
CREEPY ZIMMERMAN plus 1st bond hearing

Tzar says:

April 8, 2013 at 9:43 am

Tzar says:

April 8, 2013 at 9:43 am

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The Surprising Efficacy of Hit Medicines

Bottle of Hit Medicine

I believe that most practitioners of Okinawan karate know that hit medicines are/were used by most serious Okinawan karate masters. Higaonna shinshi and Hokama shinshi (and others) have advocated this practice to their Western students fairly vocally. However, Western karateka have been largely uninterested in the use of these medicines (unlike many Western

Bottle of Hit Medicine

I believe that most practitioners of Okinawan karate know that hit medicines are/were used by most serious Okinawan karate masters. Higaonna shinshi and Hokama shinshi (and others) have advocated this practice to their Western students fairly vocally. However, Western karateka have been largely uninterested in the use of these medicines (unlike many Western
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Taira Masaji shinshi

In the past I've often mentioned 20th century Okinawan masters who played an important role in preserving "old style" karate such as Kuda Yuichi, Oyata Seiyu, Soken Hohan, Motobu Choki, Uehara Seikichi and others. Unfortunately all these wonderful masters have now passed on. However, there is an Okinawan master (who is still very much in his prime) who is currently doing much to spread a highly
In the past I've often mentioned 20th century Okinawan masters who played an important role in preserving "old style" karate such as Kuda Yuichi, Oyata Seiyu, Soken Hohan, Motobu Choki, Uehara Seikichi and others. Unfortunately all these wonderful masters have now passed on. However, there is an Okinawan master (who is still very much in his prime) who is currently doing much to spread a highly
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Training martial arts with disabilities

Martial arts belt - From
It appears that training martial arts with disabilities is another subject which may bring about discussions of pros and cons.

The debate goes primarily on what the best suited martial arts style for someone with a disability might be.

Also, it is also being discussed whether or not it is fine to grade some martial arts students with special needs and disabilities. After all, it is not uncommon that these students can not perform the things that able bodied, "regular" students can.

You can go here read more about the topic of the best martial arts for students with disabilities. It would also be great if you would take the time to leave a comment on your view on this topic.

My view is basically this: Martial arts training can great for anyone - no matter what their starting point may be. It is, to me, more about how the school and teacher is able adapt to the students needs, and also about the personal preferences that we all have - one way or the other.
Martial arts belt - From
It appears that training martial arts with disabilities is another subject which may bring about discussions of pros and cons.

The debate goes primarily on what the best suited martial arts style for someone with a disability might be.

Also, it is also being discussed whether or not it is fine to grade some martial arts students with special needs and disabilities. After all, it is not uncommon that these students can not perform the things that able bodied, "regular" students can.

You can go here read more about the topic of the best martial arts for students with disabilities. It would also be great if you would take the time to leave a comment on your view on this topic.

My view is basically this: Martial arts training can great for anyone - no matter what their starting point may be. It is, to me, more about how the school and teacher is able adapt to the students needs, and also about the personal preferences that we all have - one way or the other.
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Another Frank Taaffe Tour of RATL

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A ninja ass-ass-in

They really don't come any deadlier, or scarier, then this - a real ninjass poster boy of lethal awesomeness!

They really don't come any deadlier, or scarier, then this - a real ninjass poster boy of lethal awesomeness!

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LLMPapa video

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Would USA Today Ask This Question If Trayvon Martin Was White?

In yet another case where the dead Black person has to explain himself, USA Today ran a front cover this week asking an interesting question: Trayvon: Typical Teen or Troublemaker. Here, we wrestle with the so-called, “dueling images of Trayvon.”

Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot to death walking home on February 26 with an ice tea and a pack of Skittles. Yet USA Today wants his corpse to

In yet another case where the dead Black person has to explain himself, USA Today ran a front cover this week asking an interesting question: Trayvon: Typical Teen or Troublemaker. Here, we wrestle with the so-called, “dueling images of Trayvon.”

Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot to death walking home on February 26 with an ice tea and a pack of Skittles. Yet USA Today wants his corpse to
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Evidence of Direction

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New Zimmerman evidence: Serino changed final report four times in five hours

Former Sanford police Chief Bill Lee Jr., left, and Detective Chris Serino. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel / March 16, 2012)

By Rene Stutzman and Jeff Weiner, Orlando

Former Sanford police Chief Bill Lee Jr., left, and Detective Chris Serino. (Red Huber, Orlando Sentinel / March 16, 2012)

By Rene Stutzman and Jeff Weiner, Orlando
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New Evidence – George Zimmerman Used “N Word” In Text Message And E-Mail

Sources have confirmed that the prosecution team investigating the
shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman have in their
possession new evidence in the form of text messages and e-mails in
which George Zimmerman uses the “N Word” when referring who to look out
for when on patrol in his Sanford, Florida neighborhood.

This could be the most volatile evidence yet and could be a

Sources have confirmed that the prosecution team investigating the
shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman have in their
possession new evidence in the form of text messages and e-mails in
which George Zimmerman uses the “N Word” when referring who to look out
for when on patrol in his Sanford, Florida neighborhood.

This could be the most volatile evidence yet and could be a
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Very important State of the Internet videos

Trent Sawyer is State of the Internet, who has created these important videos:

George Zimmerman - Witness 11 seen GZ detain Trayvon Martin!?!?

Zimmerman Evidence Dump 2 recap - New Evidence Reviewed

Trent Sawyer is State of the Internet, who has created these important videos:

George Zimmerman - Witness 11 seen GZ detain Trayvon Martin!?!?

Zimmerman Evidence Dump 2 recap - New Evidence Reviewed

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Racking and Thumps in NEN call

George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes.

George Zimmerman Police Call w. Time Stamps and Notes.

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#Zimmerman Edits out "F'cking Coon" from 911 Tape He Filed with Court in lawsuit against NBC

George Zimmerman filed a lawsuit against NBC claiming that NBC made him (George) look racist in a edited 911 tape they aired.

The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the Court, he, Zimmerman, edited out the portion of the 911 tape that George makes himself look racist when he said, "F'cking Coons." (listen to Time Stamp 2:22)

Also, at Time Stamp 3:20, on the tape

George Zimmerman filed a lawsuit against NBC claiming that NBC made him (George) look racist in a edited 911 tape they aired.

The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the Court, he, Zimmerman, edited out the portion of the 911 tape that George makes himself look racist when he said, "F'cking Coons." (listen to Time Stamp 2:22)

Also, at Time Stamp 3:20, on the tape
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Zimmerman Sues Again

Here's the pdf

It's so full of lies and half truths it cannot possibly hope to succeed. Yet, it is probably heartening to his supporters, to see him step forward once again, to attack his detractors.

Unfortunately the evidence and testimony filed in the case, goes all to heavily against him. For example, he cannot possibly convince anyone, that he was out that night, trying to keep

Here's the pdf

It's so full of lies and half truths it cannot possibly hope to succeed. Yet, it is probably heartening to his supporters, to see him step forward once again, to attack his detractors.

Unfortunately the evidence and testimony filed in the case, goes all to heavily against him. For example, he cannot possibly convince anyone, that he was out that night, trying to keep
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Retreat at Twin Lakes Walk Through, Part Two


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Krotty shoes

And here's a "krotty shoes" video ad from Diesel. Some folks say it's funny...
And here's a "krotty shoes" video ad from Diesel. Some folks say it's funny...
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Here I've altered the color and contrast to make the circled feature more visible. Pay attention to the swath of red across the bridge of the nose. On the left it is of one size, on the right, the altered photo, it's clearly been stretched downwards and the bridge of the nose narrows. This is the result of a warping tool that stretches the image. Obviously a face cannot be changed in

Here I've altered the color and contrast to make the circled feature more visible. Pay attention to the swath of red across the bridge of the nose. On the left it is of one size, on the right, the altered photo, it's clearly been stretched downwards and the bridge of the nose narrows. This is the result of a warping tool that stretches the image. Obviously a face cannot be changed in
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Featuring Lonnie Starr and his Theory of the Trayvon Martin Case

Lonnie Starr has been working this case displaying high intelligence
with the focus and determination of a dog working a bone. Pity the
hapless and extremely over-matched defendant and his defense team. Just
don’t get carried away feeling sorry for them.

He also has written the two White House petitions seeking a federal
investigation of the defendant for violating Trayvon Martin’s civil

Lonnie Starr has been working this case displaying high intelligence
with the focus and determination of a dog working a bone. Pity the
hapless and extremely over-matched defendant and his defense team. Just
don’t get carried away feeling sorry for them.

He also has written the two White House petitions seeking a federal
investigation of the defendant for violating Trayvon Martin’s civil
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Those who stood, those who fell: fatal cases

Critics say "stand your ground" turned Florida into the Wild West.
Supporters say it has helped keep innocents out of jail. The truth of
how the law has been used over the past six years was unknown until now.

What follows is the most comprehensive list of "stand your ground"
cases ever created. Browse by victim or


Those who stood, those who fell: fatal cases

Critics say "stand your ground" turned Florida into the Wild West.
Supporters say it has helped keep innocents out of jail. The truth of
how the law has been used over the past six years was unknown until now.

What follows is the most comprehensive list of "stand your ground"
cases ever created. Browse by victim or
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Ron Davis, the father of Jordan Davis, is embraced
as he arrives at the funeral home for the visitation and
a memorial service for his son Jordan on Wednesday
in Jacksonville, Fla.

Bob Self/The Florida Times-Union/AP

Three shooting deaths in the past week raise questions about whether
prank-prone and reckless teens are particularly vulnerable under states'
'castle doctrine' and 'stand

Ron Davis, the father of Jordan Davis, is embraced
as he arrives at the funeral home for the visitation and
a memorial service for his son Jordan on Wednesday
in Jacksonville, Fla.

Bob Self/The Florida Times-Union/AP

Three shooting deaths in the past week raise questions about whether
prank-prone and reckless teens are particularly vulnerable under states'
'castle doctrine' and 'stand
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Lost in all the horrible politics surrounding his death is the story of a boy. Before he became yet another flash point in America's painful and never-ending racial drama, Trayvon Martin was just a normal teenager. Here, at last, is the story of what was lost on that February night.By John H. Richardson

Published in the December 2012 issueHe wanted something sweet, he wanted to get out of the

Lost in all the horrible politics surrounding his death is the story of a boy. Before he became yet another flash point in America's painful and never-ending racial drama, Trayvon Martin was just a normal teenager. Here, at last, is the story of what was lost on that February night.By John H. Richardson

Published in the December 2012 issueHe wanted something sweet, he wanted to get out of the
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No View of the Mail Shed on way out of RATL

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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LLMPapa says:

LLMPapa says:

November 24, 2012 at 1:34 pm

LLMPapa says:

November 24, 2012 at 1:34 pm

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we petition the obama administration to: Investigate George Zimmerman for Civil Rights violation in his killing of Trayvon Martin

Neighborhood Watch Captain went on an illegal patrol and profiled an
innocent child as a rogue, thug criminal, who he decided, without
reason, deserved to be followed in the darkness and when he caught him
he questioned and killed him. His only reason given for his erroneous
beliefs was that the child was black and did not belong in the
neighborhood. To defend himself with claims

Neighborhood Watch Captain went on an illegal patrol and profiled an
innocent child as a rogue, thug criminal, who he decided, without
reason, deserved to be followed in the darkness and when he caught him
he questioned and killed him. His only reason given for his erroneous
beliefs was that the child was black and did not belong in the
neighborhood. To defend himself with claims
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"How Racist Are You?" | part 1 | Jane Elliott's Brown Eye-Blue Eye Experiment

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If you're looking for gobble

"If you're looking for gooble - you came to the right place!" Seems the Turkeys are well prepared to fight back this festive season :-)
And of course: This is Turkey-do style karate, just in case you wonder.

"If you're looking for gooble - you came to the right place!" Seems the Turkeys are well prepared to fight back this festive season :-)
And of course: This is Turkey-do style karate, just in case you wonder.

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Zimmerman 2012:Frank Taaffe shows the police:"what hes working with"

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Detective in George Zimmerman case hires Casey Anthony lawyer

Chris Serino (right)

Published: November 19, 2012

By FRANCES ROBLES — The Miami Herald

MIAMI — The lead detective in
the George Zimmerman murder trial hired famed lawyer Jose Baez to
represent him as he maneuvers the next steps of the contentious
high-profile case, The Miami Herald has learned.

