In fact, in certain circumstances an improperly constructed muscle can actual stand in the way of progress and function.

The second and more martial example of resistance training came from a form I learned at my karate school. In the kata the wrists were pressed against one another and tension was built. When the tension peaked, you released the pressure and the fist out shot.

This exercise was incredible, and increased speed and power quite a bit. I used to do this exercise a lot, and even developed a few other movements in which I could use this type of resistance training. In the end, I rubbed my wrists until they had no hair on them, and my punches got so they could penetrate just about anybody's defense.

Let me say one last thing about building big muscles for karate or kung fu or whatever martial art you happen to study. Big muscles are okay, but dense muscles are better. I prefer limbs that are dense, unassuming, and can work ALL day long.

I want my punching muscles to be more like a marathoners legacy than comic book biceps...I want muscles that don't fatigue, yet shoot the juice like Clint Eastwood's big smokin' 45.

The martial arts are not about how good you look, they are about how quick you are. They are about how efficiently you move through time and space. So, whether you do strength training in your karate patterns is up to you, just make sure that you are building the speed and power of your fists, and not just trying to look impressive.


If you want more data on how to make your muscles quick and dense you should visit Punch Harder Now. Make sure you read the piece on the Secret of Hard Punching.
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Things to Consider Before Enrolling Kids in the Muay Thai Training

Providing martial arts training opportunities to your children will benefit them in many ways in the long run. Kids when they are young will help them learn the art and master it in due course of time. However, the quality of classes they receive will entirely depend upon the martial school, your child's coach and also your child's interest and learning abilities. Before you enroll your child in the best Muay Thai training centre, it is recommended to find out all you can about the school, the coaches, the facilities, the courses, course duration, certifications and the cost.

Why Enroll Kids For Muay Thai Training?

Although even adults can take up some kind of martial art classes, kids are the best and fast learners. Training while they are young prepares them for their life ahead. It also provides all round development such as physical, mental and emotional. When you enroll your kids in the best Muay Thai schools, they will be taught many other things. Their concentration levels will improve as they are taught to focus on certain skills, they are trained to be prepared for self defense, they develop good coordination, they become more disciplined, they develop strength, learn to adopt a healthy diet which in turn keeps them fit and healthy.

How to Choose Muay Thai Training Schools?

There are different types of martial arts and the kind of institution you choose depends on what type of art you want to learn. If you want the best trainers to train your child for competitions, then look for the best Muay Thai institutions. The training center you choose should provide the best of facilities and a safe environment. The trainers should have a certification in their specialized art form. They should follow the recommended syllabus and training procedures. They should be able to provide authorized certifications at the end of each level. They should conduct performance tests and competitions at various levels to help students progress.

Important Considerations When Choosing Martial Arts for Your Kids

There are some very important points to remember before sending your child for martial arts training. Don't choose an art form because it interests you, discuss with your child to know his/her interests. Consider the physical ability of your child. Make sure that your child is physically and mentally prepared to join the best Muay Thai. Consider how much time your child will be spending on martial art. Consider the distance between your home, the training school and your child's school.

Providing martial arts training opportunities to your children will benefit them in many ways in the long run. Kids when they are young will help them learn the art and master it in due course of time. However, the quality of classes they receive will entirely depend upon the martial school, your child's coach and also your child's interest and learning abilities. Before you enroll your child in the best Muay Thai training centre, it is recommended to find out all you can about the school, the coaches, the facilities, the courses, course duration, certifications and the cost.

Why Enroll Kids For Muay Thai Training?

Although even adults can take up some kind of martial art classes, kids are the best and fast learners. Training while they are young prepares them for their life ahead. It also provides all round development such as physical, mental and emotional. When you enroll your kids in the best Muay Thai schools, they will be taught many other things. Their concentration levels will improve as they are taught to focus on certain skills, they are trained to be prepared for self defense, they develop good coordination, they become more disciplined, they develop strength, learn to adopt a healthy diet which in turn keeps them fit and healthy.

How to Choose Muay Thai Training Schools?

There are different types of martial arts and the kind of institution you choose depends on what type of art you want to learn. If you want the best trainers to train your child for competitions, then look for the best Muay Thai institutions. The training center you choose should provide the best of facilities and a safe environment. The trainers should have a certification in their specialized art form. They should follow the recommended syllabus and training procedures. They should be able to provide authorized certifications at the end of each level. They should conduct performance tests and competitions at various levels to help students progress.

Important Considerations When Choosing Martial Arts for Your Kids

There are some very important points to remember before sending your child for martial arts training. Don't choose an art form because it interests you, discuss with your child to know his/her interests. Consider the physical ability of your child. Make sure that your child is physically and mentally prepared to join the best Muay Thai. Consider how much time your child will be spending on martial art. Consider the distance between your home, the training school and your child's school.

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Importance of Equipment's in Martial Arts

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Don West Response to Prosecutions Hearsay bar.

The prosecution filed a motion to bar the defendant from using hearsay to put his self defense claim before the jury, without having to submit to cross examination.

Re Self-serving Statements

The prosecution filed a motion to bar the defendant from using hearsay to put his self defense claim before the jury, without having to submit to cross examination.

Re Self-serving Statements
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Tai Chi Martial Arts Exercise for Making Chi Power

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LLMPapa, is a widely known videographer who has consistently been applauded on the blogs for his great work on the case. Also be sure to see the "Cardboard and Bullshit" he has done, just put "cardboard" into the site search in the upper right corners and enjoy the four part series.

There are 50 short video clips in this collection, in a playlist, which means you can let it play

LLMPapa, is a widely known videographer who has consistently been applauded on the blogs for his great work on the case. Also be sure to see the "Cardboard and Bullshit" he has done, just put "cardboard" into the site search in the upper right corners and enjoy the four part series.

There are 50 short video clips in this collection, in a playlist, which means you can let it play
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How to Discover The Fighting Method Used by The Shaolin Monks!

That the Shaolin Monks have their own method for fighting is pretty obvious. The problem is that nobody knows what it is. The good news is that it is pretty easy to figure out this secret.

There is a film in which a camera crew goes to the Shaolin Temple. This is a documentary, with the usual things to see and do type of script, but with one very interesting, little occurrence. The happening is that a mixed martial arts fellow is seen climbing steps to one of the temples.

There is a hard smile on his face, and he claims that he is on his way to find out if the monks of shaolin know how to fight for real. Some time later, he is seen returning...and it is obvious that he has just been kicked on his mixed martial beautocks.

If one searches through youtube for any length of time, they will come across a boxing contest between a fighter (taekwondo or karate or some other art) and a monk of the shaolin temple. During the contest, the monk negligently slaps aside the boxer's strikes aside, then begins his own gorgeous onslaught. What is interesting is that it is obvious that the monk doesn't really want to hurt his opponent; he is just freestyling for the heck of it, there is no real desire to harm manifested.

If one examines the history of early karate in Okinawa, there is much mention of training with temple monks in the fuchien province of China. The specific training method resulted in the art of Uechi Ryu Karate (called Pan Gai Noon), and there is some evidence that the art was grown from Bak Mei Kung Fu. This is a direct connection between two important fighting arts.

If one examines the art of Uechi, and that of Bak Mei (White Eyebrow Kung Fu), there are a lot of simple slaps. The specific method is either slaps with the palm or beaks with the backs of the wrist, and in both up and down and sideways directions. If one analyzes these slaps, an entire fighting method can be figured out pretty easily.

Indeed, if one looks at fighting in general, the basic parry is nothing more than a slap. This is a method which could easily be trained in. Simply set up two bags a couple of feet apart and practice striking them with wrist and palm; this actually closely resembles basic iron palm training from the ancient methods of kung fu.

In conclusion, there is much conjecture offered in this article, but there is also a hard core line of reasoning. Could true temple methods of fighting rely on something as simple as the palm and beak? This writer would suggest that any interested reader could simply raise the question, by raising his fists in challenge, to any Shaolin Monk he might come across in his travels.

That the Shaolin Monks have their own method for fighting is pretty obvious. The problem is that nobody knows what it is. The good news is that it is pretty easy to figure out this secret.

There is a film in which a camera crew goes to the Shaolin Temple. This is a documentary, with the usual things to see and do type of script, but with one very interesting, little occurrence. The happening is that a mixed martial arts fellow is seen climbing steps to one of the temples.

There is a hard smile on his face, and he claims that he is on his way to find out if the monks of shaolin know how to fight for real. Some time later, he is seen returning...and it is obvious that he has just been kicked on his mixed martial beautocks.

If one searches through youtube for any length of time, they will come across a boxing contest between a fighter (taekwondo or karate or some other art) and a monk of the shaolin temple. During the contest, the monk negligently slaps aside the boxer's strikes aside, then begins his own gorgeous onslaught. What is interesting is that it is obvious that the monk doesn't really want to hurt his opponent; he is just freestyling for the heck of it, there is no real desire to harm manifested.

If one examines the history of early karate in Okinawa, there is much mention of training with temple monks in the fuchien province of China. The specific training method resulted in the art of Uechi Ryu Karate (called Pan Gai Noon), and there is some evidence that the art was grown from Bak Mei Kung Fu. This is a direct connection between two important fighting arts.

If one examines the art of Uechi, and that of Bak Mei (White Eyebrow Kung Fu), there are a lot of simple slaps. The specific method is either slaps with the palm or beaks with the backs of the wrist, and in both up and down and sideways directions. If one analyzes these slaps, an entire fighting method can be figured out pretty easily.

Indeed, if one looks at fighting in general, the basic parry is nothing more than a slap. This is a method which could easily be trained in. Simply set up two bags a couple of feet apart and practice striking them with wrist and palm; this actually closely resembles basic iron palm training from the ancient methods of kung fu.

In conclusion, there is much conjecture offered in this article, but there is also a hard core line of reasoning. Could true temple methods of fighting rely on something as simple as the palm and beak? This writer would suggest that any interested reader could simply raise the question, by raising his fists in challenge, to any Shaolin Monk he might come across in his travels.

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Pourquoi choisir une classe d'Arts martiaux est tellement bénéfique

Martial art encompasses a variety of different styles and methods of self-defense. You can choose what style you like the best and you can become very well with practice. You are maybe curious to know what are the advantages when you want to learn more about martial arts and consider going to a class. Here are some of many advantages that you can encounter when you enroll in a martial arts class. For most people, the coordination is not very easy to learn. When first entering class of martial arts, often people feel bulky and may also find it difficult to synchronize the movements of their bodies in a successful manner. Over time, however, coordination could be increased as your body becomes more aware of its functioning. Soon you'll move faster than ever and you will notice that some movements become second nature. Have good coordination can be beneficial in many areas of your life. As your body becomes more coordinated, you become more efficient with home, work and school.

