
Words from Puga shihan has a story I urge you to read. It's a bout Cuba born karate master Felix Puga who continues to teach karate in Miami, Florida from his wheel chair.

I don't know the man, but to me, Puga shihan clearly exemplifies the very core of life and truth within the martial arts - an indomitable spirit.

He was paralyzed in a car accident but continues to run his karate school and care for his students just like they care for their sensei. Reading the article, you get a picture of the kind of respect Puga shihan gets in return from his students.

Like the story says: Now the master is sustained by his pupils.

"Two minutes ago I was a different person, just as the river is the same but changing every minute,'' Puga said. "I had many selves that have perished. But a new one is growing.''

This are words spoken by a true master, and you'd do well to listen to them. has a story I urge you to read. It's a bout Cuba born karate master Felix Puga who continues to teach karate in Miami, Florida from his wheel chair.

I don't know the man, but to me, Puga shihan clearly exemplifies the very core of life and truth within the martial arts - an indomitable spirit.

He was paralyzed in a car accident but continues to run his karate school and care for his students just like they care for their sensei. Reading the article, you get a picture of the kind of respect Puga shihan gets in return from his students.

Like the story says: Now the master is sustained by his pupils.

"Two minutes ago I was a different person, just as the river is the same but changing every minute,'' Puga said. "I had many selves that have perished. But a new one is growing.''

This are words spoken by a true master, and you'd do well to listen to them.

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