Serino, a former Sanford Police major-crimes investigator, became a

Chris Serino (right)

Published: November 19, 2012

By FRANCES ROBLES — The Miami Herald

MIAMI — The lead detective in
the George Zimmerman murder trial hired famed lawyer Jose Baez to
represent him as he maneuvers the next steps of the contentious
high-profile case, The Miami Herald has learned.

Serino, a former Sanford Police major-crimes investigator, became a
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Pages From Police Reports Without Statements Redacted

Pages From Police Reports Without Statements Redacted

Pages From Police Reports Without Statements Redacted

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Dr Phil - Defending George Zimmerman The Most Hated Man in America

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George Zimmerman's DNA problem is a problem.

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By Eric Gallagher

Noah Caraker, an administrative employee of the Seminole
County Public Schools, acting in the capacity as the then Board President of
the Retreat at Twin Lakes Homeowners Association (HOA), forged an agreement
between the HOA and the Sanford Police Department where the HOA hired and paid
Sanford Police in exchange for their patrolling the Retreat at Twin Lakes
community and

By Eric Gallagher

Noah Caraker, an administrative employee of the Seminole
County Public Schools, acting in the capacity as the then Board President of
the Retreat at Twin Lakes Homeowners Association (HOA), forged an agreement
between the HOA and the Sanford Police Department where the HOA hired and paid
Sanford Police in exchange for their patrolling the Retreat at Twin Lakes
community and
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George Zimmerman and Accomplice -Part 3 - On Patrol

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Here's a link to a post you'll find very interesting

To post on the click here

To post on the click here
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New Improved George Zimmerman Re-enactment vs. The World

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The karateka video game

If your old enough and your into playing martial arts related video games, you may remember the  Karateka video game. This mid 80's "karate" game is now more or less a classic.

The game is now being re-released, and here's a funny trailer making a couple of references to the old version.
If your old enough and your into playing martial arts related video games, you may remember the  Karateka video game. This mid 80's "karate" game is now more or less a classic.

The game is now being re-released, and here's a funny trailer making a couple of references to the old version.
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Ninja stealth cake

Love cake? Love to appear all healthy and stuff? In that case, it's about time to get a little sneaky... It's time for some ninja bakery :-)

Love cake? Love to appear all healthy and stuff? In that case, it's about time to get a little sneaky... It's time for some ninja bakery :-)

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One deadly little kung fu-ka!

This toddler is one deadly little kung fu-ka! Brilliantly made, and a real fun video: The Dragon Baby; enjoy

We definitely need more kids with serious martial arts skills like this - no more crappy 'krotty' :-)
This toddler is one deadly little kung fu-ka! Brilliantly made, and a real fun video: The Dragon Baby; enjoy

We definitely need more kids with serious martial arts skills like this - no more crappy 'krotty' :-)
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The taekwondo face-block

Here's a short video of the (oddly enough) ever-so-popular taekwondo face-block. The title is "Karate Kick Knockout", but this is good ol' TKD.

No one quite uses the face to block an attack like these guys... Great kicking though, I'll give him that much.
Here's a short video of the (oddly enough) ever-so-popular taekwondo face-block. The title is "Karate Kick Knockout", but this is good ol' TKD.

No one quite uses the face to block an attack like these guys... Great kicking though, I'll give him that much.
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PROOF George Zimmerman Stalked, Chased, and Murdered Trayvon Martin!!!

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Had To Hit The Code

Looks like we've finally discovered which way Trayvon entered RATL on his return from the store. If true, he had a key code to come in, meaning he returned after 7pm when the gate closed, and he had a right to be on the grounds. GZ's story about TM using the cut through by Taaffe's is false.

Looks like we've finally discovered which way Trayvon entered RATL on his return from the store. If true, he had a key code to come in, meaning he returned after 7pm when the gate closed, and he had a right to be on the grounds. GZ's story about TM using the cut through by Taaffe's is false.
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PoliticsNation, Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Guests: Sybrina Fulton; Tracy Martin; Benjamin Crump, Jonathan Capehart;
Corrine Brown; Zachary Carter; Jeff Weiner; Joe Madison

REVEREND AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: Welcome to "Politics Nation. I`m
Al Sharpton.

Tonight`s lead, the growing national outrage over the killing of 17-
year-old Trayvon Martin. The teenager shot by a self appointed
neighborhood watch volunteer

Guests: Sybrina Fulton; Tracy Martin; Benjamin Crump, Jonathan Capehart;
Corrine Brown; Zachary Carter; Jeff Weiner; Joe Madison

REVEREND AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: Welcome to "Politics Nation. I`m
Al Sharpton.

Tonight`s lead, the growing national outrage over the killing of 17-
year-old Trayvon Martin. The teenager shot by a self appointed
neighborhood watch volunteer
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George Zimmerman's lawyers: Cops will testify for us in murder case

They usually testify on behalf of the state.

By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

They usually testify on behalf of the state.

By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel

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Explore all the primary documents

Explore all the primary documents, reports, and press releases from the
Sanford Police Department related to the Trayvon Martin case, including
the initial police report on Trayvon's killing. Or jump to the collection of videos below. The Document Dump Site

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.

Watch More News Videos at ABC
2012 Presidential Election

Explore all the primary documents, reports, and press releases from the
Sanford Police Department related to the Trayvon Martin case, including
the initial police report on Trayvon's killing. Or jump to the collection of videos below. The Document Dump Site

Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.

Watch More News Videos at ABC
2012 Presidential Election
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NYC gym teacher claims 6-year-old student beat him up

"tiny terror" Rodrigo Carpio (New York Post)

5-foot-10 and 220 pounds, gym teacher John Webster is not a slight
figure. But the former college football player claims a 50-pound,
6-year-old student physically assaulted him and sent him into therapy.

The New York Post
reports that Webster fractured his ankle and injured his knee, all at
the hands of 4-foot-2 Rodrigo Carpio. Walker

"tiny terror" Rodrigo Carpio (New York Post)

5-foot-10 and 220 pounds, gym teacher John Webster is not a slight
figure. But the former college football player claims a 50-pound,
6-year-old student physically assaulted him and sent him into therapy.

The New York Post
reports that Webster fractured his ankle and injured his knee, all at
the hands of 4-foot-2 Rodrigo Carpio. Walker
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george zimmerman's Story Falling Apart Fast - Police Car Video

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George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin Skipping 20MPH

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George Zimmerman - White Shirts, Accomplices, and John's Lies

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Change For Trayvon: A New Website

Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton have started a new website, Change For Trayvon, that is dedicated to reviewing the Stand Your Ground laws.

The Mission Statement:

The purpose of Change for Trayvon is to give his family a voice in the political process. Your support will help engage the discussion across the country regarding stand-your-ground laws and the need to revise them so that

Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton have started a new website, Change For Trayvon, that is dedicated to reviewing the Stand Your Ground laws.

The Mission Statement:

The purpose of Change for Trayvon is to give his family a voice in the political process. Your support will help engage the discussion across the country regarding stand-your-ground laws and the need to revise them so that
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From The Clubhouse To Twin Trees Lane

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Poking fun at Brazilian jiu-jitsu

The Simpsons is a brilliant TV-show. Here's Homer being challenged to face his doom with Brazilian  jiu-jitsu.

Just to be clear, in case there are any haters out there - I love BJJ and grappling (as well as The Simpsons). In fact I train BJJ myself.
The Simpsons is a brilliant TV-show. Here's Homer being challenged to face his doom with Brazilian  jiu-jitsu.

Just to be clear, in case there are any haters out there - I love BJJ and grappling (as well as The Simpsons). In fact I train BJJ myself.
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A Brainless Tale --by LLMpapa

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New Audio of George Zimmerman Criticizing Sanford Police in 2011

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Debunk the Florida Task Force’s outrageous claims on Shoot First

[From The Site click here]
Despite the growing body of evidence showing Shoot First laws
result in more killing — not safer communities – the Task Force
examining Florida’s Shoot First law is listening to NRA lobbyists and
claiming they found no evidence the law is actually dangerous. Before
they submit any misguided recommendations on Shoot First laws

[From The Site click here]
Despite the growing body of evidence showing Shoot First laws
result in more killing — not safer communities – the Task Force
examining Florida’s Shoot First law is listening to NRA lobbyists and
claiming they found no evidence the law is actually dangerous. Before
they submit any misguided recommendations on Shoot First laws
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Covered In Grass

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George Zimmerman HAD PARTNER/S (The 9-1-1 call proves it!!)

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Video: Ted Nugent on the Trayvon Martin Case and the Stand Your Ground Law

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Discovery: DeeDee's (Trayvon's Girlfriend) Full Statement to the State Attorney

Eye Witnesses to Travon's Death

Eye Witnesses to Travon's Death

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Yet Another Scenario: Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman

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Now I've found this:

"UNDENIABLE PROOF that George Zimmerman's head injury photo is photoshopped!!!" (Youtube)


It certainly seems strange that the blood trails from any two photos should be an exact match. This really bears some looking into. After all, we didn't see these pictures of GZ until they emerged days later? Or was that weeks later? After all, these pictures weren't released to the

"UNDENIABLE PROOF that George Zimmerman's head injury photo is photoshopped!!!" (Youtube)


It certainly seems strange that the blood trails from any two photos should be an exact match. This really bears some looking into. After all, we didn't see these pictures of GZ until they emerged days later? Or was that weeks later? After all, these pictures weren't released to the
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Factual Evidence Against George Zimmerman


A Commenter on that site wrote:



tallsinga55 1 month ago



A Commenter on that site wrote:



tallsinga55 1 month ago

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Trayvon Martin case 911 call: Screams not George Zimmerman's, 2 experts say

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
By staff

Updated at 2 p.m. ET: The voice heard crying for help on a 911 call just before Trayvon Martin was shot to death was not that of George Zimmerman, according to two forensic voice identification experts, one of whom told MSNBC on Sunday that he believes the evidence is strong enough to use in court

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
By staff

Updated at 2 p.m. ET: The voice heard crying for help on a 911 call just before Trayvon Martin was shot to death was not that of George Zimmerman, according to two forensic voice identification experts, one of whom told MSNBC on Sunday that he believes the evidence is strong enough to use in court
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Trayvon Martin Case Spotlights Florida Town's History Of 'Sloppy' Police Work

Posted: 04/ 9/2012 8:35 am Updated: 04/ 9/2012 1:01 pm

SANFORD, Fla. -- In the summer of 2010, a masked man gunned down
Ikeem Ruffin, 17, in an apartment complex on this city's north side.
When police arrived, they found Ruffin dead and another teenager beside
the body calling for an ambulance. The next day, police charged the teen
with robbery and murder.

Prosecutors dropped the

Posted: 04/ 9/2012 8:35 am Updated: 04/ 9/2012 1:01 pm

SANFORD, Fla. -- In the summer of 2010, a masked man gunned down
Ikeem Ruffin, 17, in an apartment complex on this city's north side.
When police arrived, they found Ruffin dead and another teenager beside
the body calling for an ambulance. The next day, police charged the teen
with robbery and murder.

Prosecutors dropped the
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Basically, the point of law that the jury will be required to look at
is the instant situation surrounding the time the shot was fired.

A) The prelude to the shot, while remarkable as it may be, can only
go so far to establish, who should reasonably have been in that area.
To establish that it was proper for GZ to have been in that
area, it needs to be shown that there were no

Basically, the point of law that the jury will be required to look at
is the instant situation surrounding the time the shot was fired.

A) The prelude to the shot, while remarkable as it may be, can only
go so far to establish, who should reasonably have been in that area.
To establish that it was proper for GZ to have been in that
area, it needs to be shown that there were no
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A rare karate nutcase

Karate fight - Illustration from
This South-African dude is a rare karate nutcase for sure. For one he is a well known journalist and media figure losing his cool ... if you can say that going absolutely mental is "losing your cool".

Then, this karateka not only goes mental, he absolutely beats up a female colleague! How about that for being ka-rotty ka-razy?

the "best" part though is that it appears he used his martial arts skills to beat up his female co-worker over something as trivial as singing...

Yes folks, singing...

Apparently, the female victim told the ka-razy journalist that he should stick to his day job and stop his vocal performance.

Apparently, he didn't take too kindly to the critic, and you can go here to read about the karate madman.