You also begin to understand how your body works and it can have a positive effect in some situations where it is essential to react. Martial arts can be perhaps a life saver in a dangerous situation where be coordinated and comfortable allow you to react appropriately. In addition to learning a martial art, you can also make new friends. You can acquaintance with people who share your interest to defend when you join a martial arts class. Want to learn more about yourself, you also understand those who surround you. You might be surprised how many kinds of people, you will find once you start taking a class. While contributing to your strengths in training, you can learn from the experiences of others. You will notice the beginning of team spirit to form as your advanced class where you have all become more in granted with one another, much like a family. By choosing to take a course of martial arts, you can eventually find friends in the long term. Focusing on the inner circle auto, martial arts teaches how to calm the mind and think much better. For this reason, you might find that your perception of yourself and life is changing. You may find that certain decisions are easier to make that you are more in tune with yourself. Other individuals find that they become more extremely humble and submissive. Rather than respond aggressively in some situations, you might find that you are more calm and more able to talk with ease. Understanding the works of your mind and tap into resources rarely used, you can become more proficient at life.

Martial arts to learn discipline, give you a whole new perspective. Students are invited to arrive to class on time with their instructors and prepare for their lesson. They demand excellence and development during the class. This kind of discipline can allow you to be faster, more effective and more respectful of others. As you'll be more disciplined in a classroom, you may notice that you are more disciplined in other areas of life too. Arriving at the school or work at the time no doubt will be a change for the better. Maybe you started to perform tasks more efficiently. Taking martial arts is certainly beneficial especially for the only discipline. Taking martial arts of Las Vegas has many benefits, including helping you to learn coordination, win friends, learn how your mind works and learn self-discipline. With each of these positive aspects, you may find that you are more successful in other areas of your life.

Martial art encompasses a variety of different styles and methods of self-defense. You can choose what style you like the best and you can become very well with practice. You are maybe curious to know what are the advantages when you want to learn more about martial arts and consider going to a class. Here are some of many advantages that you can encounter when you enroll in a martial arts class. For most people, the coordination is not very easy to learn. When first entering class of martial arts, often people feel bulky and may also find it difficult to synchronize the movements of their bodies in a successful manner. Over time, however, coordination could be increased as your body becomes more aware of its functioning. Soon you'll move faster than ever and you will notice that some movements become second nature. Have good coordination can be beneficial in many areas of your life. As your body becomes more coordinated, you become more efficient with home, work and school.

You also begin to understand how your body works and it can have a positive effect in some situations where it is essential to react. Martial arts can be perhaps a life saver in a dangerous situation where be coordinated and comfortable allow you to react appropriately. In addition to learning a martial art, you can also make new friends. You can acquaintance with people who share your interest to defend when you join a martial arts class. Want to learn more about yourself, you also understand those who surround you. You might be surprised how many kinds of people, you will find once you start taking a class. While contributing to your strengths in training, you can learn from the experiences of others. You will notice the beginning of team spirit to form as your advanced class where you have all become more in granted with one another, much like a family. By choosing to take a course of martial arts, you can eventually find friends in the long term. Focusing on the inner circle auto, martial arts teaches how to calm the mind and think much better. For this reason, you might find that your perception of yourself and life is changing. You may find that certain decisions are easier to make that you are more in tune with yourself. Other individuals find that they become more extremely humble and submissive. Rather than respond aggressively in some situations, you might find that you are more calm and more able to talk with ease. Understanding the works of your mind and tap into resources rarely used, you can become more proficient at life.

Martial arts to learn discipline, give you a whole new perspective. Students are invited to arrive to class on time with their instructors and prepare for their lesson. They demand excellence and development during the class. This kind of discipline can allow you to be faster, more effective and more respectful of others. As you'll be more disciplined in a classroom, you may notice that you are more disciplined in other areas of life too. Arriving at the school or work at the time no doubt will be a change for the better. Maybe you started to perform tasks more efficiently. Taking martial arts is certainly beneficial especially for the only discipline. Taking martial arts of Las Vegas has many benefits, including helping you to learn coordination, win friends, learn how your mind works and learn self-discipline. With each of these positive aspects, you may find that you are more successful in other areas of your life.

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Day 9 by croakerqueen good sound

Day 9 of jury selection, excellent sound.

Day 9 of jury selection, excellent sound.

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All Female Jury to decide Zimmerman case

All Female Jury to decide Zimmerman case, Opening Statements Monday at 9 am

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Good evening: We have a jury, an all female jury.


The four alternates:


Two males and two females.

Here’s a link to fauxmccoy’s chart on the jurors.

All Female Jury to decide Zimmerman case, Opening Statements Monday at 9 am

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Good evening: We have a jury, an all female jury.


The four alternates:


Two males and two females.

Here’s a link to fauxmccoy’s chart on the jurors.

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Select The Right Martial Arts Shop to Buy Equipment And Uniform

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Jury Selection and Frye hearings finished

June 20th 2013, the jury is six women, 5 are mothers, 5 are white. The Judge will rule on Frye tomorrow June 21st.

June 20th 2013, the jury is six women, 5 are mothers, 5 are white. The Judge will rule on Frye tomorrow June 21st.

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First UFC Woman Fighter - Ronda Rousey

UFC chief of state Dana White lately made it formal- with the finalizing of previous Strikeforce champion Ronda Rousey- that women's mixed martial arts has finally located a spot in the Octagon ... at least, in the meantime.

White has actually likewise been quick to include that he feels there are enough top quality females's fights to be produced the following couple of years, however hasn't laid concrete plans past that.

"We're kind of playing with it and we'll see how this thing works out," he stated after UFC 154 on Sunday night." I know this. Over the next couple of years, we've got fights in the 135-pound division. Good fights." That doesn't suggest that he's not serious about the bringing ladies in to the Octagon.

He's really severe. He's currently stated Ronda Rousey "the first ever women's UFC champion." But had you asked Dana White a year around ago, he would have informed you that the women's branches simply weren't deep enough with talent to have them battling in the UFC.

He still believes that to some extent, because the only branch he's committed to today is the females 135-pound bantamweight division. It's the ladies division utilizing the deepest talent pool to draw from, and also with the greatest superstar at the top.

As such, Rousey will certainly be managed the same therapy as other UFC champion. White is anticipating her to debut on a pay-per-view, probably also headlining.

"She's the champ," commentated White.

"Unless there's a weight division higher than her that the champ would be defending the title, then yeah, she'd be the main event."

He still fell short of calling the woman that will certainly be standing across the Octagon from Rousey when she makes her UFC debut; however one title that has quickly rocketed out of favor is Cris Cyborg.

Claiming that it does not appear the Cyborg actually wants to fight Rousey, White managed no weight lesson or catch weight concessions to try and make that battle happen, as much promotional potential is it may have affixed to it.

"I'm bringing in the 135-pound division. That's what I'm doing," pointed out White, showing that Cyborg will have to make the 135-pound classroom if she wanted to fight Rousey.

That's not most likely to occur, but for the UFC, Cyborg isn't the centerpiece, Rousey is.

"I think that Ronda has the potential to be a big star," stated White. "She's already getting media that we've never got before and she's never even set foot in the UFC yet."

UFC is counting on Rousey to make a splash. They want her to be the one they can quickly promote to force that door open for women. At the end of day, nonetheless, it will take an entire stable of boxers like Miesha Tate, Liz Carmouche, Sarah Kaufman and various others to develop roots in the Octagon that cannot be easily torn up.

UFC chief of state Dana White lately made it formal- with the finalizing of previous Strikeforce champion Ronda Rousey- that women's mixed martial arts has finally located a spot in the Octagon ... at least, in the meantime.

White has actually likewise been quick to include that he feels there are enough top quality females's fights to be produced the following couple of years, however hasn't laid concrete plans past that.

"We're kind of playing with it and we'll see how this thing works out," he stated after UFC 154 on Sunday night." I know this. Over the next couple of years, we've got fights in the 135-pound division. Good fights." That doesn't suggest that he's not serious about the bringing ladies in to the Octagon.

He's really severe. He's currently stated Ronda Rousey "the first ever women's UFC champion." But had you asked Dana White a year around ago, he would have informed you that the women's branches simply weren't deep enough with talent to have them battling in the UFC.

He still believes that to some extent, because the only branch he's committed to today is the females 135-pound bantamweight division. It's the ladies division utilizing the deepest talent pool to draw from, and also with the greatest superstar at the top.

As such, Rousey will certainly be managed the same therapy as other UFC champion. White is anticipating her to debut on a pay-per-view, probably also headlining.

"She's the champ," commentated White.

"Unless there's a weight division higher than her that the champ would be defending the title, then yeah, she'd be the main event."

He still fell short of calling the woman that will certainly be standing across the Octagon from Rousey when she makes her UFC debut; however one title that has quickly rocketed out of favor is Cris Cyborg.

Claiming that it does not appear the Cyborg actually wants to fight Rousey, White managed no weight lesson or catch weight concessions to try and make that battle happen, as much promotional potential is it may have affixed to it.

"I'm bringing in the 135-pound division. That's what I'm doing," pointed out White, showing that Cyborg will have to make the 135-pound classroom if she wanted to fight Rousey.

That's not most likely to occur, but for the UFC, Cyborg isn't the centerpiece, Rousey is.

"I think that Ronda has the potential to be a big star," stated White. "She's already getting media that we've never got before and she's never even set foot in the UFC yet."

UFC is counting on Rousey to make a splash. They want her to be the one they can quickly promote to force that door open for women. At the end of day, nonetheless, it will take an entire stable of boxers like Miesha Tate, Liz Carmouche, Sarah Kaufman and various others to develop roots in the Octagon that cannot be easily torn up.

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Martial Arts Chi is the Secret of Life!

Martial Arts chi is one of the most misunderstood things on the planet. Truth, people enrolled in martial arts classes are taught how to fight, how to win trophies, how to pay their instructor month after month and think they are getting something, but they are not learning martial arts chi.

Chi is energy. Chi is the glow in knowledgeable eyes. It is called ki power, or kung fu chi energy, or by other similar terms.

When you are weight lifting, when you are lifting hundreds of pounds, you are feeding the muscles, your awareness is on the muscles, so the energy goes into your muscles, and not into the tan tien, which is the chi generator of the body.

Weight lifting isn't bad, it is just for another purpose than building chi power.

When you are learning to fight, to win trophies, to get the gold, you are practicing to beat your fellow man. But beating up your fellow man results in the opposite of gaining martial arts chi powers. Beating up your fellow man squashes him, at your expense, and reduces the glow in the eyes, the fun in the heart.

You must learn to fight, of course, but only to the point where you give up fighting.

And learning martial arts just to pay your instructor has nothing to do with chi power.

To build this mythical chi energy thing you need only do your art with certain principles in mind. These principles can be done anywhere, with any art. So even if you have a bad system, or a bad instructor, you can be a good student and make your art give you the glow in the eyes type of chi that I am talking about.

