
CREEPY ZIMMERMAN plus 1st bond hearing

Tzar says:

April 8, 2013 at 9:43 am

Tzar says:

April 8, 2013 at 9:43 am

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The Surprising Efficacy of Hit Medicines

Bottle of Hit Medicine

I believe that most practitioners of Okinawan karate know that hit medicines are/were used by most serious Okinawan karate masters. Higaonna shinshi and Hokama shinshi (and others) have advocated this practice to their Western students fairly vocally. However, Western karateka have been largely uninterested in the use of these medicines (unlike many Western

Bottle of Hit Medicine

I believe that most practitioners of Okinawan karate know that hit medicines are/were used by most serious Okinawan karate masters. Higaonna shinshi and Hokama shinshi (and others) have advocated this practice to their Western students fairly vocally. However, Western karateka have been largely uninterested in the use of these medicines (unlike many Western
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Taira Masaji shinshi

In the past I've often mentioned 20th century Okinawan masters who played an important role in preserving "old style" karate such as Kuda Yuichi, Oyata Seiyu, Soken Hohan, Motobu Choki, Uehara Seikichi and others. Unfortunately all these wonderful masters have now passed on. However, there is an Okinawan master (who is still very much in his prime) who is currently doing much to spread a highly
In the past I've often mentioned 20th century Okinawan masters who played an important role in preserving "old style" karate such as Kuda Yuichi, Oyata Seiyu, Soken Hohan, Motobu Choki, Uehara Seikichi and others. Unfortunately all these wonderful masters have now passed on. However, there is an Okinawan master (who is still very much in his prime) who is currently doing much to spread a highly
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Training martial arts with disabilities

Martial arts belt - From
It appears that training martial arts with disabilities is another subject which may bring about discussions of pros and cons.

The debate goes primarily on what the best suited martial arts style for someone with a disability might be.

Also, it is also being discussed whether or not it is fine to grade some martial arts students with special needs and disabilities. After all, it is not uncommon that these students can not perform the things that able bodied, "regular" students can.

You can go here read more about the topic of the best martial arts for students with disabilities. It would also be great if you would take the time to leave a comment on your view on this topic.

My view is basically this: Martial arts training can great for anyone - no matter what their starting point may be. It is, to me, more about how the school and teacher is able adapt to the students needs, and also about the personal preferences that we all have - one way or the other.
Martial arts belt - From
It appears that training martial arts with disabilities is another subject which may bring about discussions of pros and cons.

The debate goes primarily on what the best suited martial arts style for someone with a disability might be.

Also, it is also being discussed whether or not it is fine to grade some martial arts students with special needs and disabilities. After all, it is not uncommon that these students can not perform the things that able bodied, "regular" students can.

You can go here read more about the topic of the best martial arts for students with disabilities. It would also be great if you would take the time to leave a comment on your view on this topic.

My view is basically this: Martial arts training can great for anyone - no matter what their starting point may be. It is, to me, more about how the school and teacher is able adapt to the students needs, and also about the personal preferences that we all have - one way or the other.
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Another Frank Taaffe Tour of RATL

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A ninja ass-ass-in

They really don't come any deadlier, or scarier, then this - a real ninjass poster boy of lethal awesomeness!

They really don't come any deadlier, or scarier, then this - a real ninjass poster boy of lethal awesomeness!

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LLMPapa video

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Would USA Today Ask This Question If Trayvon Martin Was White?

In yet another case where the dead Black person has to explain himself, USA Today ran a front cover this week asking an interesting question: Trayvon: Typical Teen or Troublemaker. Here, we wrestle with the so-called, “dueling images of Trayvon.”

Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot to death walking home on February 26 with an ice tea and a pack of Skittles. Yet USA Today wants his corpse to

In yet another case where the dead Black person has to explain himself, USA Today ran a front cover this week asking an interesting question: Trayvon: Typical Teen or Troublemaker. Here, we wrestle with the so-called, “dueling images of Trayvon.”

Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot to death walking home on February 26 with an ice tea and a pack of Skittles. Yet USA Today wants his corpse to
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Evidence of Direction

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New Zimmerman evidence: Serino changed final report four times in five hours

Former Sanford police Chief Bill Lee Jr., left, and Detective Chris Serino. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel / March 16, 2012)

By Rene Stutzman and Jeff Weiner, Orlando

Former Sanford police Chief Bill Lee Jr., left, and Detective Chris Serino. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel / March 16, 2012)

By Rene Stutzman and Jeff Weiner, Orlando
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New Evidence – George Zimmerman Used “N Word” In Text Message And E-Mail

Sources have confirmed that the prosecution team investigating the
shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman have in their
possession new evidence in the form of text messages and e-mails in
which George Zimmerman uses the “N Word” when referring who to look out
for when on patrol in his Sanford, Florida neighborhood.

This could be the most volatile evidence yet and could be a

Sources have confirmed that the prosecution team investigating the
shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman have in their
possession new evidence in the form of text messages and e-mails in
which George Zimmerman uses the “N Word” when referring who to look out
for when on patrol in his Sanford, Florida neighborhood.

This could be the most volatile evidence yet and could be a
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Very important State of the Internet videos

Trent Sawyer is State of the Internet, who has created these important videos:

George Zimmerman - Witness 11 seen GZ detain Trayvon Martin!?!?

Zimmerman Evidence Dump 2 recap - New Evidence Reviewed

Trent Sawyer is State of the Internet, who has created these important videos:

George Zimmerman - Witness 11 seen GZ detain Trayvon Martin!?!?

Zimmerman Evidence Dump 2 recap - New Evidence Reviewed

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Racking and Thumps in NEN call

George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes.

George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes.

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#Zimmerman Edits out "F'cking Coon" from 911 Tape He Filed with Court in lawsuit against NBC

George Zimmerman filed a lawsuit against NBC claiming that NBC made him (George) look racist in a edited 911 tape they aired.

The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the Court, he, Zimmerman, edited out the portion of the 911 tape that George makes himself look racist when he said, "F'cking Coons." (listen to Time Stamp 2:22)

Also, at Time Stamp 3:20, on the tape

George Zimmerman filed a lawsuit against NBC claiming that NBC made him (George) look racist in a edited 911 tape they aired.

The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the Court, he, Zimmerman, edited out the portion of the 911 tape that George makes himself look racist when he said, "F'cking Coons." (listen to Time Stamp 2:22)

Also, at Time Stamp 3:20, on the tape
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Zimmerman Sues Again

Here's the pdf

It's so full of lies and half truths it cannot possibly hope to succeed. Yet, it is probably heartening to his supporters, to see him step forward once again, to attack his detractors.

Unfortunately the evidence and testimony filed in the case, goes all to heavily against him. For example, he cannot possibly convince anyone, that he was out that night, trying to keep

Here's the pdf

It's so full of lies and half truths it cannot possibly hope to succeed. Yet, it is probably heartening to his supporters, to see him step forward once again, to attack his detractors.

Unfortunately the evidence and testimony filed in the case, goes all to heavily against him. For example, he cannot possibly convince anyone, that he was out that night, trying to keep
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Retreat at Twin Lakes Walk Through, Part Two


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Krotty shoes

And here's a "krotty shoes" video ad from Diesel. Some folks say it's funny...
And here's a "krotty shoes" video ad from Diesel. Some folks say it's funny...
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Here I've altered the color and contrast to make the circled feature more visible. Pay attention to the swath of red across the bridge of the nose. On the left it is of one size, on the right, the altered photo, it's clearly been stretched downwards and the bridge of the nose narrows. This is the result of a warping tool that stretches the image. Obviously a face cannot be changed in

Here I've altered the color and contrast to make the circled feature more visible. Pay attention to the swath of red across the bridge of the nose. On the left it is of one size, on the right, the altered photo, it's clearly been stretched downwards and the bridge of the nose narrows. This is the result of a warping tool that stretches the image. Obviously a face cannot be changed in
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Featuring Lonnie Starr and his Theory of the Trayvon Martin Case

Lonnie Starr has been working this case displaying high intelligence
with the focus and determination of a dog working a bone. Pity the
hapless and extremely over-matched defendant and his defense team. Just
don’t get carried away feeling sorry for them.

He also has written the two White House petitions seeking a federal
investigation of the defendant for violating Trayvon Martin’s civil

Lonnie Starr has been working this case displaying high intelligence
with the focus and determination of a dog working a bone. Pity the
hapless and extremely over-matched defendant and his defense team. Just
don’t get carried away feeling sorry for them.

He also has written the two White House petitions seeking a federal
investigation of the defendant for violating Trayvon Martin’s civil
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