And if you want to know what happened to his day job, then the answer is that he don't have one right now... Bummer.
Karate fight - Illustration from
This South-African dude is a rare karate nutcase for sure. For one he is a well known journalist and media figure losing his cool ... if you can say that going absolutely mental is "losing your cool".

Then, this karateka not only goes mental, he absolutely beats up a female colleague! How about that for being ka-rotty ka-razy?

the "best" part though is that it appears he used his martial arts skills to beat up his female co-worker over something as trivial as singing...

Yes folks, singing...

Apparently, the female victim told the ka-razy journalist that he should stick to his day job and stop his vocal performance.

Apparently, he didn't take too kindly to the critic, and you can go here to read about the karate madman.

And if you want to know what happened to his day job, then the answer is that he don't have one right now... Bummer.
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One Minute Bunkai™

I'm sure many people are already familiar with "One Minute Bunkai™" on YouTube. It appears to be the creation mainly of Angel Lemus and a few associates. Lemus shinshi is a long time practitioner of Okinawan karate (Sukunaihayashi-ryu [Shorin-ryu], Goju-ryu and more) and has been sharing his understanding of kata and bunkai on YouTube for the last year.

I want to strongly recommend his channel
I'm sure many people are already familiar with "One Minute Bunkai™" on YouTube. It appears to be the creation mainly of Angel Lemus and a few associates. Lemus shinshi is a long time practitioner of Okinawan karate (Sukunaihayashi-ryu [Shorin-ryu], Goju-ryu and more) and has been sharing his understanding of kata and bunkai on YouTube for the last year.

I want to strongly recommend his channel
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A Martial Artist looks at the Zimmerman/Martin Murder Case


Filed under: law & crime by
Victoria Liberty @ 1:45 pm

Guest post by John Victor

Thanks again to John, who earlier wrote a guest post about the Pring-Wilson trial, for providing his analysis of another high-profile case.

The killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is a story that ran
through most of the media earlier this year, with strong opinions


Filed under: law & crime by
Victoria Liberty @ 1:45 pm

Guest post by John Victor

Thanks again to John, who earlier wrote a guest post about the Pring-Wilson trial, for providing his analysis of another high-profile case.

The killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is a story that ran
through most of the media earlier this year, with strong opinions
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Mark Osterman - WOFL TV

Published on Sep 18, 2012 by tatepublishing

The sound of a single gun shot cut through the quiet, rainy evening and a lanky, black teen, Trayvon Martin, fell to the ground. The shooter was someone Mark and Sondra Osterman spoke with daily. He played Santa for their daughter, treated his wife with preciousness, often ate at their table, and shared their joys and sorrows. The Ostermans are

Published on Sep 18, 2012 by tatepublishing

The sound of a single gun shot cut through the quiet, rainy evening and a lanky, black teen, Trayvon Martin, fell to the ground. The shooter was someone Mark and Sondra Osterman spoke with daily. He played Santa for their daughter, treated his wife with preciousness, often ate at their table, and shared their joys and sorrows. The Ostermans are
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Forensic Test george zimmerman On Top of Trayvon Martin

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George Michael Zimmerman and the Thirteen Commandments of Criminal Defense

The First Commandment of Criminal Defense is thou canst not create a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, no matter how good you are. Some cases are dead-bang losers and you must be able to identify and dispose of them, if at all possible, without going to trial. That usually involves a plea bargain and a guilty plea.

There are two kind of plea bargains: charge bargains where charges are dropped or

The First Commandment of Criminal Defense is thou canst not create a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, no matter how good you are. Some cases are dead-bang losers and you must be able to identify and dispose of them, if at all possible, without going to trial. That usually involves a plea bargain and a guilty plea.

There are two kind of plea bargains: charge bargains where charges are dropped or
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Anger in aikido

Anger in aikido? Image from
What are we suggesting here ... anger in aikido? The art of peace, harmony and humanity? Noooh, say it ain't so!

What would O-Sensei say if this was even remotely true?

These nice folks in hakama are supposed to be the very embodiment of cool and tranquility - no room for primal anger or aggression here mate!

We'll it appears that at least one aikidoka takes it very personal that someone dare claim that his hero, non other than movie star Steven Seagal, has been choked out by a "simple" judoka, an old school hard man in the form of Judo Gene LeBell.

True or untrue - keep smiling, and read more about it here.
Anger in aikido? Image from
What are we suggesting here ... anger in aikido? The art of peace, harmony and humanity? Noooh, say it ain't so!

What would O-Sensei say if this was even remotely true?

These nice folks in hakama are supposed to be the very embodiment of cool and tranquility - no room for primal anger or aggression here mate!

We'll it appears that at least one aikidoka takes it very personal that someone dare claim that his hero, non other than movie star Steven Seagal, has been choked out by a "simple" judoka, an old school hard man in the form of Judo Gene LeBell.

True or untrue - keep smiling, and read more about it here.
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How to choose a martial art

Here's Eddie Izzard's comedy take on how to choose a martial art. Brilliant observations :-)
Here's Eddie Izzard's comedy take on how to choose a martial art. Brilliant observations :-)
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Zimmerman's story slowly crumbling

Forensic test results were made public today that identified only George Zimmerman's DNA on the gun that killed 16 year old Trayvon Martin. His story has been that he shot Martin in self-defense, while Martin was walking to his father's house in a gated community.

Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder and has pleaded
not guilty, although in the eyes of most he has yet to

Forensic test results were made public today that identified only George Zimmerman's DNA on the gun that killed 16 year old Trayvon Martin. His story has been that he shot Martin in self-defense, while Martin was walking to his father's house in a gated community.

Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder and has pleaded
not guilty, although in the eyes of most he has yet to
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FDLE Neighborhood Photos

Photos taken by Florida Department of Law Enforcement of The Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.
[Show as slideshow]

Photos taken by Florida Department of Law Enforcement of The Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.
[Show as slideshow]

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tchoupi.caillou's fine work on the Zimmerman - Martin case
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My Deduced Timeline (updated)


Note: As you read through this timeline, after hearing the 911 tapes,
it becomes apparent that GZ isn't giving his actual locations, nor
reporting what is actually taking place.

5:09:-- Trayvon makes call lasting 81 minutes, ends at 6:30=================================================6:05:-- Trayvon


Note: As you read through this timeline, after hearing the 911 tapes,
it becomes apparent that GZ isn't giving his actual locations, nor
reporting what is actually taking place.

5:09:-- Trayvon makes call lasting 81 minutes, ends at 6:30=================================================6:05:-- Trayvon
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18th Circuit Court Media Advisories Zimmerman Files

is the goal of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit to ensure that the media
and public are accommodated to the best of the Court's abilities during
special interest/high profile proceedings. Below you will find media
advisories and public record documents pertaining to State v. Zimmerman
(2012-CF-001083-A). Please continue to check this website for updates.
Documents will be posted as they

is the goal of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit to ensure that the media
and public are accommodated to the best of the Court's abilities during
special interest/high profile proceedings. Below you will find media
advisories and public record documents pertaining to State v. Zimmerman
(2012-CF-001083-A). Please continue to check this website for updates.
Documents will be posted as they
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Zimmerman's Elements Of Time

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Talent for martial arts

Talent or perseverance - From
You may or may not have what we may think of as talent for martial arts.

Similarly you may (or may not) believe yourself that you have the talent it takes to be good at it.

Without a doubt, some people takes faster to certain activities, and they seems to be able to do things without much of an effort.

Do these "naturally talented" people tend to stick with their martial arts training for any length of time? Sadly no. Almost without fail, they tend to get bored and quit before they get really good.

The ones that actually do become very good are the ones that stick to the training - the ones that have the perseverance and who show up again and again, class after class.

In other words: Talent is not nearly as important as perseverance, "just doing it".

We discuss the talent factor in this blog post. Remember to watch the video at the end!

Talent or perseverance - From
You may or may not have what we may think of as talent for martial arts.

Similarly you may (or may not) believe yourself that you have the talent it takes to be good at it.

Without a doubt, some people takes faster to certain activities, and they seems to be able to do things without much of an effort.

Do these "naturally talented" people tend to stick with their martial arts training for any length of time? Sadly no. Almost without fail, they tend to get bored and quit before they get really good.

The ones that actually do become very good are the ones that stick to the training - the ones that have the perseverance and who show up again and again, class after class.

In other words: Talent is not nearly as important as perseverance, "just doing it".

We discuss the talent factor in this blog post. Remember to watch the video at the end!

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Kung fur fighting

These cats may be doing a kata (in feline speak: Cata). Or, it may be actual kung fur (genuine animal style kung fu) fighting - what do you think?

These cats may be doing a kata (in feline speak: Cata). Or, it may be actual kung fur (genuine animal style kung fu) fighting - what do you think?

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Trayvon Martin Case 911 Calls Time Stamped - Final

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Bad taste of martial arts

Really mixed-up martial arts - From Flickr.
If you want a very bad taste of martial arts - the kind that make you cringe and run for cover - then simply dive into a mixture of extremists politics, fanatic religious views ... and a touch of martial arts.

Really mixed-up martial arts in all it's eh... glory.

Former action star great Chuck Norris have apparently lost all credibility and it's time to say goodbye to his "can't get farther to the right", Christian fanatic ramblings.

It's seriously not often that religious/political statements make me want to throw up, but this is darned close.

You can read more about the scary bland of religion and martial arts and far out religious views here.
Really mixed-up martial arts - From Flickr.
If you want a very bad taste of martial arts - the kind that make you cringe and run for cover - then simply dive into a mixture of extremists politics, fanatic religious views ... and a touch of martial arts.

Really mixed-up martial arts in all it's eh... glory.

Former action star great Chuck Norris have apparently lost all credibility and it's time to say goodbye to his "can't get farther to the right", Christian fanatic ramblings.

It's seriously not often that religious/political statements make me want to throw up, but this is darned close.

You can read more about the scary bland of religion and martial arts and far out religious views here.
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Experts Conclude George Zimmerman DID NOT Scream For Help That Night!

Zimmerman Timeline Problem

Another Lie From A LIAR

Zimmerman Timeline Problem

Another Lie From A LIAR

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Complete Trayvon Phone Logs PDF


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The suck-factor in traditional martial arts

Traditional martial arts sucks? From Flickr.
I'm sure you have heard a number of times how the suck-factor in traditional martial arts (TMA) can be very high?

It goes without saying that such statements in general comes from the people who don't do TMA, or who have done some bullshido/McDojo variety of it before - typically when they were children.

Those of us who find it very meaningful to do the more traditional arts like karate, taekwondo, judo and ju-jitsu, knows that there are lots of benefits associated with this type of training. Also, it should be quite self-explanatory that not everyone aim at being MMA fighters, or train the latest and greatest "street-approved combat style of self-defense.

That's all well and fine, but there still may be some elements of truth about the suck-factor in traditional martial arts. It appears that this is more than anything a problem in the USA, and you can read more about it here.
Traditional martial arts sucks? From Flickr.
I'm sure you have heard a number of times how the suck-factor in traditional martial arts (TMA) can be very high?

It goes without saying that such statements in general comes from the people who don't do TMA, or who have done some bullshido/McDojo variety of it before - typically when they were children.

Those of us who find it very meaningful to do the more traditional arts like karate, taekwondo, judo and ju-jitsu, knows that there are lots of benefits associated with this type of training. Also, it should be quite self-explanatory that not everyone aim at being MMA fighters, or train the latest and greatest "street-approved combat style of self-defense.

That's all well and fine, but there still may be some elements of truth about the suck-factor in traditional martial arts. It appears that this is more than anything a problem in the USA, and you can read more about it here.
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MMA zombie film

A zombie film/movie with mixed martial arts action..? Apparently that's what you get with 'Zombie Apocalypse'. Not at all sure if I'm ready for an MMA zombie film.

Just a bit curious whether it's zombies turning fighters or fighters turning zombies. It may be argued that some fighters are close to that already...

A zombie film/movie with mixed martial arts action..? Apparently that's what you get with 'Zombie Apocalypse'. Not at all sure if I'm ready for an MMA zombie film.

Just a bit curious whether it's zombies turning fighters or fighters turning zombies. It may be argued that some fighters are close to that already...