First, as stated earlier, breath to and from the tan tien. Oxygen won't reach it (it is located two inches below the navel), but air into the lungs starts a wave form of energy that will reach it. Stand with your arms extended and breath deep, you will likely feel a tingle in your fingertips. The energy went into the tan tien, and the tan tien pumped it out to the rest of your body. If you didn't feel it, then you just need to keep breathing and focusing your awareness until you do.

Second, structure all motion to and from the tan tien. Yes, boxers say throw the punch from the shoulder, and they can put a lot of weight into the strike. But that strike is still as nothing when compared to a martial arts chi powered punch or kick. That punch or kick is going to have a lot more thought and intention and, ultimately, power.

This thing, of structuring all motion to and from the tan tien is the key. So go through all your forms, isolate each move, and figure out how the energy comes from the ground by sinking your stance, and align the movement and position of your arms so the energy can go out your arms.

Have somebody push on your body postures, find the positions which you can hold with the least amount of effort: that is the key to Martial Arts chi energy.

This thing, of breathing correctly and structuring the body correctly, is the key to all martial arts. Be they Chinese martial arts, Wing Chun Martial Arts, or whatever. So fix your fighting discipline, watch videos and learn from history and do all that you can, because that is what it takes to empower the body, put a glow into the eyes, and become the powerful, enduring personality that you really are.

This has been an article about martial arts chi power and how to build it.

Here's another great article about how ki power unlocks the universe. The most comprehensive book on how to develop Martial Arts Chi Power is at Monster Martial Arts

Martial Arts chi is one of the most misunderstood things on the planet. Truth, people enrolled in martial arts classes are taught how to fight, how to win trophies, how to pay their instructor month after month and think they are getting something, but they are not learning martial arts chi.

Chi is energy. Chi is the glow in knowledgeable eyes. It is called ki power, or kung fu chi energy, or by other similar terms.

When you are weight lifting, when you are lifting hundreds of pounds, you are feeding the muscles, your awareness is on the muscles, so the energy goes into your muscles, and not into the tan tien, which is the chi generator of the body.

Weight lifting isn't bad, it is just for another purpose than building chi power.

When you are learning to fight, to win trophies, to get the gold, you are practicing to beat your fellow man. But beating up your fellow man results in the opposite of gaining martial arts chi powers. Beating up your fellow man squashes him, at your expense, and reduces the glow in the eyes, the fun in the heart.

You must learn to fight, of course, but only to the point where you give up fighting.

And learning martial arts just to pay your instructor has nothing to do with chi power.

To build this mythical chi energy thing you need only do your art with certain principles in mind. These principles can be done anywhere, with any art. So even if you have a bad system, or a bad instructor, you can be a good student and make your art give you the glow in the eyes type of chi that I am talking about.

First, as stated earlier, breath to and from the tan tien. Oxygen won't reach it (it is located two inches below the navel), but air into the lungs starts a wave form of energy that will reach it. Stand with your arms extended and breath deep, you will likely feel a tingle in your fingertips. The energy went into the tan tien, and the tan tien pumped it out to the rest of your body. If you didn't feel it, then you just need to keep breathing and focusing your awareness until you do.

Second, structure all motion to and from the tan tien. Yes, boxers say throw the punch from the shoulder, and they can put a lot of weight into the strike. But that strike is still as nothing when compared to a martial arts chi powered punch or kick. That punch or kick is going to have a lot more thought and intention and, ultimately, power.

This thing, of structuring all motion to and from the tan tien is the key. So go through all your forms, isolate each move, and figure out how the energy comes from the ground by sinking your stance, and align the movement and position of your arms so the energy can go out your arms.

Have somebody push on your body postures, find the positions which you can hold with the least amount of effort: that is the key to Martial Arts chi energy.

This thing, of breathing correctly and structuring the body correctly, is the key to all martial arts. Be they Chinese martial arts, Wing Chun Martial Arts, or whatever. So fix your fighting discipline, watch videos and learn from history and do all that you can, because that is what it takes to empower the body, put a glow into the eyes, and become the powerful, enduring personality that you really are.

This has been an article about martial arts chi power and how to build it.

Here's another great article about how ki power unlocks the universe. The most comprehensive book on how to develop Martial Arts Chi Power is at Monster Martial Arts
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2nd phase jury selection by thecount

6-19-13 Phase 2 of jury selection

6-19-13 Phase 2 of jury selection

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6-18-13 Last Day of Jury Selection before 2nd phase.

6-18-13 Last Day of Jury Selection before 2nd phase.

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Learn Self Defense For Peace of Mind And a Healthy Life

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Juror Selection DAY 7 by The Count



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Juror selection day 6 by the count 6-17-13

Juror Selection Day 6 by The Count

Juror Selection Day 6 by The Count

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DAY FIVE JUROR SELECTION by the Count 6-15-13



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DAY THREE 6-12-13

DAY THREE 6-12-13

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Seems nobodies getting complete vids these days, so I'm having to post from several sources. Trent Sawyer get's it all, but the commentary cannot always be used. This poster, however seems to get it complete.

Here then is day one of jury selection:

Seems nobodies getting complete vids these days, so I'm having to post from several sources. Trent Sawyer get's it all, but the commentary cannot always be used. This poster, however seems to get it complete.

Here then is day one of jury selection:

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The "bat" lady Juror E-81

SPD in SKI masks working over more blacks, in the aftermath of the
Sherman Ware Case.

Administrative Investigation Justin Collison Case by Charisse Van Horn

SPD in SKI masks working over more blacks, in the aftermath of the
Sherman Ware Case.

Administrative Investigation Justin Collison Case by Charisse Van Horn

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Week One Jury Selection - by AxiomAmnesia (Zimmerman)

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Day 4 Jury Selection - By Stateoftheinternet - Trent Sawyer

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Jury Selection days 1THROUGH 5

Jury selection days one through 5 in a playlist. It plays continuously so you'll need to note the times days and parts for cites. Just stop the video and move the cursor, the title should appear at the top margin.

In the lower right corner there is a play list control, it's the first button on the right, click on it to see the videos in the playlist and click on them to jump to that video

Jury selection days one through 5 in a playlist. It plays continuously so you'll need to note the times days and parts for cites. Just stop the video and move the cursor, the title should appear at the top margin.

In the lower right corner there is a play list control, it's the first button on the right, click on it to see the videos in the playlist and click on them to jump to that video
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Another Great Loss: Toma Shian shinshi

I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Toma Shian shinshi on May 30 2013.

The last several years have taken a sad toll on the karate community, especially with respect to "old style" karate. Many of the masters who made it their mission to preserve nigh forgotten aspects of the art have passed away. Thankfully they were largely successful and left a legacy of competent practitioners to
I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Toma Shian shinshi on May 30 2013.

The last several years have taken a sad toll on the karate community, especially with respect to "old style" karate. Many of the masters who made it their mission to preserve nigh forgotten aspects of the art have passed away. Thankfully they were largely successful and left a legacy of competent practitioners to
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BOXING --- Weight divisions

Weight divisions


Trayvon Martin was 158 pounds 5' 11" from the Autopsy report.

George Zimmerman was 207 pounds 5' 8' from the police report.


There were traditionally eight weight divisions in men’s boxing. More
divisions were added until professional governing bodies now recognize a
total of 17

Weight divisions


Trayvon Martin was 158 pounds 5' 11" from the Autopsy report.

George Zimmerman was 207 pounds 5' 8' from the police report.


There were traditionally eight weight divisions in men’s boxing. More
divisions were added until professional governing bodies now recognize a
total of 17
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NBC NEWS DOT COM <---good sound)









NBC NEWS DOT COM <---good sound)






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People have the idea that Chad asked Trayvon to go to the store, he did not but:
Actually there's a wee bit more to the story than that. Trayvon told DD that Chad wanted skittles and that's why he was going to the store. But... Chad told us that Trayvon told him that he was going to go to the store and wanted to know if Chad wanted anything, to which Chad replied skittles.

So, it's

People have the idea that Chad asked Trayvon to go to the store, he did not but:
Actually there's a wee bit more to the story than that. Trayvon told DD that Chad wanted skittles and that's why he was going to the store. But... Chad told us that Trayvon told him that he was going to go to the store and wanted to know if Chad wanted anything, to which Chad replied skittles.

So, it's
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Discovery: Zimmerman had martial arts training

States 17 Discovery Redacted Exhibits Redacted

States 17 Discovery Redacted Exhibits Redacted

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You all have thoughtful comments says:

Posted the video that O'Mara said showed Trayvon's friends beating up homeless man.

O'Mara had this video in his possession since September of 2012 and had viewed it.

He then claimed in court that he had a video depicting two of Trayvon's friends beating up

a homeless man and laughing about it. The video shows nothing of the sort.


You all have thoughtful comments says:

Posted the video that O'Mara said showed Trayvon's friends beating up homeless man.

O'Mara had this video in his possession since September of 2012 and had viewed it.

He then claimed in court that he had a video depicting two of Trayvon's friends beating up

a homeless man and laughing about it. The video shows nothing of the sort.

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George Zimmerman Hearing 6/8/13


June 8th Hearing (Frye)


June 8th Hearing (Frye)

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George Zimmerman Hearing 6/7/13 (Frye)



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Trayvon Supporters Vindicated (Zimmerman Waives Pre-Trial Stand-Your-Ground Hearing) SanfordWatch SanfordWatch


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Some posts collected from Professor Leatherman's Law Blog

You all have thoughtful comments says:

ay2z says:

You all have thoughtful comments says:

ay2z says:

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Hojo Undo and Martial Makers

Hojo Undo methods are a category of "supplementary exercises" (involving specialized equipment) that are utilized in Okinawan
martial arts. Most of these methods fall into one of two categories: 1)
weight resistance tools for "functional strength" training and 2) tools
which involve various types of impact conditioning. Most of these
methods had a long history in China before they

Hojo Undo methods are a category of "supplementary exercises" (involving specialized equipment) that are utilized in Okinawan
martial arts. Most of these methods fall into one of two categories: 1)
weight resistance tools for "functional strength" training and 2) tools
which involve various types of impact conditioning. Most of these
methods had a long history in China before they
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Brace yourself it's 5 hours long. better take your notes as you watch and note the time so you don't have to watch the whole thing again to find what you're arguing about.

part one

part 2

Brace yourself it's 5 hours long. better take your notes as you watch and note the time so you don't have to watch the whole thing again to find what you're arguing about.

part one

part 2

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State v. Zimmerman: Voice Exemplar March 22 2012


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INTRODUCING GEORGE THE PUMMLER a good laugh and more information about the gym

INTRODUCING GEORGE THE PUMMLER a good laugh and more information about the gym
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New evidence: Zimmerman applied to become a cop but was rejected

By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

5:49 p.m. EDT, June 4, 2013

SANFORD — Prosecutors have filed paperwork revealing that murder defendant George Zimmerman applied to become a police officer in a county near Washington, D.C. but was turned down.

application and rejection letter are among

By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

5:49 p.m. EDT, June 4, 2013

SANFORD — Prosecutors have filed paperwork revealing that murder defendant George Zimmerman applied to become a police officer in a county near Washington, D.C. but was turned down.

application and rejection letter are among
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George Zimmerman Lawyer Mark O'Mara Fabricated Evidence, Martin Family Lawyer Claims (UPDATE)

[Defense has known about bicycle fight video for 9 months] SEE THE VIDEO HERE


With less than a week left before the Trayvon Martin trial begins, an attorney for Martin's family now claims that George Zimmerman's lawyer Mark O'Mara fabricated evidence in an attempt to sway both the public and the jury.