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ScreaminJ's Collection -- Witness Spreadsheet

Trayvon Martin whole case spreadsheet

The entire collection

Trayvon Martin whole case spreadsheet

The entire collection
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Witness 8 aka DeeDee composit

From google docs

Witness 8 aka DeeDee - composite

Background info
I know the person named Trayvon Martin. I have known him for a long time. We just started talking. I met up with him by him coming by my house with his best friend. I live with my mother. I’ve known him from about Kindergarten. He was a good friend of mine. I would describe Trayvon as funny… a Momma boy, a baby, sheltered in
From google docs

Witness 8 aka DeeDee - composite

Background info
I know the person named Trayvon Martin. I have known him for a long time. We just started talking. I met up with him by him coming by my house with his best friend. I live with my mother. I’ve known him from about Kindergarten. He was a good friend of mine. I would describe Trayvon as funny… a Momma boy, a baby, sheltered in
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A Dr. Phil Exclusive: Friends of George Zimmerman -- “The Most Hated Man in America” -- Speak Out

September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

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Full 40 Minute George Zimmerman - Hannity Q & A. Zimmerman First Time Talking To The News!


"I carry my gun all the time, except at work" vs "I forgot I had my gun with me!"


"I carry my gun all the time, except at work" vs "I forgot I had my gun with me!"
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'He would have died if he hadn't killed Trayvon': George Zimmerman's best friend defends him on Dr Phil after penning a book Read more:

Mark Osterman and his wife Sondra appeared on the nationally syndicated show to defend George Zimmerman and explain the situation surrounding Trayvon Martin's death
Said that Trayvon Martin would have killed George Zimmerman if the neighbourhood watch volunteer had not shot the Florida teenager in defence
Said that Zimmerman suffered a serious concussion during his encounter with Trayvon on
Mark Osterman and his wife Sondra appeared on the nationally syndicated show to defend George Zimmerman and explain the situation surrounding Trayvon Martin's death
Said that Trayvon Martin would have killed George Zimmerman if the neighbourhood watch volunteer had not shot the Florida teenager in defence
Said that Zimmerman suffered a serious concussion during his encounter with Trayvon on
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The 'Whole' Story of Trayvon Martin at 7 Eleven

Published on May 27, 2012 by DiwataMan2

6:21:54 Trayvon is seen outside the store traveling from the East to the West to enter 7 Eleven

6:24:32 Two minutes later Trayvon leaves the store but is not seen outside heading back East

6:25:53 The three stooges enter

6:26:03 Curly has money already in hand

6:28:00 Curly walks away with blunts

6:28:30 Curly leaves store with blunts

6:29:19 The

Published on May 27, 2012 by DiwataMan2

6:21:54 Trayvon is seen outside the store traveling from the East to the West to enter 7 Eleven

6:24:32 Two minutes later Trayvon leaves the store but is not seen outside heading back East

6:25:53 The three stooges enter

6:26:03 Curly has money already in hand

6:28:00 Curly walks away with blunts

6:28:30 Curly leaves store with blunts

6:29:19 The
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Martial arts instructor description

To balance out the naughty bit below, here's a very accurate martial arts instructor description. In my experience, it's basically a home run :-)
An accurate description of martial arts instructors at work...

To balance out the naughty bit below, here's a very accurate martial arts instructor description. In my experience, it's basically a home run :-)
An accurate description of martial arts instructors at work...

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MMA and gay "pron"

Not sure if this is the image the macho guys want of the UFC and mixed martial arts.. May be too close for comfort though?

And just in case you wonder, A. this is humor, and B. it does not represent my view on MMA and gay "pron" :-)
Maybe ... or maybe rather not

Not sure if this is the image the macho guys want of the UFC and mixed martial arts.. May be too close for comfort though?

And just in case you wonder, A. this is humor, and B. it does not represent my view on MMA and gay "pron" :-)
Maybe ... or maybe rather not

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No Olympic MMA

No Olympic MMA - From
Whether you find it OK/fine, or you really get mad at the idea, here's the thing: There will be no Olympic MMA - or Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) for that matter.

Let me rephrase that a little bit before the hard-core mixed martial arts fans gets a full-blown seizure ... these sports will not be included in any foreseeable future.

Sure, the current fighting arts in the Olympic games are about as exiting to watch as drying paint - in other words extremely boring unless you're into that particular art/sport.

And sure enough, MMA is - whether we like it or not - a massive force to be reckoned with on the combat sports arena. It's action packed and intriguing in ways that say taekwondo or judo can never be.

Still, the chances that MMA - or other sports like BJJ - will be a part of the Olympic family any time soon is close to zero.

And no, I'm not the one saying so. I love BJJ (been doing it myself for some time) and I can't see why a modified version of MMA shouldn't be made to fit the Olympic program. There are others - people with more knowledge than me who says so.

Read more about it here.
No Olympic MMA - From
Whether you find it OK/fine, or you really get mad at the idea, here's the thing: There will be no Olympic MMA - or Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) for that matter.

Let me rephrase that a little bit before the hard-core mixed martial arts fans gets a full-blown seizure ... these sports will not be included in any foreseeable future.

Sure, the current fighting arts in the Olympic games are about as exiting to watch as drying paint - in other words extremely boring unless you're into that particular art/sport.

And sure enough, MMA is - whether we like it or not - a massive force to be reckoned with on the combat sports arena. It's action packed and intriguing in ways that say taekwondo or judo can never be.

Still, the chances that MMA - or other sports like BJJ - will be a part of the Olympic family any time soon is close to zero.

And no, I'm not the one saying so. I love BJJ (been doing it myself for some time) and I can't see why a modified version of MMA shouldn't be made to fit the Olympic program. There are others - people with more knowledge than me who says so.

Read more about it here.
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Martial arts violence

Violence - Illustration from 
Make sure you check out the latest blog post about martial arts violence, discussing a rather stupid video posted by a well-known individual - said to be a philosopher.

This nit-wit somehow finds the opportunity to insult a lot of people doing martial arts, without even blinking.

He's basically claiming that the real reason that we do martial arts is that we use it to deal with our childhood abuse... Exactly ... you heard that right.

So you my martial arts friend have a checkered past, whether you admit it or not - whether you're aware of it  or not. You see, this individual is right and we - who actually do martial arts because we find the training enjoyable for a variety of reasons - are wrong.

This confused individual even has the nerves to get on his high horse and "feel genuinely sorry" for us.

You can read the full blog post here. I would love it if you left a comment. Also, hop over to YouTube and leave a comment there too - remember to vote his silly video rambling down, please!

It is really sad to see apparently intelligent individuals missing the boat completely as in this case.
Violence - Illustration from 
Make sure you check out the latest blog post about martial arts violence, discussing a rather stupid video posted by a well-known individual - said to be a philosopher.

This nit-wit somehow finds the opportunity to insult a lot of people doing martial arts, without even blinking.

He's basically claiming that the real reason that we do martial arts is that we use it to deal with our childhood abuse... Exactly ... you heard that right.

So you my martial arts friend have a checkered past, whether you admit it or not - whether you're aware of it  or not. You see, this individual is right and we - who actually do martial arts because we find the training enjoyable for a variety of reasons - are wrong.

This confused individual even has the nerves to get on his high horse and "feel genuinely sorry" for us.

You can read the full blog post here. I would love it if you left a comment. Also, hop over to YouTube and leave a comment there too - remember to vote his silly video rambling down, please!

It is really sad to see apparently intelligent individuals missing the boat completely as in this case.
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Home Page
Witness Interviews – These are the actual uncut, full-length, witness interviews in audio format that were distributed to the media.
Fire Department Interviews
Documents (Police Reports, Phone Records, Discovery Documents)
Evidence Photos

Patricia says:

Home Page
Witness Interviews – These are the actual uncut, full-length, witness interviews in audio format that were distributed to the media.
Fire Department Interviews
Documents (Police Reports, Phone Records, Discovery Documents)
Evidence Photos

Patricia says:
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Four Animated timelines - and- 12 Whites who knew Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin Shooting Animated Timeline pt. 2

Timeline of Events George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin

Yet Another Scenario: Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman

Timeline of Trayvon Martin's Last Minutes

12 Whites Who KNEW Trayvon Martin Expose...

Trayvon Martin Shooting Animated Timeline pt. 2

Timeline of Events George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin

Yet Another Scenario: Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman

Timeline of Trayvon Martin's Last Minutes

12 Whites Who KNEW Trayvon Martin Expose...

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Trayvon Martin By tchoupi · 3 months ago 107,319 views

Don't miss this site click here

Don't miss this site click here

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New Improved George Zimmerman Re-enactment vs. The World

Published on Aug 14, 2012 by Teeslaw I think/hope it's pretty self explanatory. This combines both parts of a previous 2 part video I had posted, and adds the previously missing 'third part' dealing with the actual struggle between Martin and Zimmerman.

For additional analysis of the Martin/Zimmerman case evidence and testimony, see (Note, this

Published on Aug 14, 2012 by Teeslaw I think/hope it's pretty self explanatory. This combines both parts of a previous 2 part video I had posted, and adds the previously missing 'third part' dealing with the actual struggle between Martin and Zimmerman.

For additional analysis of the Martin/Zimmerman case evidence and testimony, see (Note, this
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This map from TALK LEFT is posted because it shows the available paths between houses that other maps do not show clearly. READ MORE
This map from TALK LEFT is posted because it shows the available paths between houses that other maps do not show clearly. READ MORE
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George Zimmerman was briefly sent back to jail recently, but that was just the latest twist in the Trayvon Martin tragedy.

The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was preceded and followed by a series of dramatic events that turned a local crime into a national tragedy.

The full timeline of Martin's death before and after February 26 paints a complex picture of both Zimmerman and the unarmed
George Zimmerman was briefly sent back to jail recently, but that was just the latest twist in the Trayvon Martin tragedy.

The death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was preceded and followed by a series of dramatic events that turned a local crime into a national tragedy.

The full timeline of Martin's death before and after February 26 paints a complex picture of both Zimmerman and the unarmed
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Minute-by-Minute Timeline of Trayvon Martin’s Death


This timeline is posted for informational purposes only, it, and many others I post will be out of date,
and/or have other errors, but I post them because a view of different timeline constructions will give
the reader a better grasp of the data involved. A fuller explanation will be had at the site listed and linked above, here's the map:



This timeline is posted for informational purposes only, it, and many others I post will be out of date,
and/or have other errors, but I post them because a view of different timeline constructions will give
the reader a better grasp of the data involved. A fuller explanation will be had at the site listed and linked above, here's the map:


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George Zimmerman bond hearing

A Florida court holds a bond hearing on April 20, 2012, for George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Trayvon Martin.
Apr 20, 2012 - 11:20am

A Florida court holds a bond hearing on April 20, 2012, for George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Trayvon Martin.
Apr 20, 2012 - 11:20am

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A speculation about how GZ met TM on site

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Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman Sanford Police Shooting Report

Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman Sanford Police Shooting Report
Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman Sanford Police Shooting Report
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Shellie Zimmerman Arrest 0612

Shellie Zimmerman Arrest 0612
Shellie Zimmerman Arrest 0612
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Zimmerman Written Statement 02-26 0620

Zimmeman Written Statement 0226 0620
Zimmeman Written Statement 0226 0620
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Redacted witness and evidence list filed by the state in George Zimmerman case

Redacted witness and evidence list filed by the state in George Zimmerman case
Redacted witness and evidence list filed by the state in George Zimmerman case
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George Zimmerman Case- Response by FloridaDA to Request for Recusal

George Zimmerman Case- Response by FloridaDA to Request for Recusal
George Zimmerman Case- Response by FloridaDA to Request for Recusal
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Florida Trial Court's 2012 Ruling On The Stand Your Ground Law - Same Law As ...

Florida Trial Court's 2012 Ruling On The Stand Your Ground Law - Same Law As In Zimmerman Case
Florida Trial Court's 2012 Ruling On The Stand Your Ground Law - Same Law As In Zimmerman Case
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George Zimmerman: Motion for protective order, media's motions

George Zimmerman: Motion for protective order, media's motions
George Zimmerman: Motion for protective order, media's motions
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George Zimmerman's motion to disqualify judge Kenneth Lester

George Zimmerman's motion to disqualify judge Kenneth Lester
George Zimmerman's motion to disqualify judge Kenneth Lester
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Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman Case Requires Increased Clarity

This document was obviously issued before more facts were released, thus it contains many erroneous assumptions. I post it for informational purposes.

Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman Case Requires Increased Clarity
This document was obviously issued before more facts were released, thus it contains many erroneous assumptions. I post it for informational purposes.

Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman Case Requires Increased Clarity
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Zimmerman Motion to Revoke Bond

Zimmerman Motion to Revoke Bond
Zimmerman Motion to Revoke Bond
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Zimmerman Motion for Reconsideration

Zimmerman Motion for Reconsideration
Zimmerman Motion for Reconsideration
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George Zimmerman police report

George Zimmerman police report site

George Zimmerman police report
George Zimmerman police report site

George Zimmerman police report
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George Zimmerman's 911 Call History

George Zimmerman's 911 Call History Site

48-page document released online by the city of Sanford, Florida showing George Zimmerman's history ... 10:02:46 Comments: AVE & I'ARK DR Buslness/Suhlnvis ... From: FM

George Zimmerman's 911 Call History
George Zimmerman's 911 Call History Site

48-page document released online by the city of Sanford, Florida showing George Zimmerman's history ... 10:02:46 Comments: AVE & I'ARK DR Buslness/Suhlnvis ... From: FM

George Zimmerman's 911 Call History
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George Zimmerman-Court Documents -- State vs. George Zimmerman court documents

George Zimmerman-Court Documents Site

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George Zimmerman-Court Documents Site

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Zimmerman Probable Cause Document (2)

Zimmerman Probable Cause Document (2)

Zimmerman Probable Cause Document (2)

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George Zimmerman Neighbors Complained About Aggressive Tactics Before Trayvon Martin Killing

A volunteer community watch captain who shot an unarmed Florida teenager to death last month had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics, a homeowner said.

A Closer Look At George Zimmerman
A volunteer community watch captain who shot an unarmed Florida teenager to death last month had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics, a homeowner said.

A Closer Look At George Zimmerman
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The Trayvon Martin case: Why Frank Taaffe is as scary as George Zimmerman

April 3, 2012 UPDATE 07/22/2012, please see end of post, as well as the new post.
Okay reader, this post is going to be so far from my usual subject matter that even my one and only may not read it. However, it does relate to science in the media as the subject matter covers sociological issues that are finally being highlighted since the tragedy of Trayvon Martin’s death. Anyway, I simply
April 3, 2012 UPDATE 07/22/2012, please see end of post, as well as the new post.
Okay reader, this post is going to be so far from my usual subject matter that even my one and only may not read it. However, it does relate to science in the media as the subject matter covers sociological issues that are finally being highlighted since the tragedy of Trayvon Martin’s death. Anyway, I simply
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Zimmerman supporters say he was protecting neighborhood

Frank Taaffe
April 03, 2012|By the CNN Wire StaffA neighbor and friend of George Zimmerman's said Tuesday on CNN that their neighborhood had suffered eight burglaries, all committed by young black men, in the 15 months prior to Trayvon Martin's shooting.

Frank Taaffe's account paints a picture of a neighborhood watch volunteer making rounds in a community suffering a spate of burglaries

Frank Taaffe
April 03, 2012|By the CNN Wire StaffA neighbor and friend of George Zimmerman's said Tuesday on CNN that their neighborhood had suffered eight burglaries, all committed by young black men, in the 15 months prior to Trayvon Martin's shooting.

Frank Taaffe's account paints a picture of a neighborhood watch volunteer making rounds in a community suffering a spate of burglaries
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Orlando Watch Shooting Probe Reveals Questionable Police Conduct

by MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) and SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc) ORLANDO, Fla., March 13, 2012ABC News has uncovered questionable police conduct in the investigation of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white neighborhood watch captain in Florida, including the alleged "correction" of at least one eyewitness' account.
Sanford Police Chief Billy Lee said there is

by MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) and SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc) ORLANDO, Fla., March 13, 2012ABC News has uncovered questionable police conduct in the investigation of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white neighborhood watch captain in Florida, including the alleged "correction" of at least one eyewitness' account.
Sanford Police Chief Billy Lee said there is
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New Account: Zimmerman Told Cops Trayvon’s Last Words Were ‘Okay, You Got It’

Zimmerman Blows It
The man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin has a
whole new set of problems after the court found out
he lied at his bond hearing, writes Mansfield Frazier.
by Mansfield Frazier

In exclusive reporting from Sanford, Fla., Aram Roston offers a new inside account of what Zimmerman told police after the shooting. Plus, read Jelani Cobb on what got Zimmerman charged.


Zimmerman Blows It
The man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin has a
whole new set of problems after the court found out
he lied at his bond hearing, writes Mansfield Frazier.
by Mansfield Frazier

In exclusive reporting from Sanford, Fla., Aram Roston offers a new inside account of what Zimmerman told police after the shooting. Plus, read Jelani Cobb on what got Zimmerman charged.

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CLICK HERE to download the pdf manual file

Pg 25. Community members only serve as the extra “eyes and ears” of law enforcement. They should report their observations of suspicious activities to law enforcement; however, citizens should never try to take action on those observations. Trained law enforcement should be the only ones ever to take action based on observations of suspicious activities
CLICK HERE to download the pdf manual file

Pg 25. Community members only serve as the extra “eyes and ears” of law enforcement. They should report their observations of suspicious activities to law enforcement; however, citizens should never try to take action on those observations. Trained law enforcement should be the only ones ever to take action based on observations of suspicious activities
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These are the charges: -- The warrant for Zimmerman

COUNT 1: MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE — In the County of Seminole, State of Florida, on Frebruary 26, 2012, George Zimmerman, did unlawfully and by an act imminently dangerous to another, and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, kill Trayvon Martin, a human being under the age of eighteen, by
COUNT 1: MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE — In the County of Seminole, State of Florida, on Frebruary 26, 2012, George Zimmerman, did unlawfully and by an act imminently dangerous to another, and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, kill Trayvon Martin, a human being under the age of eighteen, by
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Trayvon Killing Eyewitness On CNN: I Offered To Show Police Scene Of The Crime, They Declined

Ashleigh Banfield, substituting in for Anderson Cooper tonight, spoke to an anonymous eyewitness to the death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman about what she saw that night. She had already spoken out anonymously, but she came forward today with more information. She revealed that after the police brought her in for questioning, she offered to bring them to the scene of the crime and
Ashleigh Banfield, substituting in for Anderson Cooper tonight, spoke to an anonymous eyewitness to the death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman about what she saw that night. She had already spoken out anonymously, but she came forward today with more information. She revealed that after the police brought her in for questioning, she offered to bring them to the scene of the crime and
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Zimmerman's Police Call history

Read Zimmerman's police call history here
Read Zimmerman's police call history here
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Timeline of Events George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin

Here's an interesting blog post:

Here's an interesting blog post:
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Franke Taaffe’s DAMNING crime scene walkthrough

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Frank Taaffe Believes George Zimmerman Will Be 'Exonerated'


So, where does Frank Taaffe live? 1460 Retreat View Sanford, FL…

Would you take route option 1 or 2 below if you wanted to enter the gated community (that reportedly locked at 7 pm while Trayvon was out getting Skittles and Iced Tea) as soon as possible to avoid the rain? Either option would make a real suspicious guy acting like he’s on drugs walking about in the rain


So, where does Frank Taaffe live? 1460 Retreat View Sanford, FL…

Would you take route option 1 or 2 below if you wanted to enter the gated community (that reportedly locked at 7 pm while Trayvon was out getting Skittles and Iced Tea) as soon as possible to avoid the rain? Either option would make a real suspicious guy acting like he’s on drugs walking about in the rain
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Update from 4/20 – UNDER OATH, Zimmerman addressed the court today and says he didn’t know how old Trayvon was:

George Zimmerman under oath

George Zimmerman "I didn't know how old he was".

George Zimmerman under oath

George Zimmerman "I didn't know how old he was".

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Trayvon Martin shooting witness breaks silence

An eyewitness provides details about what was heard and seen before and after George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. FROM THE SITE CNN

An eyewitness provides details about what was heard and seen before and after George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. FROM THE SITE CNN

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Trayvon Martin Killing's Youngest Witness, 13, Still Can Hear The Screams

Austin McLendon, 13, stands at the spot where he was
the night of Feb. 26, when about 20 yards away, George
Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, in a grassy
patch behind the townhouse where McLendon lives with
his family. McLendon said he cannot shake the memory
of screams and gunfire he heard that night.
Brown said in hindsight she feels the police investigator on the case

Austin McLendon, 13, stands at the spot where he was
the night of Feb. 26, when about 20 yards away, George
Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin, in a grassy
patch behind the townhouse where McLendon lives with
his family. McLendon said he cannot shake the memory
of screams and gunfire he heard that night.
Brown said in hindsight she feels the police investigator on the case
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Tampa Bay News About The Retreat At Twin Lakes

A memorial to Trayvon Martin, 17, is attached to a
street sign outside the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford.
George Zimmerman, 28, moved into the Retreat in the summer of 2009 with his wife, Shellie. Records show he worked at a pressure-washing company, though neighbors said they never saw a truck.

Right away, he started calling the police. The 911 operators translated his complaints

A memorial to Trayvon Martin, 17, is attached to a
street sign outside the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford.
George Zimmerman, 28, moved into the Retreat in the summer of 2009 with his wife, Shellie. Records show he worked at a pressure-washing company, though neighbors said they never saw a truck.

Right away, he started calling the police. The 911 operators translated his complaints
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Update from 4/17 (I received it 4/9) – A map based on witness location AND description was submitted by visitor Tchoupi Caillou…

2831 Retreat View Circle is on the Property Appraiser of Seminole County under Selma. This also is the 2nd address given by dispatcher to help police Officers locate the crime scene.
1211 Twin Trees Lane pops up when you google Jeremy in the Twin Trees or Retreat View. He seem to have a home business. Jeremy is also the name called out in the earliest 911 call. He was basically instructed to
2831 Retreat View Circle is on the Property Appraiser of Seminole County under Selma. This also is the 2nd address given by dispatcher to help police Officers locate the crime scene.
1211 Twin Trees Lane pops up when you google Jeremy in the Twin Trees or Retreat View. He seem to have a home business. Jeremy is also the name called out in the earliest 911 call. He was basically instructed to
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Update from 4/2 - A map including times from Zimmerman’s 911 call:

“Why did Trayvon run when he did around the 2:08 mark of Zimmerman’s 911 call?”
If my new map is correct, Zimmerman was still in his parked truck facing west by the cut through, watching Trayvon in his rearview mirrors, talking to 911 about how “these assholes always get away,” giving absolutely HORRIBLE directions to his location, and then Trayvon runs.
So, what made Trayvon run around the 2
“Why did Trayvon run when he did around the 2:08 mark of Zimmerman’s 911 call?”
If my new map is correct, Zimmerman was still in his parked truck facing west by the cut through, watching Trayvon in his rearview mirrors, talking to 911 about how “these assholes always get away,” giving absolutely HORRIBLE directions to his location, and then Trayvon runs.
So, what made Trayvon run around the 2
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A view from the Crawdad hole blog

I used to make my living going over police reports and evidence. So that’s what I’m gonna do today. Here is the Initial Shooting Report provided by the Sanford Police Department. It is only a partial report made by the first two responding officers. It does not include the detective’s report or any forensics/autopsy information.
Let’s start with the basics. Sanford, Florida is an
I used to make my living going over police reports and evidence. So that’s what I’m gonna do today. Here is the Initial Shooting Report provided by the Sanford Police Department. It is only a partial report made by the first two responding officers. It does not include the detective’s report or any forensics/autopsy information.
Let’s start with the basics. Sanford, Florida is an
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An early map showing the speculated routes of TM and GZ

This map shows an earlier hypothesis before the evidence dump.
The story can be read Here

This map shows an earlier hypothesis before the evidence dump.
The story can be read Here
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Map: Overview of trip to 711

This map shows the location and a path from where Trayvon Martin was staying to the 711.
This route uses the front gate and not the cut through shortcut near Frank Taaffe's house.
(Link will open in new window because the map is large) CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE MAP
From the blog
This map shows the location and a path from where Trayvon Martin was staying to the 711.
This route uses the front gate and not the cut through shortcut near Frank Taaffe's house.
(Link will open in new window because the map is large) CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE MAP
From the blog
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The krotty lions

Here are the krotty lions - real dangerous creatures... And don't forget, never, ever let the size fool you!