Since Zimmerman's fatal confrontation with the 17-year-old Martin more than a

[Defense has known about bicycle fight video for 9 months] SEE THE VIDEO HERE


With less than a week left before the Trayvon Martin trial begins, an attorney for Martin's family now claims that George Zimmerman's lawyer Mark O'Mara fabricated evidence in an attempt to sway both the public and the jury.

Since Zimmerman's fatal confrontation with the 17-year-old Martin more than a
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911CallHistory George Zimmerman

911CallHistory George Zimmerman

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mma california

Mixed fighting mma california techinques is challenging, and MMA fitness is requisite to travel the full stretch. Should you be serious and passionate about mixed fighting techinques, then start right-look for the right MMA fitness and training gym close to you. This means you will mma california need to do some serious research and canvassing of your options. Here are some recommendations on getting started correctly:

1. Go online.

A) Google MMA health and mma california training schools close to you. For example if yourr home is in San Francisco, type "List of mixed fighting techinques schools in San Francisco, California" or "List of MMA lessons in San Francisco, California". Several options should appear.

B) If the lists will aren't mma california specific to mixed martial arts navigate to the forums. You may find some names to begin your search. Otherwise, start your individual forum question. Ask, "What is a good MMA fitness and education gym in SF, Ca? "

C) Check out and about MMA events. There should be an index of gyms represented that you can contribute to your mma california search.

two. Check the website of each one option. There should be specifics of their instructor's background. See if his training is up to par. Also, check their plan of classes, services mma california in addition to prices; and be guaranteed it matches your plan and budget. If they have a "fight team" that's good. It shows the actual are active in occasions. If they have the "contact us" section, Send them an index of questions for them for you to answer.

3. Look for reviews or articles on the schools. There may even be mma california blog entries in regards to the school, which would become good. However, if it has a couple negative reports, don't let that Try to discourage you. If they have mostly bad reports, after that cross them out. Also mma california do research on the coaches. Look up websites, search engines, or ask about him in forums. Keep in mind, you are in this for the long run but you are managing a budget too, so you want real value for your money.

4. Visit the gyms on your list. Talk to the top trainer and ask him of a typical weekly schedule. There needs to be a class for eye-catching, another for wrestling, plus a separate class for grappling. Additionally, make sure there is often a free day for health and fitness.

5. Discuss pricing while using trainer. At its' lowest this really is US$100/month. Assess the trainer's frame of mind. Is he trying to pressure you to opt-in? Then this is not a good gym. You want the trainer, not a store assistant.

6. Ask about no cost training. If this gym is basically confident about what it provides, it will give no cost observation of classes, and a number of free training days. You need to definitely take them on mma california if that is certainly so, so that you can obtain a feel of a health club. If a gym is just not willing to let you try out its goods first, forget about it.

7. Your instructor should explain what gear to deliver. If he is really good he will you should definitely bring a mouth guard plus a groin protector. Also, an excellent gym will have boxing/MMA baseball mma california gloves and shin pads. However when you have enrolled, you should invest in all of your own gear.

8. Confer with your classmates. On your very first session, find out how long they've been with the gym. If they've been there longer than three months, that is a good sign. Also, see should they are already sparring. This should take place once per week once the fundamentals are generally down, which should take about three months.

9. Check out and about the instructors' credentials. The grappling instructor ought to be a black mma california belt within Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and should have trained under reputable instructors. The striking coaches really should have competition experience. If it's check on both counts, you are usually in mma california a good place.

10. Observe if some students remain competitive. A good gym mma california really should have a team, or some students that are professional level fighters.
mma california

11. Too perfect is mma california just not good. If the products looks too new, it could mean that it must be not being used adequate. You want a gym that is certainly clean, but signs of mma california equipment that's been used means that people mma california are going there. Basically, there needs to be a grappling mat, the boxing ring, and the cage. If you have mma california  taken the time to canvass your directory gyms knowing what to watch out for, you will be in a position to concentrate on finding the perfect fit in terms of value for money, plan and quality MMA health and training.
Mixed fighting mma california techinques is challenging, and MMA fitness is requisite to travel the full stretch. Should you be serious and passionate about mixed fighting techinques, then start right-look for the right MMA fitness and training gym close to you. This means you will mma california need to do some serious research and canvassing of your options. Here are some recommendations on getting started correctly:

1. Go online.

A) Google MMA health and mma california training schools close to you. For example if yourr home is in San Francisco, type "List of mixed fighting techinques schools in San Francisco, California" or "List of MMA lessons in San Francisco, California". Several options should appear.

B) If the lists will aren't mma california specific to mixed martial arts navigate to the forums. You may find some names to begin your search. Otherwise, start your individual forum question. Ask, "What is a good MMA fitness and education gym in SF, Ca? "

C) Check out and about MMA events. There should be an index of gyms represented that you can contribute to your mma california search.

two. Check the website of each one option. There should be specifics of their instructor's background. See if his training is up to par. Also, check their plan of classes, services mma california in addition to prices; and be guaranteed it matches your plan and budget. If they have a "fight team" that's good. It shows the actual are active in occasions. If they have the "contact us" section, Send them an index of questions for them for you to answer.

3. Look for reviews or articles on the schools. There may even be mma california blog entries in regards to the school, which would become good. However, if it has a couple negative reports, don't let that Try to discourage you. If they have mostly bad reports, after that cross them out. Also mma california do research on the coaches. Look up websites, search engines, or ask about him in forums. Keep in mind, you are in this for the long run but you are managing a budget too, so you want real value for your money.

4. Visit the gyms on your list. Talk to the top trainer and ask him of a typical weekly schedule. There needs to be a class for eye-catching, another for wrestling, plus a separate class for grappling. Additionally, make sure there is often a free day for health and fitness.

5. Discuss pricing while using trainer. At its' lowest this really is US$100/month. Assess the trainer's frame of mind. Is he trying to pressure you to opt-in? Then this is not a good gym. You want the trainer, not a store assistant.

6. Ask about no cost training. If this gym is basically confident about what it provides, it will give no cost observation of classes, and a number of free training days. You need to definitely take them on mma california if that is certainly so, so that you can obtain a feel of a health club. If a gym is just not willing to let you try out its goods first, forget about it.

7. Your instructor should explain what gear to deliver. If he is really good he will you should definitely bring a mouth guard plus a groin protector. Also, an excellent gym will have boxing/MMA baseball mma california gloves and shin pads. However when you have enrolled, you should invest in all of your own gear.

8. Confer with your classmates. On your very first session, find out how long they've been with the gym. If they've been there longer than three months, that is a good sign. Also, see should they are already sparring. This should take place once per week once the fundamentals are generally down, which should take about three months.

9. Check out and about the instructors' credentials. The grappling instructor ought to be a black mma california belt within Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and should have trained under reputable instructors. The striking coaches really should have competition experience. If it's check on both counts, you are usually in mma california a good place.

10. Observe if some students remain competitive. A good gym mma california really should have a team, or some students that are professional level fighters.
mma california

11. Too perfect is mma california just not good. If the products looks too new, it could mean that it must be not being used adequate. You want a gym that is certainly clean, but signs of mma california equipment that's been used means that people mma california are going there. Basically, there needs to be a grappling mat, the boxing ring, and the cage. If you have mma california  taken the time to canvass your directory gyms knowing what to watch out for, you will be in a position to concentrate on finding the perfect fit in terms of value for money, plan and quality MMA health and training.
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mma oklahoma

MMA, or Mixed mma oklahoma Martial arts training, is a full-contact combat sport that is certainly fast gaining popularity around the globe. The hallmark of MMA may be that, instead mma oklahoma of limiting fighters with mma oklahoma a single fighting style, just like boxing or wrestling, it allows fighters to combine many styles of eye-catching and grappling, including boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, taekwondo, karate, judo and any other style they might choose, It offers mma oklahoma  fighters the opportunity to find the most effective styles and techniques that work for them.

MMA has its roots in many different mma oklahoma styles, such as Vale-Tudo, Freestyle boxing and different combat sports that encourage the variety of different styles. Many different promotions have since emerged that have helped to popularize the activity, the most mma oklahoma notable being the greatest Fighting Championship and the now-defunct Pride, which was situated in Japan. Although MMA was at first frowned upon and often called "human cockfighting", it has mma oklahoma come a long way toward becoming recognized as being a legitimate sport. Throughout its history it has produced superstar combatants that helped the activity to gain respectability for the extent that MMA fighters now are viewed as on mma oklahoma par with boxers and other world-class athletes.

The listing of names of athletes who may have devoted their blood, sweat and tears to the sport is long. Renowned MMA fighters have incorporated submission fighter Ken Shamrock mma oklahoma in addition to his half brother Honest Shamrock, Pat Miletich, in addition to Quentin "Rampage" Jackson. But a few other names especially stand out.

Arguably, the very first fighter to realize hero status is the Brazilian grappler Royce Gracie. The scion from the famed house of Gracie, global proponents from the brand of jiu-jitsu known as Gracie jiu-jitsu, he exploded onto the scene when this individual won the first-ever Greatest Fighting Championship, held within 1993. Trained from a very young age in the art his family got long practiced, he stepped into competition as being a complete unknown who was mma oklahoma significantly smaller than almost any man he was up against. He used his high-level abilities in jiu-jitsu (which was also completely unknown for the audience) to out-grapple, outfight and subdue men twice or even thrice his size, including fighter Kimo Leopoldo, to win the title and grow named the first previously Ultimate Fighting Champion. In doing this, he caused an explosion inside popularity of both MMA in addition to Gracie jiu-jitsu, the latter of that became a staple regarding MMA in the years into the future.

Another landmark fighter who helped to alter the face of the activity was the all-American Randy "The Natural" Couture. To be a wrestler, the three-time Olympic group alternate (1988, 1992 in addition to 1996), semi-finalist at the 2000 Olympic Trials, three-time Countrywide Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division-I All-American in addition to two-time NCAA Division-I runner-up from Oklahoma State University built the transition into MMA very mma oklahoma comfortably, going on to become one probably the most dominant athletes in bicycles of the sport and only 1 of 2 men to have placed titles in two different weight classes-heavyweight and lighting heavyweight. His emergence brought numerous respectability to the activity emphasizing the talent, discipline and hard work required to succeed in it.
mma oklahoma

Finally, one the most recognizable mma oklahoma names from the modern era must be Georges "Rush" St. Pierre. Born in Quebec, Canada, he'd a difficult childhood where schoolmates would often take his clothes and money. He began learning Kyokushin Martial arts from his father at age seven in order to guard himself, and then continued tactics pertaining to Kyokushin as he grew up. Later, after seeing tapes regarding Royce Gracie, he was inspired mma oklahoma for taking up Brazilian jiu-jitsu and his fascination with MMA began. Also a accomplished wrestler, he built his debut at UFC forty six, and then mma oklahoma went on to become the most dominant forces in the welterweight division, eventually profitable the title from the idol, Matt Hughes. He has since lost and obtained the championship, and is today regarded mma oklahoma among the best pound-for-pound fighters inside history of the activity. His discipline, humility and levelheaded attitude are cited as being exemplary mma oklahoma and he is thought to be an ideal role style for youngsters looking to generate a name in the MMA.
MMA, or Mixed mma oklahoma Martial arts training, is a full-contact combat sport that is certainly fast gaining popularity around the globe. The hallmark of MMA may be that, instead mma oklahoma of limiting fighters with mma oklahoma a single fighting style, just like boxing or wrestling, it allows fighters to combine many styles of eye-catching and grappling, including boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, taekwondo, karate, judo and any other style they might choose, It offers mma oklahoma  fighters the opportunity to find the most effective styles and techniques that work for them.

MMA has its roots in many different mma oklahoma styles, such as Vale-Tudo, Freestyle boxing and different combat sports that encourage the variety of different styles. Many different promotions have since emerged that have helped to popularize the activity, the most mma oklahoma notable being the greatest Fighting Championship and the now-defunct Pride, which was situated in Japan. Although MMA was at first frowned upon and often called "human cockfighting", it has mma oklahoma come a long way toward becoming recognized as being a legitimate sport. Throughout its history it has produced superstar combatants that helped the activity to gain respectability for the extent that MMA fighters now are viewed as on mma oklahoma par with boxers and other world-class athletes.

The listing of names of athletes who may have devoted their blood, sweat and tears to the sport is long. Renowned MMA fighters have incorporated submission fighter Ken Shamrock mma oklahoma in addition to his half brother Honest Shamrock, Pat Miletich, in addition to Quentin "Rampage" Jackson. But a few other names especially stand out.

Arguably, the very first fighter to realize hero status is the Brazilian grappler Royce Gracie. The scion from the famed house of Gracie, global proponents from the brand of jiu-jitsu known as Gracie jiu-jitsu, he exploded onto the scene when this individual won the first-ever Greatest Fighting Championship, held within 1993. Trained from a very young age in the art his family got long practiced, he stepped into competition as being a complete unknown who was mma oklahoma significantly smaller than almost any man he was up against. He used his high-level abilities in jiu-jitsu (which was also completely unknown for the audience) to out-grapple, outfight and subdue men twice or even thrice his size, including fighter Kimo Leopoldo, to win the title and grow named the first previously Ultimate Fighting Champion. In doing this, he caused an explosion inside popularity of both MMA in addition to Gracie jiu-jitsu, the latter of that became a staple regarding MMA in the years into the future.

Another landmark fighter who helped to alter the face of the activity was the all-American Randy "The Natural" Couture. To be a wrestler, the three-time Olympic group alternate (1988, 1992 in addition to 1996), semi-finalist at the 2000 Olympic Trials, three-time Countrywide Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division-I All-American in addition to two-time NCAA Division-I runner-up from Oklahoma State University built the transition into MMA very mma oklahoma comfortably, going on to become one probably the most dominant athletes in bicycles of the sport and only 1 of 2 men to have placed titles in two different weight classes-heavyweight and lighting heavyweight. His emergence brought numerous respectability to the activity emphasizing the talent, discipline and hard work required to succeed in it.
mma oklahoma

Finally, one the most recognizable mma oklahoma names from the modern era must be Georges "Rush" St. Pierre. Born in Quebec, Canada, he'd a difficult childhood where schoolmates would often take his clothes and money. He began learning Kyokushin Martial arts from his father at age seven in order to guard himself, and then continued tactics pertaining to Kyokushin as he grew up. Later, after seeing tapes regarding Royce Gracie, he was inspired mma oklahoma for taking up Brazilian jiu-jitsu and his fascination with MMA began. Also a accomplished wrestler, he built his debut at UFC forty six, and then mma oklahoma went on to become the most dominant forces in the welterweight division, eventually profitable the title from the idol, Matt Hughes. He has since lost and obtained the championship, and is today regarded mma oklahoma among the best pound-for-pound fighters inside history of the activity. His discipline, humility and levelheaded attitude are cited as being exemplary mma oklahoma and he is thought to be an ideal role style for youngsters looking to generate a name in the MMA.
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mma florida

Should you  mma florida be serious about getting in shape, learning how to combat, and maybe even to become professional fighter, then it is important to get the ideal training your area  mma florida has to offer. Natural talent and a good physique are great, but when you step in the cage it is just a whole new game, and there isn't a running away. If you will  mma florida definitely workout and train with MMA, then you must look for a good school, and perhaps even more  mma florida importantly, a fantastic instructor. Below you will find 4 of the most respected MMA training centres and Martial Arts schools in america.

American Top Team

The primary American Top  mma florida Team Academy with Coconut Creek, Florida has built a solid reputation and it has been praised by each Joe Rogan and UFC Web design manager Dana White. It originated being a real fight school with a big emphasis on grappling, although it has now spawned a number of other franchise locations around Florida at different levels of certification. The school mainly promotes itself when you're the "home" to a lot  mma florida big name fighters, like Kimbo Slice.

The Compare

The Pit was started in 1986 in California being a professional training gym regarding serious MMA fighters. It offers now moved to Arroyo Grande, California and is also referred to as 'KuZen' that allows you to attract a wider college student following. The Pit was  mma florida started by John Hackleman which is probably most famous for top student Chuck 'The Iceman' Liddell, along with for training Tito Ortiz. With the Pit you can learn Hawaiian Kempo -- a blend of kickboxing, judo, western boxing, Kempo, developed boxing and Jiu-Jitsu. It is definitely worth dropping by should you be in town and certainly are a fan of Chuck Liddell.

UFC Fitness center

The new UFC Gyms may not have been around long enough to really establish themselves as suppliers of great fighters as well as  mma florida top level training, they can offer a lot for just a beginner. If you take a peek around the website for the flagship UFC Gym with Concord, California, you would think UFC Gyms are really not that much distinct from your local LA Health or Bally's if it wasn't for the octagon and the big name on the front, but they are worth keeping a watch out for.

The Lab Mixed Fighting techinques
 mma florida

The Lab Mixed Fighting techinques  mma florida academy in Fredericksburg, VA is amongst the best choices for authentic MMA training and is ranked as one of the best MMA schools not merely in Virginia, but within the entire United States. Head Instructor Chad LeBrun features a formidable record as a  mma florida undefeated MMA fighter which is a Jiu-Jitsu black belt. At The Lab you do not only find the only cage within the Federicksburg area, but you'll find superior MMA striking education from an instructor who may have also provided training to special  mma florida  police and military groups. Should you be ever in Virginia, you must stop by.
Should you  mma florida be serious about getting in shape, learning how to combat, and maybe even to become professional fighter, then it is important to get the ideal training your area  mma florida has to offer. Natural talent and a good physique are great, but when you step in the cage it is just a whole new game, and there isn't a running away. If you will  mma florida definitely workout and train with MMA, then you must look for a good school, and perhaps even more  mma florida importantly, a fantastic instructor. Below you will find 4 of the most respected MMA training centres and Martial Arts schools in america.

American Top Team

The primary American Top  mma florida Team Academy with Coconut Creek, Florida has built a solid reputation and it has been praised by each Joe Rogan and UFC Web design manager Dana White. It originated being a real fight school with a big emphasis on grappling, although it has now spawned a number of other franchise locations around Florida at different levels of certification. The school mainly promotes itself when you're the "home" to a lot  mma florida big name fighters, like Kimbo Slice.

The Compare

The Pit was started in 1986 in California being a professional training gym regarding serious MMA fighters. It offers now moved to Arroyo Grande, California and is also referred to as 'KuZen' that allows you to attract a wider college student following. The Pit was  mma florida started by John Hackleman which is probably most famous for top student Chuck 'The Iceman' Liddell, along with for training Tito Ortiz. With the Pit you can learn Hawaiian Kempo -- a blend of kickboxing, judo, western boxing, Kempo, developed boxing and Jiu-Jitsu. It is definitely worth dropping by should you be in town and certainly are a fan of Chuck Liddell.

UFC Fitness center

The new UFC Gyms may not have been around long enough to really establish themselves as suppliers of great fighters as well as  mma florida top level training, they can offer a lot for just a beginner. If you take a peek around the website for the flagship UFC Gym with Concord, California, you would think UFC Gyms are really not that much distinct from your local LA Health or Bally's if it wasn't for the octagon and the big name on the front, but they are worth keeping a watch out for.

The Lab Mixed Fighting techinques
 mma florida

The Lab Mixed Fighting techinques  mma florida academy in Fredericksburg, VA is amongst the best choices for authentic MMA training and is ranked as one of the best MMA schools not merely in Virginia, but within the entire United States. Head Instructor Chad LeBrun features a formidable record as a  mma florida undefeated MMA fighter which is a Jiu-Jitsu black belt. At The Lab you do not only find the only cage within the Federicksburg area, but you'll find superior MMA striking education from an instructor who may have also provided training to special  mma florida  police and military groups. Should you be ever in Virginia, you must stop by.
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mma sydney

farrenheit you mma sydney haven't yet discovered "mortgage acceleration, " you can hear of it before long. It is creeping across the country (and somewhat internationally) as being a slow burning mma sydney grass hearth. When it reaches the hills as well as the winds pick up, flames will leap 100 feet into the air.

Mortgage acceleration is mma sydney formally any methods or techniques that achieve paying off your mortgage principal ahead of scheduled on your 30-year or even 15-year note. However, most people use the word to refer to a single technique that draws from the equity at mma sydney your residence to acquire a lump sum to utilize to the mortgage key. In effect, by riding a bike your equity, you're reusing the exact same money you made payments with to begin with, only this time to manufacture a lump sum payment.

Besides the cleverness of using exactly the same dollars twice, this process also cancels mortgage fascination mma sydney at an inspiring price. I employed equity cycling four times in the 2-year period, using only $5000 through my home equity loan (HELOC) each time. Reducing $20, 000 additional principal with all the same dollars we'd employed to pay month after mma sydney month in the more pedestrian manner terminated nearly $70, 000 interest off your mortgage principal and interest pay.

You can see the way following a practice similar to this for a period of a very extensive period could completely eliminate home mortgages debt in 5-8 many years, depending upon the price on the town and the spread between buyer's income and common monthly expenses.