Feel free to check out the Martial Arts Humor page on Facebook, found here. A 'like is always appreciated :-)'
Here are the krotty lions - real dangerous creatures... And don't forget, never, ever let the size fool you!

Feel free to check out the Martial Arts Humor page on Facebook, found here. A 'like is always appreciated :-)'
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Classical Tsuki Waza (Uchina Nu Chichidi)

This is merely my personal understanding of "old style" tsuki waza (Uchina nu chichidi [Okinawa no tsuki-te])
based mainly on the techniques passed on via the Machimura Suidi lineage
of Soken Hohan shinshi but it has also been informed by training in other
"old style" Okinawan systems. I do not claim to be an authority on body
mechanics, but I do believe all the information in this article is
This is merely my personal understanding of "old style" tsuki waza (Uchina nu chichidi [Okinawa no tsuki-te])
based mainly on the techniques passed on via the Machimura Suidi lineage
of Soken Hohan shinshi but it has also been informed by training in other
"old style" Okinawan systems. I do not claim to be an authority on body
mechanics, but I do believe all the information in this article is
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Bruce Eee, kung fu sound effects

Oh man, those hilarious kung-fu movie sound effects - cracks me up every time. Bruce Eeee for sure! :-)

Just to be clear - this is not late great Bruce Lee of course. Here we're talking about the not so great Bruce Li...
Oh man, those hilarious kung-fu movie sound effects - cracks me up every time. Bruce Eeee for sure! :-)

Just to be clear - this is not late great Bruce Lee of course. Here we're talking about the not so great Bruce Li...
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The Essence of Goju Ryu - Vol 1

I purchased my copy of _The Essence of Goju Ryu - Vol 1_
about a year ago and the book is already tattered. This is not because the book
was poorly constructed (it is well constructed for a paperback and uses quality
paper). The reason it is in tatters is that it has received more use than many
of my books receive in a decade. This post is an attempt at explaining this
frequent use. The

I purchased my copy of _The Essence of Goju Ryu - Vol 1_
about a year ago and the book is already tattered. This is not because the book
was poorly constructed (it is well constructed for a paperback and uses quality
paper). The reason it is in tatters is that it has received more use than many
of my books receive in a decade. This post is an attempt at explaining this
frequent use. The
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Confuse-Us speaks #26

BJJ - Illustration from
Before we go on to the subject of being confused - I'd like to remind you all about the new Martial Arts News site. Check it out!

The site/blog you're on right now will definitely be updated from time to time, but not as regularly as before. The main attention is going to be on the new site as far as martial arts news stuff is concerned.

Any way, lets bring master Confuse-Us on...

Silly me, I thought BJJ was a part of mixed martial arts/MMA, but hey, what do I know... At least this online article apparently states otherwise.
Chef Marc Vetri likes to fight. "As a chef you have to have an outlet to let off some steam," he says. Nearly two years ago, Mr. Vetri took up Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a mixed-martial art that focuses on ground fighting and self-defense.
"Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a mixed-martial art"... Okay... We all learn something as we go along I guess.
BJJ - Illustration from
Before we go on to the subject of being confused - I'd like to remind you all about the new Martial Arts News site. Check it out!

The site/blog you're on right now will definitely be updated from time to time, but not as regularly as before. The main attention is going to be on the new site as far as martial arts news stuff is concerned.

Any way, lets bring master Confuse-Us on...

Silly me, I thought BJJ was a part of mixed martial arts/MMA, but hey, what do I know... At least this online article apparently states otherwise.
Chef Marc Vetri likes to fight. "As a chef you have to have an outlet to let off some steam," he says. Nearly two years ago, Mr. Vetri took up Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a mixed-martial art that focuses on ground fighting and self-defense.
"Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a mixed-martial art"... Okay... We all learn something as we go along I guess.
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Ninja vs MMA

Well, not ninja vs MMA for real obviously. It's a fun Nexus commercial featuring non other than Georges St-Pierre fighting ninja. Don't see much of his MMA skills though... :-)
Well, not ninja vs MMA for real obviously. It's a fun Nexus commercial featuring non other than Georges St-Pierre fighting ninja. Don't see much of his MMA skills though... :-)
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Jiu-jitsu choke demo

Here's an "oh sh**" moment during a jiu-jitsu choke demo - could we possibly file this under the martial arts fail category?

Wonder if the uke (the guy getting choked) is too polite or respectful to tap...
Here's an "oh sh**" moment during a jiu-jitsu choke demo - could we possibly file this under the martial arts fail category?

Wonder if the uke (the guy getting choked) is too polite or respectful to tap...
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A Neurophysiological Approach to Kyusho (急所)

I first started looking into the neurology and physiology related to
kyusho(1) around 1985. By around 1993 I had formulated a rough outline of what I
felt might serve as (the beginnings of) a neurophysiological approach to

These are the topics I believe may provide the
best neurophysiological explanation for the effect of kyusho strikes.
I've divided them into

I first started looking into the neurology and physiology related to
kyusho(1) around 1985. By around 1993 I had formulated a rough outline of what I
felt might serve as (the beginnings of) a neurophysiological approach to

These are the topics I believe may provide the
best neurophysiological explanation for the effect of kyusho strikes.
I've divided them into
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MMA ref lost his cool

MMA referee - Illustration from
First off, I briefly want to remind you all to check out our new site regarding martial arts news related stuff, found here.

Any feedback and comments - positive or negative - is highly appreciated.

Upwards and inwards... Apparently a MMA ref lost his cool when a cornerman got angry about his fighter losing an amateur bout in

Here's what has to say about the incident - do remember to check out the whole piece.
The rise of Mixed Martial Arts fighting across this fair nation has spurned the creation of many smaller MMA events that pit rogue fighters against each other.These matches resemble more along the lines of street fights than MMA matches but occasionally you see something that makes the fight worth the watch. Check out this MMA referee trying to calm down this corner man after a knockout of his fighter at a small event in Texas.

And here's a video of the knockdown:

MMA referee - Illustration from
First off, I briefly want to remind you all to check out our new site regarding martial arts news related stuff, found here.

Any feedback and comments - positive or negative - is highly appreciated.

Upwards and inwards... Apparently a MMA ref lost his cool when a cornerman got angry about his fighter losing an amateur bout in

Here's what has to say about the incident - do remember to check out the whole piece.
The rise of Mixed Martial Arts fighting across this fair nation has spurned the creation of many smaller MMA events that pit rogue fighters against each other.These matches resemble more along the lines of street fights than MMA matches but occasionally you see something that makes the fight worth the watch. Check out this MMA referee trying to calm down this corner man after a knockout of his fighter at a small event in Texas.

And here's a video of the knockdown:

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A Brief Outline of Okinawan Kiko (沖縄気功)

© 2012 Ryan Parker

Daruma: putative creator of the Kiko method of the Ekkin-kyo

Kiko techniques are Okinawan exercises used in "old
style" karate. They are essentially the Ryukyu version of Qi-Gong
(chi-gung). In fact, Kiko is the Japanese pronunciation of the same characters
( 気功).
Some Okinawan instructors have retained
the use of the older Chinese pronunciation while others

© 2012 Ryan Parker

Daruma: putative creator of the Kiko method of the Ekkin-kyo

Kiko techniques are Okinawan exercises used in "old
style" karate. They are essentially the Ryukyu version of Qi-Gong
(chi-gung). In fact, Kiko is the Japanese pronunciation of the same characters
( 気功).
Some Okinawan instructors have retained
the use of the older Chinese pronunciation while others
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Oyata shinshi has passed but his legacy lives on

I was profoundly saddened to be informed by two different people that Oyata shinshi has passed away. A truly great light has been snuffed out. This loss is compounded by that of Logue shinshi's passing less than a year ago. While their flames no longer shine , they lit many candles on their journey through life. Those candles continue to burn and they shed light for us all.

I feel real sense

I was profoundly saddened to be informed by two different people that Oyata shinshi has passed away. A truly great light has been snuffed out. This loss is compounded by that of Logue shinshi's passing less than a year ago. While their flames no longer shine , they lit many candles on their journey through life. Those candles continue to burn and they shed light for us all.

I feel real sense
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MMA is not gay

As we all know - mixed martial arts not gay - and here's video proof.
As we all know - mixed martial arts not gay - and here's video proof.
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Coach allegedly assaulted boys

 Old painting - Illustration from Wikipedia
Police in Taiwan reports that at least 12 boys have been assaulted sexually by a trainer teaching judo and softball at local schools.

The man, called "Daddy Hu", allegedly also claims to be a pastor. He is believed to have targeted victims from impoverished families.

Below is an excerpt of the original article from

Coach allegedly assaulted boys

A Taiwanese man who coached softball and judo at schools has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting at least 12 boys, police said Tuesday.
The man, identified only by his surname Hu, was taken into custody late Monday after the parents of some of the boys discovered obscene messages on his Facebook page and turned him in, police said.
Hu, who also claimed to be a pastor and was nicknamed “Daddy Hu” by some students, was suspected of sexually assaulting at least a dozen boys in several elementary and junior high schools in Taipei, an initial probe found.
 Old painting - Illustration from Wikipedia
Police in Taiwan reports that at least 12 boys have been assaulted sexually by a trainer teaching judo and softball at local schools.

The man, called "Daddy Hu", allegedly also claims to be a pastor. He is believed to have targeted victims from impoverished families.

Below is an excerpt of the original article from

Coach allegedly assaulted boys

A Taiwanese man who coached softball and judo at schools has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting at least 12 boys, police said Tuesday.
The man, identified only by his surname Hu, was taken into custody late Monday after the parents of some of the boys discovered obscene messages on his Facebook page and turned him in, police said.
Hu, who also claimed to be a pastor and was nicknamed “Daddy Hu” by some students, was suspected of sexually assaulting at least a dozen boys in several elementary and junior high schools in Taipei, an initial probe found.
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Misc blog posts errata

Links to Sites Created by Commenters Regarding the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman Shootingby "No Longer Mass Emailing"
From Tchoupi -- Includes a witness map, breakdown of Zimmerman's multiple statements, clubhouse camera and weather analysis, etc

Links to Sites Created by Commenters Regarding the Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman Shootingby "No Longer Mass Emailing"
From Tchoupi -- Includes a witness map, breakdown of Zimmerman's multiple statements, clubhouse camera and weather analysis, etc
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Time line posts collected from blogs

Here I'm scraping blogs for posts by credible posters (one's doing research and posting either cites, maps or other data analysis, that shows they're digging in deep). Keep an eye here because I'll be adding posts as I find them.

Was “John” wearing a white tshirt as 911 caller #3 noted? You guessed it — caller #3 was “John’s
Here I'm scraping blogs for posts by credible posters (one's doing research and posting either cites, maps or other data analysis, that shows they're digging in deep). Keep an eye here because I'll be adding posts as I find them.

Was “John” wearing a white tshirt as 911 caller #3 noted? You guessed it — caller #3 was “John’s
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Fighter arrested for DUI

"Bones" Jones - From
A well-known MMA fighter arrested for DUI (drunk driving)? Apparently so, according to

It appears that non other than Jon (Bones) Jones, reigning UFC light-heavyweight champion, is in trouble with authorities after crashing his car and being arrested by police.

If this turns out to be true, then it is indeed bad news for someone who was considered somewhat of a role model.
Jones' management confirmed in a release that the 24-year-old mixed martial arts champion was arrested early Saturday in Binghamton, N.Y., at around 5 a.m.
Jones manager Malki Kawa issued this release: "I can confirm that Jon Jones was arrested early this morning on suspicion of DUI. While the facts of this situation are still being gathered and situated, First Round Management fully supports Jon, and we are asking for fans and media to respect the privacy of Jon and his family during this time."

"Bones" Jones - From
A well-known MMA fighter arrested for DUI (drunk driving)? Apparently so, according to

It appears that non other than Jon (Bones) Jones, reigning UFC light-heavyweight champion, is in trouble with authorities after crashing his car and being arrested by police.

If this turns out to be true, then it is indeed bad news for someone who was considered somewhat of a role model.
Jones' management confirmed in a release that the 24-year-old mixed martial arts champion was arrested early Saturday in Binghamton, N.Y., at around 5 a.m.
Jones manager Malki Kawa issued this release: "I can confirm that Jon Jones was arrested early this morning on suspicion of DUI. While the facts of this situation are still being gathered and situated, First Round Management fully supports Jon, and we are asking for fans and media to respect the privacy of Jon and his family during this time."