There are numerous companies selling software to control the equity cycling procedure. Not to deliberately leave anyone ones out, here are a few names you might understand. United First Financial (aka UFirst) sells something called the MMA (money merge account) through a mma sydney multi-level marketing structure pertaining to $3500. Sydney Financial Group's software also costs about $3500. CMG Mortgage Services sells a comparable product; though, their website is just not working right now so i can't confirm the cost. Other companies, such for the reason that Mortgage Miracle, represent one of mma sydney those bigger players, in this specific case Sydney. UFirst is purported to have about 30, 000 unbiased sales reps. Norm in addition to Mike, typically referred to help as "the two fellas from California, " promote a software product pertaining to $1295.

A few people are generally achieving the payoff associated with equity cycling without the advantage of software. There are books on the subject such as Harj Gill's "Own The house Years Sooner" and Steve R. Barker and Lin Ennis's Let Your Mortgage Cause you to be Rich! There are a few eBooks that claim to go into detail the technique, but don't assume all mma sydney Internet marketer is any writer, so all books will not be created equal.
mma sydney

It may be said no all equity mma sydney cycling software systems are created equally often. Though I have personally not seen any that will don't work, do not assume there're identical. Unless they're mma sydney on the same parent company, no matter the name of the ensemble selling them, they will not be exactly alike in each way.
farrenheit you mma sydney haven't yet discovered "mortgage acceleration, " you can hear of it before long. It is creeping across the country (and somewhat internationally) as being a slow burning mma sydney grass hearth. When it reaches the hills as well as the winds pick up, flames will leap 100 feet into the air.

Mortgage acceleration is mma sydney formally any methods or techniques that achieve paying off your mortgage principal ahead of scheduled on your 30-year or even 15-year note. However, most people use the word to refer to a single technique that draws from the equity at mma sydney your residence to acquire a lump sum to utilize to the mortgage key. In effect, by riding a bike your equity, you're reusing the exact same money you made payments with to begin with, only this time to manufacture a lump sum payment.

Besides the cleverness of using exactly the same dollars twice, this process also cancels mortgage fascination mma sydney at an inspiring price. I employed equity cycling four times in the 2-year period, using only $5000 through my home equity loan (HELOC) each time. Reducing $20, 000 additional principal with all the same dollars we'd employed to pay month after mma sydney month in the more pedestrian manner terminated nearly $70, 000 interest off your mortgage principal and interest pay.

You can see the way following a practice similar to this for a period of a very extensive period could completely eliminate home mortgages debt in 5-8 many years, depending upon the price on the town and the spread between buyer's income and common monthly expenses.

There are numerous companies selling software to control the equity cycling procedure. Not to deliberately leave anyone ones out, here are a few names you might understand. United First Financial (aka UFirst) sells something called the MMA (money merge account) through a mma sydney multi-level marketing structure pertaining to $3500. Sydney Financial Group's software also costs about $3500. CMG Mortgage Services sells a comparable product; though, their website is just not working right now so i can't confirm the cost. Other companies, such for the reason that Mortgage Miracle, represent one of mma sydney those bigger players, in this specific case Sydney. UFirst is purported to have about 30, 000 unbiased sales reps. Norm in addition to Mike, typically referred to help as "the two fellas from California, " promote a software product pertaining to $1295.

A few people are generally achieving the payoff associated with equity cycling without the advantage of software. There are books on the subject such as Harj Gill's "Own The house Years Sooner" and Steve R. Barker and Lin Ennis's Let Your Mortgage Cause you to be Rich! There are a few eBooks that claim to go into detail the technique, but don't assume all mma sydney Internet marketer is any writer, so all books will not be created equal.
mma sydney

It may be said no all equity mma sydney cycling software systems are created equally often. Though I have personally not seen any that will don't work, do not assume there're identical. Unless they're mma sydney on the same parent company, no matter the name of the ensemble selling them, they will not be exactly alike in each way.
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Forensics Proves Zimmerman’s Account Was Fabricated

Published by AJStrata at 11:31 am under All General Discussions,Trayvon Martin Case

George Zimmerman is going on trial for shooting an
unarmed kid (Trayvon Martin) as he strolled through his neighborhood
chatting with his girlfriend on the phone. This threatening act (walking
and talking) raised warning flags for Sheriff George, self-proclaimed
neighborhood watch

Published by AJStrata at 11:31 am under All General Discussions,Trayvon Martin Case

George Zimmerman is going on trial for shooting an
unarmed kid (Trayvon Martin) as he strolled through his neighborhood
chatting with his girlfriend on the phone. This threatening act (walking
and talking) raised warning flags for Sheriff George, self-proclaimed
neighborhood watch
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Officer's Cellphone Pics Show Zimmerman May NOT Have Been Punched the Night he Killed Trayvon

Look closely at George Zimmerman's nose picture, that was taken from Officer Wagner's cell phone before EMS cleaned him up and you'll find there is no blood at all coming from Zimmerman's nostrils. Yet, Zimmerman told Detectives that Martin punched him in the nose so hard that he "fell to the ground when he punched me the first time" and that he was "punched in the nose 25 to 30 times." Looking

Look closely at George Zimmerman's nose picture, that was taken from Officer Wagner's cell phone before EMS cleaned him up and you'll find there is no blood at all coming from Zimmerman's nostrils. Yet, Zimmerman told Detectives that Martin punched him in the nose so hard that he "fell to the ground when he punched me the first time" and that he was "punched in the nose 25 to 30 times." Looking
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Full Zimmerman Hearing May 28 2013 [better copy]


Zimmerman Lawyer brings up deleted video in court


Zimmerman Lawyer brings up deleted video in court

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[This just in:

Defense has known about bicycle fight video for 9 months]

First you make a shocking statement in court, while the cameras are rolling, knowing that the media, the internet news sites and the blogs are going to distribute this fare in seconds globally.

Later, when there are fewer eyes watching you, you once again offer a lame apology. That's supposed to make people

[This just in:

Defense has known about bicycle fight video for 9 months]

First you make a shocking statement in court, while the cameras are rolling, knowing that the media, the internet news sites and the blogs are going to distribute this fare in seconds globally.

Later, when there are fewer eyes watching you, you once again offer a lame apology. That's supposed to make people
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Maximize - Minimize LLMPapa

Maximize - Minimize


Maximize - Minimize


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mma canada toronto

Ontario, Canada is mma canada toronto currently holding out on legalizing mixed martial disciplines (MMA). Many States the united states, and even fellow provinces in Canada have opened their doors to MMA. Quebec and Vancouver have been mma canada toronto host to UFC functions already, and Edmonton hosted a celebration for UFC's sister business WEC. According to Elite mma canada toronto McGuinty, Ontario has no options on even discussing the challenge. As a resident in this province I find in which mma canada toronto completely illogical and completely offensive. I am about to lay out 3 explanations why MMA should be appropriate in Canada. These reasons are certainly not really disputable and should allow it to become a very mma canada toronto easy choice with the Ontario government.

1. Boxing can be legal: How can you possibly ban MMA events in Ontario and not boxing? What exactly could be the difference? Boxing is some sort of combat sport, just similar to MMA is. In reality, boxing is significantly more dangerous with the competitors. The repeated blows towards head in boxing have led to way more deaths in comparison with MMA. It also mma canada toronto results in serious head injuries that could follow a competitor with the rest of their life. Rules like the positioned 8 count allow a rocked opponent to extract. This is one of the main actions mma canada toronto that result in brain damage. In MMA, an individual will be rocked and can't shield yourself, the fight is over. It is very rare for any fight to have an individual receiving repeated blows towards head like in Boxing. Some mma canada toronto fights mma canada toronto don't even have a punch thrown.

The mma canada toronto UFC has included rules to MMA making it safe and legitimate. The athletes in MMA usually are more educated than their boxing brethren. They are more conscious of the risks they take and can ply their crafted wherever they really want. The fact that Ontario allows an increasingly dangerous combat sport to take place, while banning MMA, can be hypocrisy at it's very best.

2. MMA can deliver money to Ontario: Canada might have faired better than some other mma canada toronto Countries, but Ontario was hit hard from the recession mma canada toronto and is still suffering in some sectors. A live UFC celebration in Ontario would bring in vast amounts in revenue. Ask restaurant owners, hotel workers, bartenders, clubhouse owners, stadium workers as well as other related business people what they take into consideration Ontario taking money outside of their pockets. I am sure they so want to chime in mma canada toronto on the challenge that McGuinty thinks is just not even important enough go over.

It is estimated how the Montreal events inject vast amounts into their local economic climate. I lived in Toronto for any decade, I know they could use an injection that way. Thumbing your nose at MMA in Ontario, is thumbing your nose for the thousands of workers and businesses who thrive and survive on events this way. I guess McGuinty provides his HST money to hold him warm at nights, but what about the folks of Toronto?

3. Georges St. Pierre (GSP): This reason can be a little more abstract but oahu is the one that aggravates me essentially the most. GSP is currently one of the primary fighter in the entire world. He is routinely ranked within the top three pound with regard to pound rankings, and many people would consider him number 1. In many peoples minds he is mma canada toronto the foremost athlete in all associated with Canada. He is a fantastic ambassador for his sports activity and his country. He could be polite, intelligent and everyone in Canada ought to be proud he is among ours.

It is truly embarrassing how the province I live in, will not allow among Canada's greatest athletes to help ply his trade. GSP are unable to come to Ontario and do mma canada toronto what makes him a hero to help millions. Isn't that asinine? It really is repulsive in fact. My spouse and i hate to play that card, but is it because he is French-Canadian? If he was through Toronto or Ottawa would it not be a different account? Would McGuinty be pandering towards locals then? Of all the reasons that MMA ought to be legal, this is essentially the most glaring to me. We should be embracing our characters, not shutting the doors to them.

Ontario is clearly behind the days on this issue. I have no doubt that someday it will likely be legal here, so why all the posturing. It won't take a full committee weeks to work this out. It won't take some time away from more demanding issues. It is simply adjusting the rules set forth regarding winning prize fighting. If you achieved it for boxing, MMA ought to be no different. This ridiculous law effects the thousands of MMA fans, workers, people and one fighter mma canada toronto exactly who proudly represents our state. Do the right point Ontario. It might not matter towards politicians, but it matters towards people.
mma canada toronto

Ted Payne left some sort of soul crushing job 2 years ago to attempt to make his fortune mma canada toronto genuine entrepreneurial means. A lot of lessons were learned as you go along and 2 years after, he has finally begun to realize his dreams. He wants to share mma canada toronto how.
Ontario, Canada is mma canada toronto currently holding out on legalizing mixed martial disciplines (MMA). Many States the united states, and even fellow provinces in Canada have opened their doors to MMA. Quebec and Vancouver have been mma canada toronto host to UFC functions already, and Edmonton hosted a celebration for UFC's sister business WEC. According to Elite mma canada toronto McGuinty, Ontario has no options on even discussing the challenge. As a resident in this province I find in which mma canada toronto completely illogical and completely offensive. I am about to lay out 3 explanations why MMA should be appropriate in Canada. These reasons are certainly not really disputable and should allow it to become a very mma canada toronto easy choice with the Ontario government.

1. Boxing can be legal: How can you possibly ban MMA events in Ontario and not boxing? What exactly could be the difference? Boxing is some sort of combat sport, just similar to MMA is. In reality, boxing is significantly more dangerous with the competitors. The repeated blows towards head in boxing have led to way more deaths in comparison with MMA. It also mma canada toronto results in serious head injuries that could follow a competitor with the rest of their life. Rules like the positioned 8 count allow a rocked opponent to extract. This is one of the main actions mma canada toronto that result in brain damage. In MMA, an individual will be rocked and can't shield yourself, the fight is over. It is very rare for any fight to have an individual receiving repeated blows towards head like in Boxing. Some mma canada toronto fights mma canada toronto don't even have a punch thrown.

The mma canada toronto UFC has included rules to MMA making it safe and legitimate. The athletes in MMA usually are more educated than their boxing brethren. They are more conscious of the risks they take and can ply their crafted wherever they really want. The fact that Ontario allows an increasingly dangerous combat sport to take place, while banning MMA, can be hypocrisy at it's very best.

2. MMA can deliver money to Ontario: Canada might have faired better than some other mma canada toronto Countries, but Ontario was hit hard from the recession mma canada toronto and is still suffering in some sectors. A live UFC celebration in Ontario would bring in vast amounts in revenue. Ask restaurant owners, hotel workers, bartenders, clubhouse owners, stadium workers as well as other related business people what they take into consideration Ontario taking money outside of their pockets. I am sure they so want to chime in mma canada toronto on the challenge that McGuinty thinks is just not even important enough go over.

It is estimated how the Montreal events inject vast amounts into their local economic climate. I lived in Toronto for any decade, I know they could use an injection that way. Thumbing your nose at MMA in Ontario, is thumbing your nose for the thousands of workers and businesses who thrive and survive on events this way. I guess McGuinty provides his HST money to hold him warm at nights, but what about the folks of Toronto?

3. Georges St. Pierre (GSP): This reason can be a little more abstract but oahu is the one that aggravates me essentially the most. GSP is currently one of the primary fighter in the entire world. He is routinely ranked within the top three pound with regard to pound rankings, and many people would consider him number 1. In many peoples minds he is mma canada toronto the foremost athlete in all associated with Canada. He is a fantastic ambassador for his sports activity and his country. He could be polite, intelligent and everyone in Canada ought to be proud he is among ours.

It is truly embarrassing how the province I live in, will not allow among Canada's greatest athletes to help ply his trade. GSP are unable to come to Ontario and do mma canada toronto what makes him a hero to help millions. Isn't that asinine? It really is repulsive in fact. My spouse and i hate to play that card, but is it because he is French-Canadian? If he was through Toronto or Ottawa would it not be a different account? Would McGuinty be pandering towards locals then? Of all the reasons that MMA ought to be legal, this is essentially the most glaring to me. We should be embracing our characters, not shutting the doors to them.

Ontario is clearly behind the days on this issue. I have no doubt that someday it will likely be legal here, so why all the posturing. It won't take a full committee weeks to work this out. It won't take some time away from more demanding issues. It is simply adjusting the rules set forth regarding winning prize fighting. If you achieved it for boxing, MMA ought to be no different. This ridiculous law effects the thousands of MMA fans, workers, people and one fighter mma canada toronto exactly who proudly represents our state. Do the right point Ontario. It might not matter towards politicians, but it matters towards people.
mma canada toronto

Ted Payne left some sort of soul crushing job 2 years ago to attempt to make his fortune mma canada toronto genuine entrepreneurial means. A lot of lessons were learned as you go along and 2 years after, he has finally begun to realize his dreams. He wants to share mma canada toronto how.
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mma melbourne

Mixed Martial arts (MMA) is an exciting and fast growing sports activity. MMA fighters are just about mma melbourne the most conditioned and in condition athletes with their washboard midsection and low body extra fat percentages. A Mixed Martial Artist goes through intense strength and mma melbourne conditioning programs so that you can compete at a advanced for 3- 5 minute rounds and 5- 5 minute rounds within a championship fight.

So you will be thinking, "How does all this benefit me, an each day working person? " MMA Conditioning has mma melbourne many health advantages for the everyday doing work person. In this mma melbourne document, I will give you 6 reasons to add MMA Conditioning in your exercise mma melbourne program.

1. ) Endurance

One of the primary goals in MMA mma melbourne Conditioning will be the increase in Stamina and Endurance through Cardio instruction. A mixed Martial Artist requires great cardio and strength to last those long 5 minute rounds. Cardio is ideal for the heart, lungs, and the working mma melbourne systems systems. This type of training is usually great for lowering our blood pressure and cholesterol, fat reduction, Stamina, Energy and Endurance for the mma melbourne people long physical work times. Researchers at Swinburne School in Melbourne, Australia did a study on 40 employees and found that, cardio elevated mma melbourne their brain function, alertness, energy, job productivity and his or her anger and stress lessened.

2. ) Strength

Resistance training is another part regarding MMA Conditioning. The workouts involve functional exercises which might be movements performed in MMA and everyday activities for instance lifting and picking up things, climbing, pulling, forcing, etc. A MMA Fighter needs to also have great core strength just like an everyday individual. Having great core power prevents back injuries and is important in total human body movements. When a person has spine . problems and they observe their doctor, 9 times from 10, the doctor tells mma melbourne them they have got a weak core.

3. ) Sense of balance

How long can you stand on a single leg? Do you have problems upright and putting on your current socks or shoes without falling over? Balance is important in a MMA fight and everyday activities. There will be times that you are on one leg or need to balance yourself on something. MMA Conditioning drills are an excellent option for increasing balance.

4. ) Flexibility

Flexibility is very crucial in everyday activities, whether you want to escape a submission transfer the ring mma melbourne or reaching up on top shelf to grab that will folder your boss may be asking for. Pulling a muscle can have you limping around the workplace for weeks.

5. ) Self-Defense

MMA Conditioning can be a sports specific program which focuses mainly on workout routines that mimic fighting motions and increase performance. A MMA Conditioning coach can coach you on basic self-defense drills that is ideal for cardio and muscle endurance but also can be utilized in a tough circumstance.

6. ) Confidence
mma melbourne

Completing intense physical exercises and seeing the results provides the confidence to focus and complete any activity. It shows you that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. You also have the confidence to face obstacles that you experienced without giving up and backing down.
Mixed Martial arts (MMA) is an exciting and fast growing sports activity. MMA fighters are just about mma melbourne the most conditioned and in condition athletes with their washboard midsection and low body extra fat percentages. A Mixed Martial Artist goes through intense strength and mma melbourne conditioning programs so that you can compete at a advanced for 3- 5 minute rounds and 5- 5 minute rounds within a championship fight.

So you will be thinking, "How does all this benefit me, an each day working person? " MMA Conditioning has mma melbourne many health advantages for the everyday doing work person. In this mma melbourne document, I will give you 6 reasons to add MMA Conditioning in your exercise mma melbourne program.

1. ) Endurance

One of the primary goals in MMA mma melbourne Conditioning will be the increase in Stamina and Endurance through Cardio instruction. A mixed Martial Artist requires great cardio and strength to last those long 5 minute rounds. Cardio is ideal for the heart, lungs, and the working mma melbourne systems systems. This type of training is usually great for lowering our blood pressure and cholesterol, fat reduction, Stamina, Energy and Endurance for the mma melbourne people long physical work times. Researchers at Swinburne School in Melbourne, Australia did a study on 40 employees and found that, cardio elevated mma melbourne their brain function, alertness, energy, job productivity and his or her anger and stress lessened.

2. ) Strength

Resistance training is another part regarding MMA Conditioning. The workouts involve functional exercises which might be movements performed in MMA and everyday activities for instance lifting and picking up things, climbing, pulling, forcing, etc. A MMA Fighter needs to also have great core strength just like an everyday individual. Having great core power prevents back injuries and is important in total human body movements. When a person has spine . problems and they observe their doctor, 9 times from 10, the doctor tells mma melbourne them they have got a weak core.

3. ) Sense of balance

How long can you stand on a single leg? Do you have problems upright and putting on your current socks or shoes without falling over? Balance is important in a MMA fight and everyday activities. There will be times that you are on one leg or need to balance yourself on something. MMA Conditioning drills are an excellent option for increasing balance.

4. ) Flexibility

Flexibility is very crucial in everyday activities, whether you want to escape a submission transfer the ring mma melbourne or reaching up on top shelf to grab that will folder your boss may be asking for. Pulling a muscle can have you limping around the workplace for weeks.

5. ) Self-Defense

MMA Conditioning can be a sports specific program which focuses mainly on workout routines that mimic fighting motions and increase performance. A MMA Conditioning coach can coach you on basic self-defense drills that is ideal for cardio and muscle endurance but also can be utilized in a tough circumstance.

6. ) Confidence
mma melbourne

Completing intense physical exercises and seeing the results provides the confidence to focus and complete any activity. It shows you that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. You also have the confidence to face obstacles that you experienced without giving up and backing down.
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mma gear in canada

MMA gear was designed to increase the comfort, confidence and appeal of an martial arts performer during mma gear in canada her or his performance. Initially, the apparel range was available just for men. But, with more and more women literally jumping in to the ring, top brands for instance Fight Chix, TapouT, Poor Boy, Silver Star, ShotGun Wire crate, etc., have come way mma gear in canada up with attractive, stylized and comfortable MMA clothing for mma gear in canada girls also. MMA gear consists predominantly of the MMA shorts, MMA gloves, MMA T-shirts, sweatshirts as well as hats.

Men's MMA gear is principally composed of Ninja fits, hooded sweatshirts, fighter MMA shorts and T-shirts, MMA gloves and hats. Rash guards are also available which can be better than T-shirts with regard to comfort during performance. Even so, the color and design choices of MMA apparel for men are limited mostly depending on basic blacks and various other solid colors. The mma gear in canada patterns can also be quite sober being generally plain having a logo across the hub. When it comes for you to men's MMA clothing, greater stress is put on comfort and performance as opposed to on style.

On one other hand, the women's range of MMA gear consists of not only apparel mma gear in canada but even accessories for instance purses mma gear in canada that clearly show the number of stress laid on style along with comfort and performance. Their apparel range consists of Gi, rash guards, MMA shorts, MMA gloves and less difficult. As compared to the actual men's MMA clothing, women's apparel comes in most vibrant colors such as pinks mma gear in canada and blues besides the basic black and light. Prints are also exotic you need to include some unique ones for instance leopard and zebra images!