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Former karate world champ jailed

Karate - Illustration by
There's quite a bit of an uproar - and quite understandably so if I might add - when a British former karate world champion recently received a lean 30-month jail sentence after he was found guilty of sexual related crimes towards children.

You should definitely click over to Bournemouth Echo and read the whole story for yourself ... if you have the stomach for it.

Former karate world champ jailed

A former world karate champion from Poole who committed a string of sexual offences has been jailed for 30 months.
Triple world number one Tim Stephens, 50, will be released in less than half that time after pleading guilty to a total of 43 charges, in which he assaulted a woman in her sleep, groomed a teenage girl online and hoarded vast numbers of indecent photos, Bournemouth Crown Court heard.
But his former partner told the Daily Echo: "I'm disgusted with the sentence. I thought he should get at least five years."
It appears that the judge has paid more attention to the defendant than the victims in this case.

And by all means, feel free to chime in below. What's your opinion on the issue?
Karate - Illustration by
There's quite a bit of an uproar - and quite understandably so if I might add - when a British former karate world champion recently received a lean 30-month jail sentence after he was found guilty of sexual related crimes towards children.

You should definitely click over to Bournemouth Echo and read the whole story for yourself ... if you have the stomach for it.

Former karate world champ jailed

A former world karate champion from Poole who committed a string of sexual offences has been jailed for 30 months.
Triple world number one Tim Stephens, 50, will be released in less than half that time after pleading guilty to a total of 43 charges, in which he assaulted a woman in her sleep, groomed a teenage girl online and hoarded vast numbers of indecent photos, Bournemouth Crown Court heard.
But his former partner told the Daily Echo: "I'm disgusted with the sentence. I thought he should get at least five years."
It appears that the judge has paid more attention to the defendant than the victims in this case.

And by all means, feel free to chime in below. What's your opinion on the issue?
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Seidokan Toide (tuidi)

The Seidokan system of tuidi (usually spelled "Toide" in Seidokan, but also commonly spelled tuite) is more or less directly derived from the tuidi of Motobu Udundi. Seidokan is well known for openly teaching tuidi. In fact, I believe that Toma Shian shinshi may have been the first Okinawan instructor to openly teach Westerners the art of tuidi.

I personally find Seidokan tuidi to be extremely
The Seidokan system of tuidi (usually spelled "Toide" in Seidokan, but also commonly spelled tuite) is more or less directly derived from the tuidi of Motobu Udundi. Seidokan is well known for openly teaching tuidi. In fact, I believe that Toma Shian shinshi may have been the first Okinawan instructor to openly teach Westerners the art of tuidi.

I personally find Seidokan tuidi to be extremely
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Former ju jitsu coach indicted

Jujutsu - From
A 20-year-old Woburn, Massachusetts man was arrested in February 2012 and presented with child pornography charges.

The suspect - a ju jitsu instructor, Little League coach and a part-time employee at a church in Winchester - was indicted on the child pornography charges by a Middlesex County grand jury in april 2012.

It was later said he was a jiu-jitsu instructor, but that is apparently not correct. You probably shouldn't blame reporters for not knowing the difference between Small Circle ju jitsu and jiu-jitsu?

Below is an excerpt from the article posted in - you can read the full article here.
A Woburn man was indicted on child pornography charges by a Middlesex County grand jury today, reported Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone Thursday afternoon.
Raymond McAllister, 20, of Woburn, was indicted on charges of child enticement, dissemination of matter harmful to a minor, possession of child pornography, and posing a child in a state of sexual conduct.
A former Woburn Little League coach, jiu jitsu instructor and volunteer at St. Mary's Bible Camp in Winchester, McAllister was in Woburn District Court on these charges in February. But, due to the "serious" nature of the charges, the district attorney's office chose to move the case to Superior Court.
Feel free to comment below. Also remember to tweet and share the content. Finally, please check out our other news related site, Best Martial Arts News here.
Jujutsu - From
A 20-year-old Woburn, Massachusetts man was arrested in February 2012 and presented with child pornography charges.

The suspect - a ju jitsu instructor, Little League coach and a part-time employee at a church in Winchester - was indicted on the child pornography charges by a Middlesex County grand jury in april 2012.

It was later said he was a jiu-jitsu instructor, but that is apparently not correct. You probably shouldn't blame reporters for not knowing the difference between Small Circle ju jitsu and jiu-jitsu?

Below is an excerpt from the article posted in - you can read the full article here.
A Woburn man was indicted on child pornography charges by a Middlesex County grand jury today, reported Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone Thursday afternoon.
Raymond McAllister, 20, of Woburn, was indicted on charges of child enticement, dissemination of matter harmful to a minor, possession of child pornography, and posing a child in a state of sexual conduct.
A former Woburn Little League coach, jiu jitsu instructor and volunteer at St. Mary's Bible Camp in Winchester, McAllister was in Woburn District Court on these charges in February. But, due to the "serious" nature of the charges, the district attorney's office chose to move the case to Superior Court.
Feel free to comment below. Also remember to tweet and share the content. Finally, please check out our other news related site, Best Martial Arts News here.
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Accused, kung fu instructor

Kung fu - Illustration from
Since California have a one-strike rule in molestation cases where multiple victims are involved, a 36-year-old kung fu instructor may be facing life imprisonment. The suspect was arrested in March 2012.

The instructor, who operated in San Mateo between 1999 and 2011 is apparently accused of inappropriately touching two young girls (aged 9 and 11). Both alleged victims were kung fu students.

Here's and excerpt of what has to say about the on-going case.
Wong worked at Tat Wong Kung Fu on 43rd Avenue in San Mateo between 1999 and 2011. Prosecutors say he fondled two girls, ages 9 and 11, at different times between August 2010 and October 2011. The girls do not know each other but are very similar in age and appearance, according to San Mateo police.
In the first instance, Wong allegedly took the girl upstairs at the studio and touched her breasts and buttocks. The girl reported the incident but the lack of corroboration led to no prosecution. In October 2011, the second girl reported an identical touching incident upstairs at the studio.
Feel free to comment on the case below or post any updates if you have any!
Kung fu - Illustration from
Since California have a one-strike rule in molestation cases where multiple victims are involved, a 36-year-old kung fu instructor may be facing life imprisonment. The suspect was arrested in March 2012.

The instructor, who operated in San Mateo between 1999 and 2011 is apparently accused of inappropriately touching two young girls (aged 9 and 11). Both alleged victims were kung fu students.

Here's and excerpt of what has to say about the on-going case.
Wong worked at Tat Wong Kung Fu on 43rd Avenue in San Mateo between 1999 and 2011. Prosecutors say he fondled two girls, ages 9 and 11, at different times between August 2010 and October 2011. The girls do not know each other but are very similar in age and appearance, according to San Mateo police.
In the first instance, Wong allegedly took the girl upstairs at the studio and touched her breasts and buttocks. The girl reported the incident but the lack of corroboration led to no prosecution. In October 2011, the second girl reported an identical touching incident upstairs at the studio.
Feel free to comment on the case below or post any updates if you have any!
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MMA fights at home

Fighting - Illustration from
It appears that some folks have decided to take things a step further (and way too far) by staging MMA fights at home.

Yup, there are apparently combat arts fans who perhaps sees mixed martial arts fights as a great way to get some action right there in their living room.

Here's an excerpt of what reports about privately held MMA matches in Florida.

MMA fights at home

A Lee County family is accused of hosting unlicensed fights.Lee County Sheriff's deputies arrested Angela Harrison, 36, Brandon Harrison, 27, and Gauge Ford, 17, for staging Mixed Martial Arts style fights on the 1400 block of Hightower Avenue South in Lehigh Acres.Lee County detectives were able to confirm allegations of illegal fights by finding Facebook videos capturing juveniles and young adults engaging in full contact fighting. Detectives with the help of a school resource officer at East Lee County High School were able to identify some of the people in the videos.
Perhaps the family thought this would be a good way to make a few extra bucks. In any case, not the smartest martial arts move to pull off.
Fighting - Illustration from
It appears that some folks have decided to take things a step further (and way too far) by staging MMA fights at home.

Yup, there are apparently combat arts fans who perhaps sees mixed martial arts fights as a great way to get some action right there in their living room.

Here's an excerpt of what reports about privately held MMA matches in Florida.

MMA fights at home

A Lee County family is accused of hosting unlicensed fights.Lee County Sheriff's deputies arrested Angela Harrison, 36, Brandon Harrison, 27, and Gauge Ford, 17, for staging Mixed Martial Arts style fights on the 1400 block of Hightower Avenue South in Lehigh Acres.Lee County detectives were able to confirm allegations of illegal fights by finding Facebook videos capturing juveniles and young adults engaging in full contact fighting. Detectives with the help of a school resource officer at East Lee County High School were able to identify some of the people in the videos.
Perhaps the family thought this would be a good way to make a few extra bucks. In any case, not the smartest martial arts move to pull off.
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More MMA fighters in trouble

The octagon - Illustration from
Yup, we have more MMA fighters in trouble.

It may certainly appear that mixed martial arts fighters are in a league of their own - for better or worse.

Not only do we have top level athletes being caught using steroids at an almost alarming rate - there is also lots of stuff going on elsewhere...

In New Mexico, a fighter apparently looking for trouble got himself into a brawl at a swimming pool, according to

He reportedly ended up critically injured after being knocked out cold with one single punch to the head.

Then you have the former MMA-fighter in Hawaii who recently have been found guilty of murder and sexual assault. have the full report about this nice fellow, who also have a prior felony conviction and two pending assault cases "under his belt".

And let us not forget "The Noodle", a 35-year-old firefighter from L.A, who' also moonlighting as a mixed martial arts fighter, according to

He is being accused of worker's compensation fraud after filing false workers' compensation insurance claims while he was participating in MMA fights.
The octagon - Illustration from
Yup, we have more MMA fighters in trouble.

It may certainly appear that mixed martial arts fighters are in a league of their own - for better or worse.

Not only do we have top level athletes being caught using steroids at an almost alarming rate - there is also lots of stuff going on elsewhere...

In New Mexico, a fighter apparently looking for trouble got himself into a brawl at a swimming pool, according to

He reportedly ended up critically injured after being knocked out cold with one single punch to the head.

Then you have the former MMA-fighter in Hawaii who recently have been found guilty of murder and sexual assault. have the full report about this nice fellow, who also have a prior felony conviction and two pending assault cases "under his belt".

And let us not forget "The Noodle", a 35-year-old firefighter from L.A, who' also moonlighting as a mixed martial arts fighter, according to

He is being accused of worker's compensation fraud after filing false workers' compensation insurance claims while he was participating in MMA fights.
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Tae kwon do instructor charged

Tae kwon do - Illustration from
From Illinois, reports about another one of these rotten apples within he martial arts community.

A 36-year-old taekwondo teacher and soccer coach is accused of allegedly abusing boys sexually.

There are reportedly more than one victim in this case. One boy was supposedly 10 years when the abuse started in 2005.

Tae kwon do instructor charged

A 36-year-old soccer coach and tae kwon do instructor from Cicero was ordered held in lieu of $1 million bail today after being charged with sex crimes that involved minors, authorities said.
Hugo E. Davila was arrested at his home on Wednesday evening and charged with one count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and one count of criminal sexual assault, according to Cook County State's Attorney spokesman Andy Conklin.
Davila also was charged with one count of resisting arrest for allegedly injuring a Cicero police officer during the execution of a search warrant at Davila's home, officials said.
The nutcase apparently assaulted officers during a search at his home? Seems like a nice individual for sure...

Anyone out there with more information about this case - any sentiments perhaps? If so, then you're always welcome to post comments below.
Tae kwon do - Illustration from
From Illinois, reports about another one of these rotten apples within he martial arts community.

A 36-year-old taekwondo teacher and soccer coach is accused of allegedly abusing boys sexually.

There are reportedly more than one victim in this case. One boy was supposedly 10 years when the abuse started in 2005.

Tae kwon do instructor charged

A 36-year-old soccer coach and tae kwon do instructor from Cicero was ordered held in lieu of $1 million bail today after being charged with sex crimes that involved minors, authorities said.
Hugo E. Davila was arrested at his home on Wednesday evening and charged with one count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and one count of criminal sexual assault, according to Cook County State's Attorney spokesman Andy Conklin.
Davila also was charged with one count of resisting arrest for allegedly injuring a Cicero police officer during the execution of a search warrant at Davila's home, officials said.
The nutcase apparently assaulted officers during a search at his home? Seems like a nice individual for sure...

Anyone out there with more information about this case - any sentiments perhaps? If so, then you're always welcome to post comments below.
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kung fu instructor

Kung fu - Illustration from
A Texas based kung fu instuctor has been found guilty and sentenced to eight years in jail recently, according to You can read an excerpt below and get the whole article here.

Just want to mention briefly that - although you can read about quite a number of these cases here - the vast majority of martial arts schools are very safe places in all respects, and that all but a very few martial arts instructors and teachers are hard working, trustworthy and decent people.

That said, it never hurts do use some due diligence when seeking out a suitable training facility for your child in your local area.

Kung fu instructor

On March 16, area resident Ricky Earl Anderson, 48 was sentenced by a Collin County jury to eight years in prison for sexual assault of a child following a jury trial in the 199th District Court of Collin County announced Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis Friday. The trial began on March 12 and concluded March 16.
Anderson, a kung fu instructor, sexually assaulted one of his female kung fu students in his Richardson apartment on Feb. 15, 2004. The victim was 15-years-old at the time of the crime, and under Texas law, a child under the age of 17 cannot consent to sexual contact with an adult. The victim out-cried to Garland Police Detective Curtis Hale in July 2007. Hale investigated the case and coordinated the filing of the case through the Richardson Police Department.
Testimony showed that Anderson, who had conducted many kung fu classes over the years, lived and, or taught kung fu in recent years in Garland, Frisco, McKinney, Richardson, Royce City, Las Vegas, and Ft. Worth.
The good thing is that these individuals are caught and brought to justice. The really sad part is of course that this stuff is allowed to happen in the first place.
Kung fu - Illustration from
A Texas based kung fu instuctor has been found guilty and sentenced to eight years in jail recently, according to You can read an excerpt below and get the whole article here.

Just want to mention briefly that - although you can read about quite a number of these cases here - the vast majority of martial arts schools are very safe places in all respects, and that all but a very few martial arts instructors and teachers are hard working, trustworthy and decent people.

That said, it never hurts do use some due diligence when seeking out a suitable training facility for your child in your local area.

Kung fu instructor

On March 16, area resident Ricky Earl Anderson, 48 was sentenced by a Collin County jury to eight years in prison for sexual assault of a child following a jury trial in the 199th District Court of Collin County announced Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis Friday. The trial began on March 12 and concluded March 16.
Anderson, a kung fu instructor, sexually assaulted one of his female kung fu students in his Richardson apartment on Feb. 15, 2004. The victim was 15-years-old at the time of the crime, and under Texas law, a child under the age of 17 cannot consent to sexual contact with an adult. The victim out-cried to Garland Police Detective Curtis Hale in July 2007. Hale investigated the case and coordinated the filing of the case through the Richardson Police Department.
Testimony showed that Anderson, who had conducted many kung fu classes over the years, lived and, or taught kung fu in recent years in Garland, Frisco, McKinney, Richardson, Royce City, Las Vegas, and Ft. Worth.
The good thing is that these individuals are caught and brought to justice. The really sad part is of course that this stuff is allowed to happen in the first place.
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MMA training kicked in

MMA fighters - Illustration from Flickr
A mixed martial arts trained college student and army vet have rightfully been hailed as somewhat of a hero after his MMA training kicked in and he took a robber down recently in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

GVSU college student Zack Thome stepped up and saved the day when a local business was robbed in broad daylight (10 in the morning) Thursday.

With all the negative press martial arts in general, and MMA in particular, gets from time to time, it is really nice to read about these kind of positive stories.

Here's what fox17online says about the incident

MMA training kicked in

The man that walked into Spike N' Mike's Party Store around 10:00 a.m. last Thursday morning, intending to rob the store, was charged Monday morning.
38-year-old Brandon Slanger was charged with assault with intent to commit an armed robbery, and being an habitual offender. Slanger's preliminary hearing is set for April 5, 2012.
Slanger didn't count on a vigilant, mixed-martial arts trained customer stepping in, however.
"I look at the cashier, I kind of know him, I come in there every day.  I whispered to him, I mouthed to him, 'Are you getting robbed right now?' He said, 'Yeah,' like really scared," said Zack Thome, the GVSU college student who tackled the suspect.
We definitely need more of these kind of inspirational stories. If you have any, then I'd really appreciate it if you took the time to share them!
MMA fighters - Illustration from Flickr
A mixed martial arts trained college student and army vet have rightfully been hailed as somewhat of a hero after his MMA training kicked in and he took a robber down recently in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

GVSU college student Zack Thome stepped up and saved the day when a local business was robbed in broad daylight (10 in the morning) Thursday.

With all the negative press martial arts in general, and MMA in particular, gets from time to time, it is really nice to read about these kind of positive stories.

Here's what fox17online says about the incident

MMA training kicked in

The man that walked into Spike N' Mike's Party Store around 10:00 a.m. last Thursday morning, intending to rob the store, was charged Monday morning.
38-year-old Brandon Slanger was charged with assault with intent to commit an armed robbery, and being an habitual offender. Slanger's preliminary hearing is set for April 5, 2012.
Slanger didn't count on a vigilant, mixed-martial arts trained customer stepping in, however.
"I look at the cashier, I kind of know him, I come in there every day.  I whispered to him, I mouthed to him, 'Are you getting robbed right now?' He said, 'Yeah,' like really scared," said Zack Thome, the GVSU college student who tackled the suspect.
We definitely need more of these kind of inspirational stories. If you have any, then I'd really appreciate it if you took the time to share them!
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Bad massage therapy

Massage - Illustration from
Apparently he provided some seriously twisted, bad massage therapy...

The Norwegian martial arts instructor, in his 60s and described by media as a martial arts expert, have been jailed after being found guilty of a sexual crime against a young female student, according to (The page is in Norwegian).

It appears that the man indicated he could release body blockages in his "massage clients" by having intercourse.

Bad massage therapy

In 2008, a martial arts instructor assaulted a young woman after he claimed sex could free her of bodily blockages.
The young woman visited his long time martial arts teacher in order to be treated with massage, heat and light. The court noted during sentencing that the "massage therapist" had abused his position of trust and authority as a martial arts figure to get customers for his dubious "treatment"
Another sneaky old martial arts bugger abusing his position - very sad and troubling indeed.
Massage - Illustration from
Apparently he provided some seriously twisted, bad massage therapy...

The Norwegian martial arts instructor, in his 60s and described by media as a martial arts expert, have been jailed after being found guilty of a sexual crime against a young female student, according to (The page is in Norwegian).

It appears that the man indicated he could release body blockages in his "massage clients" by having intercourse.

Bad massage therapy

In 2008, a martial arts instructor assaulted a young woman after he claimed sex could free her of bodily blockages.
The young woman visited his long time martial arts teacher in order to be treated with massage, heat and light. The court noted during sentencing that the "massage therapist" had abused his position of trust and authority as a martial arts figure to get customers for his dubious "treatment"
Another sneaky old martial arts bugger abusing his position - very sad and troubling indeed.
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MMA banned in Thailand

Muay Thai - Illustration from
Really, MMA banned in Thailand? It definitely appears to be the case, somethings which appears kind of odd in a country where the hard hitting fighters of Muay Thai are national heroes and the martial art - considered brutal by many - is the national sport.

Apparently mixed martial arts has been deemed to be 'too brutal' by the governing Thai sports authorities.

Makes me wonder if there isn't some form of political pressure behind this decision.

MMA banned in Thailand

Here's a small excerpt of what has to say about this kind of strange move.
SAT officials met this week to discuss whether holding an MMA event was lawful or not following a request from a private company and they finally agreed that under the 1999 boxing law, it is unlawful to stage an MMA event in Thailand.
"Organising a MMA event here would hurt the image of Muay Thai," Sakol said.
There have been two MMA events held in Bangkok and neither were approved by the SAT, according to Sakol. He said the SAT was asking the Interior Ministry's legal advisors to consider action against any MMA organisers.
"If you want to do this kind of business, you should do it in another country," Sakol said. "Organising MMA here could mislead the public into believing that Muay Thai is brutal."
So there you have it - apparently MMA is too brutal, but Muay Thai is OK. Weird logic if you ask me. What's your opinion?
Muay Thai - Illustration from
Really, MMA banned in Thailand? It definitely appears to be the case, somethings which appears kind of odd in a country where the hard hitting fighters of Muay Thai are national heroes and the martial art - considered brutal by many - is the national sport.

Apparently mixed martial arts has been deemed to be 'too brutal' by the governing Thai sports authorities.

Makes me wonder if there isn't some form of political pressure behind this decision.

MMA banned in Thailand

Here's a small excerpt of what has to say about this kind of strange move.
SAT officials met this week to discuss whether holding an MMA event was lawful or not following a request from a private company and they finally agreed that under the 1999 boxing law, it is unlawful to stage an MMA event in Thailand.
"Organising a MMA event here would hurt the image of Muay Thai," Sakol said.
There have been two MMA events held in Bangkok and neither were approved by the SAT, according to Sakol. He said the SAT was asking the Interior Ministry's legal advisors to consider action against any MMA organisers.
"If you want to do this kind of business, you should do it in another country," Sakol said. "Organising MMA here could mislead the public into believing that Muay Thai is brutal."
So there you have it - apparently MMA is too brutal, but Muay Thai is OK. Weird logic if you ask me. What's your opinion?
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Judo serial killer

Judo throw - Illustration from
Before anything else, remember to visit our newest martial arts news related site Best Martial Arts News.

You will find more news on that new site, while we'll of course also continue to maintain this blog here ... albeit somewhat less regularly.

The case about the judo serial killer is from and it's about a judo champion who's being accused of strangling 5 people to death in Honduras.

A judo serial killer

A martial arts expert who has been a fugitive from justice since May 2010 and is accused of strangling five people was arrested by Honduran police, authorities said Tuesday.
The spokesman for the prosecutor's office, Melvin Duarte, told Efe that Gandhi Espinal Raudales was arrested several days ago.
Don't know about you, but a judo champ who allegedly strangle people to death is a chilling thought indeed. What's your thoughts in this matter? Remember to comment below!
Judo throw - Illustration from
Before anything else, remember to visit our newest martial arts news related site Best Martial Arts News.

You will find more news on that new site, while we'll of course also continue to maintain this blog here ... albeit somewhat less regularly.

The case about the judo serial killer is from and it's about a judo champion who's being accused of strangling 5 people to death in Honduras.

A judo serial killer

A martial arts expert who has been a fugitive from justice since May 2010 and is accused of strangling five people was arrested by Honduran police, authorities said Tuesday.
The spokesman for the prosecutor's office, Melvin Duarte, told Efe that Gandhi Espinal Raudales was arrested several days ago.
Don't know about you, but a judo champ who allegedly strangle people to death is a chilling thought indeed. What's your thoughts in this matter? Remember to comment below!
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MMA license reinstated

MMA fighters - Image from
Well known MMA heavyweight fighter Josh Bartlett failed a drug test back in 2009.

Since then he have been fighting to get his California mixed martial arts license back.

Well, it now appears he's back into the game. It is said that the primary reason is that California "needs good fighters." reports:
Strikeforce heavyweight attraction and former PRIDE FC star Josh Barnett had his mixed martial arts (MMA) license reinstated today (March 5, 2012) during a special hearing in front of the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC).
But not without provisions.
"The Warmaster" must consent to "random biological fluid testing" at a time and place determined by the commission prior to his participation at any event held in the state of California.
MMA fighters - Image from
Well known MMA heavyweight fighter Josh Bartlett failed a drug test back in 2009.

Since then he have been fighting to get his California mixed martial arts license back.

Well, it now appears he's back into the game. It is said that the primary reason is that California "needs good fighters." reports:
Strikeforce heavyweight attraction and former PRIDE FC star Josh Barnett had his mixed martial arts (MMA) license reinstated today (March 5, 2012) during a special hearing in front of the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC).
But not without provisions.
"The Warmaster" must consent to "random biological fluid testing" at a time and place determined by the commission prior to his participation at any event held in the state of California.
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