However, the difference between MMA gear for individuals becomes very obvious when it comes to the MMA gloves. The weight of the MMA gloves for women is frequently around 10 to 12 ounces even as it is higher for men. Higher weighted gloves regarding men are designed remember their stamina to hold off heavier gloves. The glove is developed ergonomically mma gear in canada separately for the genders using the bone structure of their particular hands.

On the whole, since women are relatively a new comer to this sport compared to men, women's MMA items is yet to distributed its wings fully. As compared to the men's range, variety for girls is still less but not very readily available. Even so, this scenario should change as the quantity mma gear in canada of women moving into the ring in the ringside is increasing day-by-day!
mma gear in canada

As compared to men's MMA gear, although women's mma gear in canada range is still limited it's more stylized and vivid.
MMA gear was designed to increase the comfort, confidence and appeal of an martial arts performer during mma gear in canada her or his performance. Initially, the apparel range was available just for men. But, with more and more women literally jumping in to the ring, top brands for instance Fight Chix, TapouT, Poor Boy, Silver Star, ShotGun Wire crate, etc., have come way mma gear in canada up with attractive, stylized and comfortable MMA clothing for mma gear in canada girls also. MMA gear consists predominantly of the MMA shorts, MMA gloves, MMA T-shirts, sweatshirts as well as hats.

Men's MMA gear is principally composed of Ninja fits, hooded sweatshirts, fighter MMA shorts and T-shirts, MMA gloves and hats. Rash guards are also available which can be better than T-shirts with regard to comfort during performance. Even so, the color and design choices of MMA apparel for men are limited mostly depending on basic blacks and various other solid colors. The mma gear in canada patterns can also be quite sober being generally plain having a logo across the hub. When it comes for you to men's MMA clothing, greater stress is put on comfort and performance as opposed to on style.

On one other hand, the women's range of MMA gear consists of not only apparel mma gear in canada but even accessories for instance purses mma gear in canada that clearly show the number of stress laid on style along with comfort and performance. Their apparel range consists of Gi, rash guards, MMA shorts, MMA gloves and less difficult. As compared to the actual men's MMA clothing, women's apparel comes in most vibrant colors such as pinks mma gear in canada and blues besides the basic black and light. Prints are also exotic you need to include some unique ones for instance leopard and zebra images!

However, the difference between MMA gear for individuals becomes very obvious when it comes to the MMA gloves. The weight of the MMA gloves for women is frequently around 10 to 12 ounces even as it is higher for men. Higher weighted gloves regarding men are designed remember their stamina to hold off heavier gloves. The glove is developed ergonomically mma gear in canada separately for the genders using the bone structure of their particular hands.

On the whole, since women are relatively a new comer to this sport compared to men, women's MMA items is yet to distributed its wings fully. As compared to the men's range, variety for girls is still less but not very readily available. Even so, this scenario should change as the quantity mma gear in canada of women moving into the ring in the ringside is increasing day-by-day!
mma gear in canada

As compared to men's MMA gear, although women's mma gear in canada range is still limited it's more stylized and vivid.
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mma in los angeles

In the Summer of the Fresh Millennium, 2000, under the particular spire of Chevron's shadows, a cabal of warrior-athletes developed a palestra for collegiate, global, and Olympic wrestlers in order to re-purpose their craft with the new arena of Mixed Fighting mma in los angeles styles (MMA). Behind a mma in los angeles blood-red front door off an industrial alley in El Segundo, CALIFORNIA; with no outward symptoms of commerce, the R1 Training Heart quietly began what would prove to be a paradigm shift throughout skill-sets and expectations needed for success in the fastest growing sport in america. This fully equipped, no-nonsense facility was popped for business to serious men yearning to learn and perfect any martial skill required in their quest for excellence. Nearly about mma in los angeles ten years ago the pilgrimage commenced as to the would become a Mecca for combat artists throughout the world.

Originally dubbed "R. The. W. " (Real United states Wrestling), the vision ended up being former World Cup Fumbling Champion, Rico Chiapparelli's. It was Rico who in 1996 launched the MMA world to then United states National team wrestlers and today: UFC Hall of Recognition mma in los angeles member, Randy Couture, Pleasure Light Heavyweight & Middleweight Success, Dan Henderson, WFA Welterweight Success Frank Trigg, MARS mma in los angeles Absolute Champion, Tom Erikson, IFL Light Heavyweight Champion, Vladimir Matyushenko & Olympic Gold Medalist, Matt Lindland... we were holding to become known since: the R. A. M. Team. These were World-class athletes that had virtually worn mma in los angeles out their welcome at most martial arts gyms in the course of Southern California. These nomads and ronin fighters made a quest to discover an "all disciplines under one roof" location in order to plant the R. The. W. banner.

Enter: Frank Shamrock, seems the younger Shamrock was looking for a spot in L . a . to hang his hat likewise. During a conversation having Rico, Frank mentioned that he'd found the optimal place, but alas, the offer had fallen through. He also mentioned this it was the minute time it had happened towards landlord at this really location... the R. The. W. boys decided: some time was right.

The South Bay subject of Los Angeles is almost certainly considered the birthplace and ground-zero with the infectious spread of MMA over the country - ney, the earth. For it was the following that mma in los angeles Rorian Gracie started teaching his family's make of Jiu- Jitsu and developed a showcase that could eventually become the Greatest Fighting Championship. Combat athletes from all corners in the globe began migrating in order to Torrance, CA; (once referred to as: Rio Norte) to find out BJJ's secrets and build shops of their personal. Yet another South Fresh city, known by locals to its sewage treatment facility, (as properly as oil refining), was poised to become home for the subsequent generation of MMA's advancement. With UFC's success came a hunger for just a training center that centered on, by returning to, the wellspring of things martial... hence R1's slogan-mantra: "All forms are fluent. "
mma in los angeles

Such was the genesis of this: Heritage Hall of the particular Martial Way, known as 'the place in which the pros train'. Where, to this day, members can wrestle within the mats where Dan Gable educated his legendary national tournament teams; trade bumps from the ring that John Cena (and others) developed his career; strike the particular heavy bags that mma in los angeles Beam 'Boom Boom' Mancini & Take advantage of Kaman have tenderized; pick up the weights mma in los angeles that Mr Olympia, The writer Cutler has thrown with regards to; receive the same education protocols that Randy Couture, Lyoto Machida mma in los angeles and countless other combat figures have... And who knows, perhaps add a legendary chapter of ones own to the ongoing saga that is: The R1 mma in los angeles Training Heart.
In the Summer of the Fresh Millennium, 2000, under the particular spire of Chevron's shadows, a cabal of warrior-athletes developed a palestra for collegiate, global, and Olympic wrestlers in order to re-purpose their craft with the new arena of Mixed Fighting mma in los angeles styles (MMA). Behind a mma in los angeles blood-red front door off an industrial alley in El Segundo, CALIFORNIA; with no outward symptoms of commerce, the R1 Training Heart quietly began what would prove to be a paradigm shift throughout skill-sets and expectations needed for success in the fastest growing sport in america. This fully equipped, no-nonsense facility was popped for business to serious men yearning to learn and perfect any martial skill required in their quest for excellence. Nearly about mma in los angeles ten years ago the pilgrimage commenced as to the would become a Mecca for combat artists throughout the world.

Originally dubbed "R. The. W. " (Real United states Wrestling), the vision ended up being former World Cup Fumbling Champion, Rico Chiapparelli's. It was Rico who in 1996 launched the MMA world to then United states National team wrestlers and today: UFC Hall of Recognition mma in los angeles member, Randy Couture, Pleasure Light Heavyweight & Middleweight Success, Dan Henderson, WFA Welterweight Success Frank Trigg, MARS mma in los angeles Absolute Champion, Tom Erikson, IFL Light Heavyweight Champion, Vladimir Matyushenko & Olympic Gold Medalist, Matt Lindland... we were holding to become known since: the R. A. M. Team. These were World-class athletes that had virtually worn mma in los angeles out their welcome at most martial arts gyms in the course of Southern California. These nomads and ronin fighters made a quest to discover an "all disciplines under one roof" location in order to plant the R. The. W. banner.

Enter: Frank Shamrock, seems the younger Shamrock was looking for a spot in L . a . to hang his hat likewise. During a conversation having Rico, Frank mentioned that he'd found the optimal place, but alas, the offer had fallen through. He also mentioned this it was the minute time it had happened towards landlord at this really location... the R. The. W. boys decided: some time was right.

The South Bay subject of Los Angeles is almost certainly considered the birthplace and ground-zero with the infectious spread of MMA over the country - ney, the earth. For it was the following that mma in los angeles Rorian Gracie started teaching his family's make of Jiu- Jitsu and developed a showcase that could eventually become the Greatest Fighting Championship. Combat athletes from all corners in the globe began migrating in order to Torrance, CA; (once referred to as: Rio Norte) to find out BJJ's secrets and build shops of their personal. Yet another South Fresh city, known by locals to its sewage treatment facility, (as properly as oil refining), was poised to become home for the subsequent generation of MMA's advancement. With UFC's success came a hunger for just a training center that centered on, by returning to, the wellspring of things martial... hence R1's slogan-mantra: "All forms are fluent. "
mma in los angeles

Such was the genesis of this: Heritage Hall of the particular Martial Way, known as 'the place in which the pros train'. Where, to this day, members can wrestle within the mats where Dan Gable educated his legendary national tournament teams; trade bumps from the ring that John Cena (and others) developed his career; strike the particular heavy bags that mma in los angeles Beam 'Boom Boom' Mancini & Take advantage of Kaman have tenderized; pick up the weights mma in los angeles that Mr Olympia, The writer Cutler has thrown with regards to; receive the same education protocols that Randy Couture, Lyoto Machida mma in los angeles and countless other combat figures have... And who knows, perhaps add a legendary chapter of ones own to the ongoing saga that is: The R1 mma in los angeles Training Heart.
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EXPOSING The Many LIES Of George Zimmerman!!

There's quite a few text screens in this video, I'd recommend you watch it full screen, that way you can use your space bar to pause and resume it conveniently.

There's quite a few text screens in this video, I'd recommend you watch it full screen, that way you can use your space bar to pause and resume it conveniently.

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From the timeline here we learn that Dee Dee's call ends at 7:16:xx ; because T-Mobile doesn't give seconds data, it could have been anytime from 7:16:00 to 7:16:59.
[more on the gap timing here ]

Okay, BUT, there's a 911 call made that picks up at 7:16:11 so by that we know that Dee Dee's call had to drop at sometime between 7:16:00 and 7:16:10 .

Most importantly about this 911 call

From the timeline here we learn that Dee Dee's call ends at 7:16:xx ; because T-Mobile doesn't give seconds data, it could have been anytime from 7:16:00 to 7:16:59.
[more on the gap timing here ]

Okay, BUT, there's a 911 call made that picks up at 7:16:11 so by that we know that Dee Dee's call had to drop at sometime between 7:16:00 and 7:16:10 .

Most importantly about this 911 call
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